
Leo & Luna's Duel Carnival Event [May 10]

Garbage Event
Survey is up, give them hell and maybe they change it, and ingore the pathetic barking stray dogs of konami, they are sad little souls even their owner hates them, but they don't realize, pathetic. DO THE SURVEY!
The event has always been bad. I highly doubt that they'll improve it. But I do the survey anyway.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event
Well its our best option to give them feedback. Thats why i encourage everyone to use it. I know most likely they won't change it, but you never know.
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
"Your event is bad and you should feel bad"
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event
and? Whats the matter doggie? baited/triggered much? Yes they should, coz they are idio t losers with zero brain capacity. Konami constantly flailing these thrash toxic dogs and they don't realized it thats how low pathetic they are. The truth stings i know, but i wont hold back :) DO THE SURVERY!
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Garbage Event
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Garbage Event
Batied doggie woof woof! xd
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Why are you triggered again? I only cited what I wrote in the survey.
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Oh, now I get it. YOU are the baited doggy
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event
Uma d?? Baited doggo woof woof xd
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
FYI, this is the page of Duel Links, not Uma Derby
Those f u c kers will ignore my survey because they have some kind of algorithm to block some words there. If those stray dogs here still defends them they are f u c king naive.
<< Anonymous
don't care abt servery anymore, its just a waste of time, they never read our request, the game is going from bad to worst. so keep spending money thats all maters for them.

-thx for playing duel link.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event
Maybe they don't read it, still this is our only chance to give feedback, but still deep down i think you are right. Me personaly play the game less and less every month/week. I already skipped this event and i refuse to pay even a pence to them for now. I bought back then a few UR/SR sale, like total of 12 dollars, so if i stop playing they won't care about me. Still sad, i love the base game.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event
but i hate this lazy pathetic company, and how they treat the game, the pve events are boring garbage too. When they bring pendulum and Link summon i will be uninstall this forever, i can't stand those cards, but right now there is a little fun sometimes, but not much. I wish there are more games like the GBA or the NDS ones with story and eveything. Duellinks is truly a mobile thrash.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event
Still i encourage everyone to do the survey. Thats all.
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Did you try to play with better cards before saying that?
<< Anonymous
Yeah trying to get better cards going for boxes 3 times is fun. Go f u c k yourself and shove a dildo with Konami's logo up your a s s you shill.
<< Anonymous
Why that reaction?

I was just trying to help you by giving helpful advices.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event
You know that was not me, i maybe toxic sometimes, but i won't be toxic to anyone without reason, and for anwsering your question i just hate the pendulum and link mechanic, thats all. I don't say older yu-gi-oh is superior, but the newer one is too fast for my taste. I wish it was something in the middle. The reasion i installed duellinks back then, becasue it was a nice change of pace.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event
And don't worry about good cards and decks, i have a few win capable decks like Cydra, D/D/D, Blue-eyes coz cheap as 🔥 and a half complete/F2P version harpie deck too, + a Yubel/Phoenix deck and some other rogue decks etc. Maybe i buy the harpie mini box again later.


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