
Doriado (Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan): deck recipe

update 21/01/2017


Example deck

Elemental Mistress DoriadoElemental Mistress DoriadoElemental Mistress DoriadoSonic BirdSonic BirdSenju of the Thousand Hands
Senju of the Thousand HandsSphere KuribohSphere KuribohElement SaurusElement SaurusElement Saurus
Ritual WeaponRitual WeaponDoriado's BlessingDoriado's BlessingDoriado's BlessingFuh-Rin-Ka-Zan

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.

How to use this deck


Although this deck is not easy to handle , it is fun to use a combination of Elemental Mistress Doriado and Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan. You can reproduce the effects of four legendary and forbidden spell/trap cards: Raigeki, Harpie's Feather Duster, Delinquent Duo, and Pot of Greed.

Make full use of Elemental Mistress Doriado

Summoning Elemental Mistress Doriado is the key to win with using this deck. This card allows you to activate Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan, which has 4 different effects to suit the needs of the situation, making it versatile. It can also equip Ritual Weapon for added survivability.

Why Element Saurus?

Due to the effects of Doriado, it will help to boost Element Saurus with its skill. If Doriado is present on the field, Element Saurus will be a 2000 beater that negates the effect of monsters that it destroys by battle. Since you may encounter Rex players, you may also get the 300 ATK boost from their Jurassic World.

Other useful skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Rites
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Ritual monster or spell card.
Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. The skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.

Other useful cards

Element Dragon
Element Dragon
Since it works similarly to Element Saurus, you can replace Element Saurus with Element Dragon if you do not have Element Saurus.
Rising Energy
Rising Energy
This card is a good addition for this deck if you have one. It basically helps to increase your selected monster's ATK by a whopping 1500 at the cost of 1 card.
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Since it works similarly to Sphere Kuriboh, you can add this card in as a substitute for Sphere Kuriboh. Only do this when you do not have enough Sphere Kuribohs as you will need them for ritual summoning which gives great value.


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Here's a video showing the deck guide and gameplay
the link to your build is broken, doesn't show the screenshot of the deck anymore
Good old times
Final optimized build:

-2 of the Ritual and Spell to avoid bricks, since you usually only need to summon Doriado once. 1 Djinn for the same reasons.

-2 Card Trader to avoid potentially drawing 3, since they clog S/T space, and can’t be removed voluntarily.

8 deck thining monsters, half offensive and half defensive, 7 was imbalanced and inconsistent.

-Jar of Avarice because if you haven’t won after using 3 FuRinKaZan, you’d otherwise lose.

-1 Ritual Weapon to avoid bricks and S/T clogging. Multiples are only good in “win more” situations anyway.
A better skill to use is Fiend Farewell, and add that 3 Star ritual fiend. Also add that Flip monster that grabs equip spells. If your foe KOs that, you get ritual weapon, and a ritual tribute.
<< Anonymous
Bryce Reply
yeah, Djinn Prognosticator. As an added bonus, if you get an attack in with Doriado, Djinn will take a card from your opponent's hand, and in this game, minusing your opponent is as good as plussing yourself.
<< Anonymous(Bryce)
Wooster Reply
Man this site needs an account system…

But actually, I didn't come up with that idea. I got it from a guy on Youtube.
<< Anonymous(Wooster)
Bryce Reply
MarioZrg from YT? Yeah, I found his deck after I made mine. It seems we had about the same idea, which is good. Worth mentioning I've had success testing Card Trader. No one uses Twister anymore, so giving up a card for a continuous Switcheroo in a deck that needs so many specific pieces is well worth it I think.
<< Anonymous(Bryce)
Wooster Reply
Ooh, thanks for that tip! I'll go try it out.
How to play with this deck.

-protect Doriado at all cost(Defense)
-add drawing power
-activate Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan during opponent battle phase
-have fun
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Plus ritual weapon is a brick.
this deck is inconsistent as 🔥.
<< Anonymous
ComeSesos Reply
But fun as 🔥 also
Sometimes when you have a good starting hand, you can really go in with this deck. I managed to win against a HHG win this deck and Relinquished
<< Anonymous(iiForceX)
iiForceX Reply
Heres my deck. Work really good honestly. I'm still waiting for a freaking senju thousand hands guy which is taking forever. and now the stupid bird thing that pulls ritual spells is no longer available. So I'm going to attempt to grab a Gateway to Chaos card from the new deck.

My point is I don't even have those cards and I love this deck. The trick is to be very patient. I'll even let my life points go as low as I can until I really start playing all my cards.
<< Anonymous(Jake)
Bryce Reply
I don't actually think the Element monsters are worth using with Doriado. They only work as long as she stays on the field, which doesn't look to be long in your deck. Getting off FuRinKaZan to OTK is the real goal IMO, not fighting a grind game with a deck that can't grind.
<< Anonymous(Jake)
Jake Reply
Hmm maybe your right. What would you suggest otherwise?
<< Anonymous(Jake)
Bryce Reply
Given you lack cards from TUR, AoD, and even NI, it's hard to say how I'd build it. Sonic Bird and Senju aren't just great because they are free searchers, they have enough ATK to pull off an OTK if you get Doriado with Ritual Weapon. Pickings of useful floaters to fill the void that are lv3/4 are slim.
TBH, the deck is not very good, especially for F2P who lack multiple Senju and Bird. When you activate FuRinKaZan, it's pretty good, but the amount of things that have to align perfectly is very annoying. You need Doriado, her Spell, FuRinKaZan, and Ritual Weapon if you want to get any further use out of her. We only open with 4 cards in hand, so this is unrealistic on a consistent basis. It doesn't help that Doriado falls to simple removal like Order to Charge, Michizure, HaneHane, etc. By the time you get off FuRinKaZan, you've barely broken even.
<< Anonymous(Bryce)
Jake Reply
I totally disagree. Once you get doriado on the field it usually pretty tough for the opponent to get rid of her with all the cards that can help you. Do you use switcheroo?
<< Anonymous(Bryce)
Bryce Reply
Here's my build.

Also, worth noting the Switchero skill will soon be nerfed, making the deck less consistent.
<< Anonymous(Bryce)
Jake Reply
Yours seems a little better than mine actually. I might have to see about removing my elemental monsters.
<< Anonymous(Bryce)
Jake Reply
Actually the main problem I have with yours is you have pretty limited monsters to tribute since crystal seer is only one star.
Orang Kecil
Legend Of Aang deck
<< Anonymous(Orang Kecil)
Haha Reply
Lol haha

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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