
King of Game decks [May 2019]

Duel Links King of Games decks, how to reach King of Games, tips for being a King of Games duelist.
update 01/06/2019
Season 40 DurationMay 1 - June 1

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Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck.

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To share your deck on this page, you will send GameA:

  • your IGN (In-game name)
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof
  • a small note to show how you use it/how it works in the meta (optional)

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Number of users per deck

Ancient Gear11
Archfiend Emperor1
Blue-Eyes Cosmo12
Buster Blader DNA Surgery3
Cyberdark Neos3
Koa'ki Meiru5
Fur Hire1
Masked Fusion1
Masked HERO1
Monarch Control1
Neos Fusion2
Nephthys Yubel5
Noble Knight2
Red-Eyes Fusion3
Sea Stealth Attack1
Silent HERO1
Six Samurai19
Steelswarm Neos4
Sylvan Neos1
Vylon Anti Meta2
Yubel Fire King1


UX• kueapem

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
UX• kueapemParasite InfestationMay 3

A comment from UX• kueapem:

Small Note :
Too much neos with all deck in ranked match, neos with vampire, neos with koaki, neos with parasite, neos with AG, and so much neos. so i decide to use weevil ultimate cancer to destroy them all, patience is the key for getting KOG, always bait them with facedown, many six sam player dont use shien againt face down card in my first turn. and let golem and parasite do their job to win the match.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
zGoEzOnMeParasite InfestationMay 5

A comment from zGoEzOnMe:

Current meta is filled with bunch of hybrid neos, some darklord/BE beatdown, and few six samurais/burn as well, in order to handle that there is the reason why battle trap came to see play

Core card :

WOD : great against BE, Darklord, neos, and six samurai as well cause it will 90% force their shi en to negate it and let your onslaught goes through

Canadia : denying some deck from doing further combo

Gravity bind/halucigenia + sword woman : this combo is insane, remember to activate them in damage step so they cant response against it

Cipher : counter for 6sam & neos

Ain't usin' floodgate cause i don't have it, ain't like whale player that have everything, but if u have it then use it


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
HylianerParasite InfestationMay 8

A comment from Hylianer:

  • Sazank and Cipher simply staples against six sams or neos.

  • Witch Raider for mirror match or trap heavy decks and for moment where you need a monster but only have traps.

  • Drowning Mirror Force is a life saver against full Neos Board or Dark Lords.

  • Prison, Windstorm and Curse of Anubis just replacements for more missing WoDs, Floodgates or Canadias.

  • Insect Whistle is good for a consistent Parasite on their field. The one card more in the deck is no Problem for cancer.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
GangParasite InfestationMay 9

A comment from Gang:

Its harder for amazoness this season but i found it goes great w neos for stall with lava golem wod helped alot.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
NighthogParasite InfestationMay 9


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
JeditachiParasite InfestationMay 15

A comment from Jeditachi:

Got back after taking a long break. Amazoness still a thing. Skull Meister MVP against frequently encountered Blue Eyes decks.

Arya Stark

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Arya StarkLP Boost αMay 20

A comment from Arya Stark:

My first KOG with Amazoness! Since I refuse to go the Weevil route, I focused more on a banish control build. Red sparrow summoner is great for getting the princess out if you don't start out with her or onslaught. The d.d. and wind-up juggler are to provide more protection without shorting myself on monsters. Lp boost alpha has saved my life more than once. It may also throw your opponent off a little to see Zane using Amazoness. As long as you start with a good hand hand and they don't have a god hand, this deck can defeat six samurai a lot.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
The_big_BHoly GuardMay 21

A comment from The_big_B:

I wondered if the old holy guard version of Amazoness could still be viable after Pet Tiger’s unlimited. Well decided to try it out myself and looks like it still works!

Coockadoodledoo gave me access to Black Rose Dragon and Stardust Dragon, two very powerful tech cards against some of the rogue decks. Red Bird summoner is kind of a consistency card since it summons Princess straight from the deck (remember to not crash it, the effect activates only if your opponent attacks and kill it) Amazoness Heirloom acted as a pseudo-second copy of onslaught, but obviously less powerful.
In the end, pet tiger was the card that kept this deck together and made it work.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
SethRight Back at youMay 26

Other KOG Players

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
a_ndra12Parasite InfestationMay 10
Chaidir ISParasite InfestationMay 10
yugiParasite InfestationMay 11
ViniParasite InfestationMay 12
SpiffyParasite InfestationMay 15
『KURD』BAUERParasite InfestationMay 19
GlareParasite InfestationMay 20
SepticFleshParasite InfestationMay 20
CardoDalisayParasite InfestationMay 27

Ancient Gear


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MingMiddle Age MechsMay 3

A comment from Ming:

Sazank is for playing against Blue-Eyes, Neos and Six Samurai, and TTH won me many games.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
HeartfiliaMiddle Age MechsMay 4

A comment from Heartfilia:

Finally, my AG low budget can reached KoG.
this deck still strong although you have 2 Geartown. for another support monster i run 1 Lava Golem for surprise my opponent, it help me a lot.
sazank for faced Shi En, if you don't have it, you can replace with Evilswarm Hraesvelg, Gale Lizard, or Hane-Hane. etc.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
IIINCMiddle Age MechsMay 17

A comment from IIINC:

Replacing Sazank with Man-Eater Bug automatically makes burn matchups an even more definite win. Countless Jade Whistles have called, only for a Man-Eater Bug to answer. If not, consider any form of removal via monster (ie. Grave Squirmer). Of course, lava golem can work those removals for you too.

Consider getting a magical hat with your dream ticket if you need one and don’t want to spend resources. I have thoroughly tested the two treacherous trap holes vs. one treacherous and the latter does much better. Gone are the games when I’d wish my second trap drawn wasn’t another TTH already conflicting with one in the graveyard. Plus, getting monsters out faster is key. This became especially true after the rebalance to survive the onslaught of combo from Neos Fusion, Blue Eyes, and Six Samurai decks.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
SithariMiddle Age MechsMay 20

A comment from Sithari:

The current meta cannot possibly keep up with the back row destruction that ancient gear allows. the only decks that possible stand up to this are neos and yubel. Although, yubel is not common in this seasons meta.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MySoulsBurnMiddle Age MechsMay 28

A comment from MySoulsBurn:

Core cards : 3 Wyvern, 3 Reactor Dragon, 3 Geartown, 3 Double Cyclone and 2 Fortress. Some people prefer 1 Fortress but I prefer 2 Fortress. Many times I did not have Geartown but I was able to summon Reactor Dragon thanks to Fortress.

I used Sazank instead of Cipher soldier because Amazoness Swordswoman counter Cipher soldier hard. I have only 1 Sazank so if you have 2 then put 2.

Put 2 copies of skull meister because I didn't have Breaker, magical warrior. Also useful against Yubel and graveyard effect deck like Blue eyes, etc.

Remember that Pulse mines only work when you control a machine type monster. It does not work if you control no monster. It's fine to put other trap cards like FGT, TTH, ECON, though, depending on what you have.

If you want to destroy Geartown or Fortress with Galaxy Cyclone, remember to set them face down otherwise you can't activate Galaxy Cyclone unless its already in the graveyard.

Other KOG Players

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
[NS] PIKAAMiddle Age MechsMay 11
MosesMiddle Age MechsMay 14
JetfireMiddle Age MechsMay 21
JORGE VMiddle Age MechsMay 24
emaraquinoMiddle Age MechsMay 29
D.WMiddle Age MechsMay 30

Archfiend Emperor


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
ThunderBreakDraw Sense: DarkMay 19

A comment from ThunderBreak:

Ryko > Lyla, hopefully, I get more Rykos in the future. I need to get more Needlebug Nest too. Was bouncing between 2 Econ and 2 Chaos Hunter depending if I happen to get matched against a lot of Neos when grinding, but this version got me my KoG. Draw Sense: Dark seems bad but it wins me games by ensuring I draw into a Fiend to discard for Call of the Archfiend

Blue-Eyes Cosmo



Hot New Top
My deck, I have dd assailant but i think this card is unecessary
Deck shared! #DuelLinks
Some days ago started playing Metaphys together with other stuff fun decks , but with no intention of hitting KoG.

Today decided to hit it and did it in just 20 wins with 2-3 losses.
They are very useful against the current meta, due to up today there are no banish counter
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Pfft anyone can hit KOG for about 30$ without any previous experience within a day or 2
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Too late buddy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It never was or will be buddy, not while konami runs it anyway
First week box came out, Subterror won meta weekly. Deck’s op
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
final battle + masked tribute = broken deck
they need fix the skill
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
wait 3 months
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
theres a few techs that kinda break them in side deck tho - royal decree stops flip effects, bad aim takes them out without flipping - if you're having bad problems with them try both/either, though bad aim is probably a better main deck card
Found out something today when i reached dont receive the gems in the mailbox automatically adds up to your current gem quantity
a lot of decks have neos cards as core, why not fill in same category.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Neos is a very splashable engine that’s mainly used to deck mill a monster or get an easy beater on board. Some decks utilitize brave neos But isn’t centered around him.
since I got my 10th kog Im done with this game lol I only want to achieve that icon kog 10th me getting to kog is not worth anymore
I didn't get 200 gems after reaching KoG, anyone has the same issue?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
With the last upgrade, practically all of the rewards we receive now are automatically added to our totals, instead of going into the Mail. Most probably, your 200 Gems went straight to your Gem counter.
Like me
I have question?. Why most of people insert giganticastle to their extra deck? Actually they never use to syncro that.
<< Anonymous(Like me)
Anonymous Reply
Because Lava Golem+level 1 tuner=Giganticastle.
<< Anonymous
Silent Reply
He ain't talkin' about blue eyes lvl1 tuner+lava he's saying even decks with no tuners just adds syncro monster in their extra so u see stardust giaganticastle in 50most used monster in ranked Even when they are not summoned in every deck
<< Anonymous(Silent)
Cas Reply
Just because it's a card trader beater with potentially more attack than blue eyes and Reactor dragon. Just feels nice to put a high attack card since you will not use your extra deck any way.
Pretty much the same happens with stardust too, just feels nice to have Yusei's Ace card to your extra deck. But not any particularly useful reason for both of them if this is what you wondering
Subterror is coming to KOG, and still no metapiss
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just see metaphys KOG deck at DLM you check it out
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Metaphys didn't doing well in meta weekly tho
Solid deck for Subterror
Six Sams are still a decent deck! Just made to KOG.

After really struggling to go beyond legend 1 while using the 'the tie that binds' version, I switched to 'beatdown' and added a great shogun for extra ATK power and he is also quit useful against AG Decks. The deck runs also a Grandmaster, together with Shien and Shogun on the field you have two 3400 ATK monster and one 3000 ATK to deal with any Red Eyes and Neos. After that switch I climbed without big problems, don't forget to add your WoD without them the deck wont clap :-)

Six Sams aren't dead at last!

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harpie conductor where??
777-929-298 Just because you are a human, don't think you can win easily.
Shùt up and give us your money!
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