
Duelist Kingdom Event [9 Aug 2022]

Duel Links Duelist Kingdom Event, how to unlock Supreme King Jaden, how to play, rewards.
update 09/08/2022


Event Duration: 9 August 2022 - 16 Aug 2022

How to Play

  1. Select your Area to Duel.
  2. Collect StarChips to challenge Pegasus.
  3. Receive Rewards by Dueling in the event.

PvP Matching

Environmental Adaptations

ATK Bonus: Each Area has an Attribute Linked to it, and depending on the selected area, your monsters with the same Attribute will gain an ATK Bonus.


Shared Area

The Amount of ATK Bonus you can get from "Evironmental Adaptations" will be decided by the share of the area.

Evironmental Adaptations +

If your matching icon is 3 or higher, the EX Skill for the two areas with the lowest share will become "Environmental Adaptations+" and the effect to add a certain card to your hand at the beginning of the turn will be added.

New Exclusive Rewards

Consolation Prize [UR]

Consolation Prize
Consolation Prize
Normal Trap
Duelist Kingdom Event [UR]
If a monster(s) is sent from the hand to the GY: Target 1 of them; Special Summon it to your field. You can only activate 1 "Consolation Prize" per turn.

Solidarity [SR]

Continuous Spell
Duelist Kingdom Event [SR]
If you have only 1 original Type of monster in your Graveyard, all monsters you control with the same Type gain 800 ATK.

Other Exclusive Rewards

Obsessive Uvualoop [UR]

Obsessive Uvualoop
Obsessive Uvualoop
EARTH Fiend ★4
ATK 1200 / DEF 1800
Duelist Kingdom Event [UR]
If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 Synchro Monster you control or in your GY; banish it, and if you do, Special Summon this card. If this card is in your GY: You can target 1 Synchro Monster you control or in your GY; banish it, and if you do, add this card to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Obsessive Uvualoop" once per turn.

Sweet Corn [SR]

Sweet Corn
Sweet Corn
EARTH Plant ★2
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Duelist Kingdom Event [SR]
Once per turn, at the end of your Battle Phase: You can pay 500 Life Points; Special Summon 1 "Maize Token" (Plant-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0).

Archfiends Staff of Despair [UR]

Archfiends Staff of Despair
Archfiends Staff of Despair
Equip Spell
Duelist Kingdom Event [UR]
Equip only to a monster you control. During your Main Phase: You can make all monsters your opponent currently controls lose ATK equal to half the equipped monster's ATK, until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field). If this card is sent to the GY while equipped to a monster: You can pay 1000 LP; return this card to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Archfiend's Staff of Despair" once per turn.

Blast Sphere [SR]

Blast Sphere
Blast Sphere
DARK Machine ★4
ATK 1400 / DEF 1400
Duelist Kingdom Event [SR]
If this face-down Defense Position card was attacked by an opponent's monster, before damage calculation: Equip this card to the attacking monster. Then, during your opponent's next Standby Phase: Destroy the monster this card is equipped to, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the ATK the destroyed monster had on the field.

Saambell the Summoner [UR]

Saambell the Summoner
Saambell the Summoner
WIND Spellcaster ★2
ATK 600 / DEF 400
Duelist Kingdom Event [UR]
During your Main Phase: You can Special Summon 1 monster from your hand with the same Level as this card. This effect can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.

All-Out Attacks [SR]

All-Out Attacks
All-Out Attacks
Continuous Trap
Duelist Kingdom Event [SR]
If a monster(s) is Special Summoned while this card is face-up on the field: Change that monster to face-up Attack Position, and must attack, if able, during the turn they are Special Summoned.

Cumulative Points Exclusive Rewards

35,000Sweet Corn Sweet Corn [Prismatic]
80,000Exclusive Event Card Sleeves
110,000Solidarity Solidarity
150,000Exclusive Event Game Mats
220,000Consolation Prize Consolation Prize
270,000Exclusive Event ICON
310,000Duelist Kingdom Complete

Exclusive Items

ItemsHow to get
Duelist Kingdom (Ruin)
Duelist Kingdom (Ruin)
Achieve 270,000 pts in Duelist Kingdom Event.
Duelist Kingdom (Ruin)
Duelist Kingdom (Ruin)
Achieve 80,000 pts in Duelist Kingdom Event.
Duelist Kingdom (Ruin)
Duelist Kingdom (Ruin)
Achieve 150,000 pts in Duelist Kingdom Event.


Hot New Top
Again, Light & Dark not getting the love they deserve? last time not a single day of +600 boost for it, and so far it is still the case for this time.

I was looking forward to be able to use that Ritual Sanctuary too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I thought light and dark attributes only gain 100 atk buffs? Am I missing something?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it is adjusted every day based on player %
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don’t act like fire/water/wind aren’t abusing their boost so 🔥.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Light and Dark are basically the most supported attribute ever (alongside Water, thanks to the Shark wan-king), so it makes sense that they are not getting the biggest ATK boost.
My f a g g o t opponent is so lucky we’re not in the same room or else I’d bash their brainless skull in with a brick. That or strangle them as I choke them with their phone.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You either need a doctor or a woman. Chill.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, I sure hope he got a woman soon... So he can beat the sh!t out of her. Other than his own coc.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Him Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why don’t you make me, q u e e r. You’d 🔥 if I was knocking your empty skull in right now.
should use legacy duel ruleset for this event
They should change this event so that the extra card is always available to the respective type and only change the attack boost.
The mat of the island can u get or not ?
One of the best events so far. As long as konami doesnt support light/dark attributes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Garbage Event
Survey is up for this garbo. You know what you must do. I did.
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Anonymous Reply
Yes, I know what to do. I‘ll open my mouth and wait for Konami to sh!t in it.
Gamea, the "environmental adaptation" info on this article should be changed, since the cards are changed in the game

and DARK gets the worst card in the game lma0, Magical Contract Door, might as well not get any card at all
<< Anonymous
FRO Reply
That "worst card in the game" searches for Levianeer, you can literally win that same turn with it
Finally this event back. One of the best events so far. A lot of rewards, cool field graphics, Pegasus, and nostalgia. The only negative is the trash deck of Pefasus. At least they could give him a good relinquished deck in level 60 instead of toons.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
My favorite part has been using different decks. Using a BLS deck I lost to last week and it's been fun.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Tbh you are right in some way. I was usually aganst pvp events in the past, but the PvE events are so lazy designed chorefests i actually started to enjoy pvp events more. Duelist kingdom is like not the best event and not even hard too, still i enjoy it more, maybe the player interactions? who knows, but this is better than the raid duel crap and any other borefest pve event.
Lame event, but its easy as fak, make 🔥 deck and farm skills while you progess through the event rewards. Like i said, lame but easy pvp event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Tbh i didn't try to farm, just asked for clarify. Lot of us say you can't, except only in KC cup.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I can confirm, that skills drop in the Turbo Duel PvP event. It happened to me once. I'm not sure about other events tho.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
^JINAK Reply
If someone gets something good that I can never have, then he/she is a liar.

I'm played this event using real Duelist Kingdom decks, its not worth it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You should also use the original Duelist Kingdom rules
The real objective of this event is to get a prismatic saambell. Thats all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
^JINAK Reply
If someone gets something good that I can never have, then he/she is a liar.

<< Anonymous(^JINAK)
Anonymous Reply
I only believe what I want to believe
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^ B A S E D

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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