
Gravekeeper by RUSH: KC Cup deck

update 08/03/2017

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This is a deck shared by RUSH. His comment is below:

I specifically built this deck to defeat all META decks in the current pool before the cup. It's a twist on the grave keeper deck that promotes great defense and large amounts of damage. I finnished in the top 1000 and only played about 2-3 hours of duels. Once I made it to the top 10,000 I won 15 strait then got off after one mistake. This deck is consistent and extreamky powerfull! Duels some times drag on but when playing KOG or top notch decks you will win.

Sphere KuribohSphere KuribohGravekeeper's OracleGravekeeper's OracleGravekeeper's OracleGravekeeper's Chief
Legion the Fiend JesterLegion the Fiend JesterLegion the Fiend JesterGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's Recruiter
Gravekeeper's PriestessGravekeeper's PriestessGravekeeper's PriestessRogue DollGravekeeper's SteleYellow Luster Shield
Yellow Luster ShieldYellow Luster Shield--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
[Power of Dark]
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Yami" activated.


GG alin
whats is the rogue doll meaning in this deck????
This deck also works really well for the Exodia event. Jester is good for thinning the deck out for pieces while the recruiters helps thin the deck too. Oracle destroys the field. I never collected all pieces to win yet but i have been close. Mostly just destroy with oracle
This deck is strong against new META decks in the current pool as well. Currently relinquish hybrid decks are replacing Dino META decks. The best way to defeat relinquish is to play defense and keep your life points higher than your competition. This deck has high defenders and lower attsckers. My only loss with this deck during the tournament involved harpies hunting ground combined with two relinquishs. I choose to risk a loss by not forcing a draw on my last turn. The following turn a harpy was summoned and I lost my last defender due to relinquish's 3rd effect being activate in two turns. Valkyrie cards have disrupted the current META pool in KOG but with a few alterations this gravekeepers deck will continue to adapt and destroy the best decks. Especially with all the new cards that support dark monsters.
This deck is wrong. The 3 trap cards are suppose to be yellow luster shield. That's the strength of this deck! Pure defense and striking with gravekeepers oracle. Also gravekeepers assailant Should be replaced by a 3rd gravekeepers priestess
<< Anonymous(RUSH)
Uroucyon_GameA Reply
it's fixed now
<< Anonymous(RUSH)
Vini Reply
If i only have 1 sphere kuriboh would it be possible to replace the other one with an enemy controller? And what are the reasons behind getting rid of the gravekeepers assailant and replacing it with a third priestess?
<< Anonymous(RUSH)
Vini Reply
And would it also be possible to replace the single Rogue Doll with the new Neo the Magic Swordsman they have just given everyone as they are both normal, rare and spellcaster with the same DEF, but Neo Swordsman has better ATK
I suggest you use necrovalley and you will see that the wins come flying in
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You cannot use necrovalley in yugioh duel links. it isn't available yet and has only seen use by lvl 40 Ishizu Ishstar and in the Dueling Puzzles.

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