
Best Level-Up Reward Cards [Mar 2020 Updated]

This page notes what level reward is, level reward tier, and the list of all level reward cards.
update 12/03/2020

Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow [N]

Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow
Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow
DARK Winged Beast ★1
ATK 600 / DEF 500
Crow Hogan Lvl 3, 10, and 18 [N]
If this card battles with a monster with DEF equal to or less than this card's ATK, destroy that monster immediately with this card's effect (without applying damage calculation).

Fortune Lady Water [N]

Fortune Lady Water
Fortune Lady Water
WATER Spellcaster ★4
ATK ? / DEF ?
DS Carly Carmine Lvl 3, 11, and 21 [N]
This card's ATK and DEF are equal to its Level x 300. During each of your Standby Phases, increase the Level of this card by 1 (max 12). When this card is Special Summoned while you control a face-up "Fortune Lady" monster except "Fortune Lady Water", draw 2 cards.

How to Level Up Faster

What’s the best way to farm experience points?

To level up faster, you can make an Auto-Duel Deck that can work against the Standard Duelists that you can find in Duel World. You can also purchase Duel Orbs to instantly refresh Standard Duelists without having to wait for them to spawn again.

Try and use some of our Auto-Duel decks!

Face the Vagabond to gain more experience! You can also add other players as friends and send each other challenges. Activate the Result Booster before facing the Vagabond to make the most out of the Duel, even if you end up losing.

Here’s out Vagabond Trades/Friend Request Section!


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The Great Chosen One
10 is probably too few. There's cards like Monster Gate, Future Fusion, Swing of Memories, Destiny HERO - Malicious, Toon Kingdom, Dragged Down into the Grave and Montage Dragon that probably should've at least gotten an honourable mention.

I also disagree with Torapart being on this list, given you need the You're Under Arrest! skill to even have a monster other than Goyo Chaser worth using it on. Ancient Rules shouldn't qualify for the same reason as DNA Surgery, it's a Ranked reward now.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Would future fusion even be any good with 2 or more copies???
<< Anonymous
Trap master Reply
Montage dragon is on the list
unknown synchron for the win.
Or anything that is unknown
Since Magician's Rod is available in the trader now, it has to be removed from this page.
IMHO the most versatile & MUST GET AT ONCE NO MATTER WHAT is Windstorm of Etaqua. One of the most damn useful card in the game !!
I myself am still using it now even today, super versatile and fits in any deck ANY DECK mind you !
the rest is ok and better for certain deck but none come close to Windstorm.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Curse of anubis is also good. It only sucks against blue-eyes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, I don't get why Windstorm is #10 instead of #1.

Shouldn't the more generic they are, the better? Deck-specific cards are not gonna be "good" anymore once their deck falls out of the meta.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same here, I think the list should favor generic over specific, especially since we're talking about leveling up a character here, which takes a lot of time.
List could probably use an honorable mentions section. Level 5 Joey Wheeler gets you another copy of Polymerization, which is useful for new players trying to do GX stage missions. Yugi Moto level 40 gets you a Relinkuriboh, which is card drawing and defense in a cosmo brain or relinquished deck. Level 38 Odion Regulation of Tribe, a meh trap card but f2p need all the backrow they can get, plus it can be used to clear out Lava Golem or certain annoying token monsters. Tristan Taylor has a ton of helpful cards for f2p/new players. Swing of Memories from Alexis.
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
I'll implement a Honorable Mentions section, ok.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Anonymous Reply
De-Spell and Remove Trap is pretty handy in general. Mostly De-Spell which I use in all my farm decks
Think that future fusion is really underrated too
One of the reasons why Destiny draw is so good is because of malicious, which is also a level up reward
I'll work on this page today. Should be out tomorrow.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Anonymous Reply
Thanks :D
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Lovely Aster Reply
Thanks! Looking forward to it.
Please update, and thank you :)
pls update this page
Update page, admin.

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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