
Leo & Luna's Duel Carnival Event [May 10]

Duel Links Leo & Luna's Duel Carnival event, event guide, recommended deck, rewards.
update 10/05/2021

Upcoming Event Details

Date10 May 2021 -

How to Play

  1. Choose which faction to side with
  2. Compete in teams to earn Event points
  3. Keep joining teams! Fight for your faction's victory!
  4. Received Rewards by Dueling in the Event

Exclusive Rewards

Doggy Driver [UR]

Doggy Diver
Doggy Diver
DARK Beast ★4
ATK 1000 / DEF 1000
Leo & Luna Duel Carnival Event [UR]
If your opponent controls a monster and all face-up monsters you control (min. 1) are Level 4, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Doggy Diver" once per turn this way. This card cannot be used as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon, except for the Xyz Summon of a Warrior-Type monster.

Armed Samurai - Benkei [SR]

Armed Samurai - Ben Kei
Armed Samurai - Ben Kei
DARK Warrior ★4
ATK 500 / DEF 800
Leo & Luna Duel Carnival Event [SR]
For each Equip Card equipped to this card, it gains 1 additional attack during each Battle Phase.

Supersonic Skull Flame [UR]

Supersonic Skull Flame
Supersonic Skull Flame
FIRE Zombie ★10
ATK 2600 / DEF 2000
Leo & Luna Duel Carnival Event [UR]
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 "Skull Flame" in your Graveyard from play. Once per turn, you can inflict 200 damage to your opponent for each "Burning Skull Head" in your Graveyard. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Skull Flame" from your Graveyard.

Skull Flame [UR]

Skull Flame
Skull Flame
FIRE Zombie ★8
ATK 2600 / DEF 2000
Leo & Luna Duel Carnival Event [UR]
Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 "Burning Skull Head" from your hand. You cannot conduct your Battle Phase the turn you activate this effect. You can add 1 "Burning Skull Head" from your Graveyard to your hand instead of conducting a normal draw in your Draw Phase.

Burning Skull Head [SR]

Burning Skull Head
Burning Skull Head
FIRE Zombie ★3
ATK 1000 / DEF 800
Leo & Luna Duel Carnival Event [SR]
When this card is Special Summoned from your hand, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. You can remove from play this face-up card you control to return 1 removed from play "Skull Flame" to its owner's Graveyard.

Hayabusa Knight [UR]

Hayabusa Knight
Hayabusa Knight
EARTH Warrior ★3
ATK 1000 / DEF 700
Leo & Luna Duel Carnival Event [UR]
This card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase.

Total Defense Shogun [SR]

Total Defense Shogun
Total Defense Shogun
DARK Warrior ★6
ATK 1550 / DEF 2500
Leo & Luna Duel Carnival Event [SR]
This card is changed to Defense Position when it is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned successfully. This card can attack while it is in Defense Position. If this card attacks while in Defense Position, apply the ATK of this card for damage calculation.


Cumulative Points Exclusive Rewards

21,000Total Defense Shogun
Total Defense Shogun

33,000Exclusive Card Sleeves
52,000Armed Samurai - Ben Kei
Armed Samurai - Ben Kei
81,000Exclusive Game Mats
130,000Doggy Diver
Doggy Diver
160,000Exclusive Icon
200,000Leo & Luna Duel Carnival Event Completed Achievement

Golden Treasure Box Reward List

Silver Treasure Box Reward List


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It's actually f u c k i n g stupid that I have to go against those asian dogs with triple UR in everything. I had this one korean guy who bought the entire darkworld cards while I was playing triamids. I blame this f u c k up game with that red star thing and I hope that Korean guy goes begging on the street asking for kimchi because of how unskilled he is for paying that much to play in a casual environment.
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
-Thank you for playing Duel Links.
Did you all get your spit of gems already? Good good
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dude 60 gems per day would be nice if they apply this apart from the event, heck even it's just 10 per day I'll take it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Very easy and enjoyable farm.
You can play games while you brush your teeth, bathing, and sleeping.

You just have to spend 5 seconds pressing on a button every few minutes.

Book of moon makes my opponent time out so often.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So during the night you wake up every minute to press on a button, then go back to sleep?

That is worst than paying.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is the price for not paying what you owe.
it was nice seeing harpie deck couldn't do a thing against my 4000 atk archfiend's call.
Whenever I chose Luna's side, we have a very high team win rate. Whenever I chose Leo's side, we have a very low team win rate. That's really strange...
<< Anonymous
dubba Reply
dunno, guess card games are for virgins ^^
<< Anonymous(dubba)
Anonymous Reply
correction: pedo virgins.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Their pp are hungry for luna's small p ussy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, only for Leo.

Best girl!
Garbage Event
Survey is up, give them hell and maybe they change it, and ingore the pathetic barking stray dogs of konami, they are sad little souls even their owner hates them, but they don't realize, pathetic. DO THE SURVEY!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah trying to get better cards going for boxes 3 times is fun. Go f u c k yourself and shove a dildo with Konami's logo up your a s s you shill.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why that reaction?

I was just trying to help you by giving helpful advices.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event Reply
You know that was not me, i maybe toxic sometimes, but i won't be toxic to anyone without reason, and for anwsering your question i just hate the pendulum and link mechanic, thats all. I don't say older yu-gi-oh is superior, but the newer one is too fast for my taste. I wish it was something in the middle. The reasion i installed duellinks back then, becasue it was a nice change of pace.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event Reply
And don't worry about good cards and decks, i have a few win capable decks like Cydra, D/D/D, Blue-eyes coz cheap as 🔥 and a half complete/F2P version harpie deck too, + a Yubel/Phoenix deck and some other rogue decks etc. Maybe i buy the harpie mini box again later.
Shame you can’t just keep dueling NPCs. PVP events are the worst frankly.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^This! I agree!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ask Konami to give us an option to duel bots with slightly less rewards
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami knows you'll crawl for those gems anyways so expect more pvp
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
KC Cup is a famous PVP event so I would not say that.
Can I afk in this event and get rewards? I don't want to play against meta players with 3x bom.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You all complaining yet you keep playing, you are not different from those masochist players (as you call them) so sh ut up if you don't have the dignity to leave
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dignity was lost the day everyone installed this game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
harpie is tier 1 even in Kami site. SS rank over there used to be BE and Dark lord pre nerf, now that they are gone and their older S rank Otomat and Cyber Dragon got nerfed too. Harpie become the only SS - tier 1 deck.

Tier 0 deck in Yugioh is basically about their winning precent in tournaments, ~50% at the very least, We are having no tourney in Duel kink except KC, DLM tourneys don't count.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
sorry bruh but I can't help it

Duel kink

Tired of dueling f a gs in this event. I’m this close to tracking my opponent down and straggling them while I bash their head in with a brick.
<< Anonymous
Inugami Korone Reply
"Imagine playing this event"
To obtain that black doggo, you have to.
<< Anonymous(Inugami Korone)
Anonymous Reply
that card will redefine the meta, it's just too good people shouldn't wait 2 weeks until it becomes available through tickets, they should get it now
<< Anonymous(Inugami Korone)
Anonymous Reply
You guys are dogs even Konami is giving you this card to tell you are a dog.
<< Anonymous
Inugami Korone Reply
I am dog. Okay?

and Doggo Diver is useful for summoning warrior Xyz
The theme was never Cyberses. It should be Cyberses! They already used Arc V cards as the main theme before, so there’s no problem. Cyberses need to be shown and recognized more.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's possible. Or Ruka could pick Metaphys Nephthys because it looks pretty.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But does Metaphys Nephtys also think Ruka looks pretty?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Of course.
<< Anonymous
Metaphys Nephthys Reply
I dunno man, she’s just a loli.
i mostly just play lose on purpose deck during carnival event most the time they just end the duel faster yet a small few drag out the duels and don't attack much at all even if they have 100% chance at winning
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
those few ones deserve reporting as slow play.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
most don't slow play me one time i keep putting a card in gy but it effect was it gone straight back to the top of deck and i was playing lose on purpose (it ended up a draw on turn 50 cause they never attacked and my deck couldn't win without surrender or disconnect)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
In that case, play 1 Sword of Deep-Seated to punish those players.
I don’t know if anyone else agrees but I think that if a team wins or at the end of the event you would get the cards for the teams you chose because otherwise I see no reason to choose teams it just doesn’t make sense.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
This would be a cool idea. But then the team cards would be much worse. They certainly don't give away box or sd cards for free.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Problem is, sometimes the card isn't equal at all.

Like, in the first part, Leo pick Assault Dog, while Luna pick Regulus.

Assault Dog is just an R rarity and needs more than 1 copy to work, while Regulus is SR and can work even with just 1 copy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami makes you chose a team so that they can make your team "lose" for reduced rewards.

Doing it this way puts them in a position where they can't be blamed directly.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
I had a different idea altogether. All the themes chosen are underrepresented types. The prizes should be cards that support those types for example beast and now rock support cards. These random cards they give makes no sense
Hi, the event is actually ok to play with +600 atk beast monsters available from the trader and all those N & R tickets we get all time. Just dueling and having fun racking wins for the rank duels prizes and trying to add character skills with a run & gun deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You wasted......those free non-ranked N & R tickets? Lol, they are a waste to begin with. They always are since the start.

There are so many of those tickets that I already have all the cards from them at 3 copies each, and still have more than 60 unused tickets.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So don't worry about those tickets going to waste, you'll eventually get so many, you won't see the need for them anymore. Besides, the cards in those non-ranked N & R tickets are not THAT good anyway.

And if I may ask, is this your first Duel Carnival or something? :)

In Duel Carnival event, the type always change every few days. So that's something to keep in mind for the next Duel Carnival.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You should've used those tickets to build a farm deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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