
Mysterious Tower event: Different Dimensional Tower

Duel Links event, Mysterious Tower event, Different Dimensional Tower event, rewards, how to play.
update 19/09/2017
D.D. Tower event pages

Event guide

Floor guide

D.D Tower: Water Dimension has begun!

Event PeriodNov 29 - Dec 7

D.D Tower: Fire Dimension has begun!

You can receive various Rewards by completing the floors of the tower or by opening the D.D. BOX.

Event PeriodSept 19 - Sept 27

Regarding the Event

  • This event is available after reaching Stage 4.
  • This event may be held again in the future.
  • The limit for obtaining items from D.D. BOX is 2017 Oct 3. 13:00
  • At the end of the event your remaining LP Potions will be converted into gold at the rate of 1000Gold per LP potion.
  • When you Loose/Draw/Surrender a Duel against a monster or quit a suspended duel in progress, your LP will be reduced to 0 and you cannot duel at the tower until it is restored to 4000.
  • Even if your Life Points exceed 4000 at the end of the Duel, your LP will start 4000 for the next duel.
  • Your LP in this event will not affect your LP when dueling in Duel World or Arena.
  • Once you defeat a monster, you can duel that monster again whenever you want. However, even if your LP exceed that of your starting amount at the end of Duel, it will be reset to what you started with.
  • Even if you fulfill the mission requirements of a Duel Mission, the Mission will not be considered complete unless you win the Duel.

Event Flow/ How to Play


Duel against monsters that guard each floor. Defeat all monsters on a floor to receive the floor completion reward and move on to the next floor.


Damage to your Life Points carry over between duels in the D.D. Tower, so be wary of how much damage you take. (If your LP fall to 0, you cannot duel in D.D. Tower again until they have completely healed!)


Earn Mission Points by completing "Duel Missions" that will be given when Dueling against a monster! Once you accumulate enough mission points, spend them to obtain D.D. BOXes, which contain various items and cards!

Event Exclusive Items

LP Potion

Restores your LP to 4000. Can be obtained from Floor Completion Rewards and D.D. BOXes. It can only be used during the event.


By spending 5 Mission Points (obtained by completing duel missions). you can receive an item from the D.D. BOX.

  • The D.D. BOX contains 12 items (Gold,event exclusive cards, etc.), which will be randomly given out each time you open the BOX.
  • When all items are obtained, the BOX is reset.
    (You can reset the BOX before it is empty by tapping on the BOX reset button.)
  • You can access the D.D Box via the Event Page or by tapping on the "D.D. Guide".

Recommended Event Rewards

You can receive the various Rewards by completing floors of the tower or by opening the D.D. BOX.

Pyrorex the Elemental Lord [UR]

A monster card that can be special summoned when there are exactly 5 FIRE monsters in your Graveyard. Try to pull off a special summon by sending FIRE monsters to the graveyard using cards such as Brushfire Knight.
When there are more than 6 FIRE monsters in your Graveyard, use "Sealing Ceremony of Katon" together to reduce their number.

Other recommended rewards

Cards from the D.D. BOX!

Card / [Rarity]Rating
[- / 10]
SalamandraSalamandra [SR]--
Raging Flame SpriteRaging Flame Sprite [R]--

New info!

Note This information was leaked by a famous Japanese Yugioh fan website, Starlight Sokuhou.

The mysterious tower that will appear in Duel Links now has a name, it will be called the "Different Dimesion Tower" directly translated from it's Japanese name "Ijigen no Tou". This event will be introducing a kind of "Survival" system, where duelists will retain their LP after every duel. Duelists will be challenged with successive duels till they reach the top of the tower, all this while collecting event points to get event exclusive cards, gold and other items.


Use healing cards

Seeing as your LP is retained after every duel, you can use this to your advantage by healing to start yourself with more than 4000 LP for the next duel. An easy way to so this is to use Aegis of Gaia just before you end the duel so that you gain 3000 LP, without the risk of having it destroyed and losing 3000 LP. To do this, switch toggle to ON before your final attack.

Avoid using LP costs

Conversely, while healing cards are good, effects that require you to lose LP are not recommended. The skill Last Gamble might be the worst example of this, starting with 100 LP during your next duel, and no way to use the skill, is essentially suicide when facing stronger duelists.


Possible Themes and/or Characters

The Big Five

A possible theme for this event would be the Big-Five and Noah, as the text states that there will be multiple never before seen enemies. And seeing as how in the anime they were the ones who tried to take control of Kaiba Corp., it is possible that the story of the next event would go something like them trying to take control of Duel Links which is a game Seto Kaiba created.

Going with this theory, the "new system" of duels mentioned might be similar to the Virtual World arc of the anime where duelists will be able to choose a deck master. But if this ever were to happen, only few monsters would have deck master effects or many will get generic effects, as giving every monster a unique deck master effect would be unrealistic.


Another possibility is that this event would be themed after towers, similar to how Duel-A-Thon was themed after running. Seeing as this event is right before the big update, Konami might not have time to implement something as big as the Big Five and Noah, meaning that we might be seeing something smaller similar to Duel-A-Thon. In this case, a very possible theme would be Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower as we will most likely be seeing Bonz this October.

Possible rewards

Big Five

Dragon Master Knight and Five-Headed Dragon might seem too powerful for Duel Links, but considering how difficult they are to summon and with no way to protect themselves from card effects they would seem pretty balanced. So it should be okay to add them to the game, as long as we do not get something like Dragon's Mirror anytime soon. In this case Nightmare Penguin might be the strongest of these speculations.


Clock Tower Prison might be a bit too good but the rest seem balanced enough for Duel Links.


Hot New Top
Superior Than You
Lifeless πŸ”₯ers playing this pathetic card games. πŸ”₯ yourselves for the sake of humanity
<< Anonymous(Superior Than You)
The lemming Reply
You first , I promise I'll do it after you
<< Anonymous(Superior Than You)
Jinzo Reply
Hey, "Superior Than You"
Have you ever tried looking in the mirror?
Avoid at all costs, before you see how hideous you really are suppose to other people.
Actually, try it out and πŸ”₯ yourself in the end. (do us all a favor and shut the πŸ”₯ up).
very bad event,so little rewarding so much demanding!
I win every single floor with this deck. Most of them at 1st try. I made some changes to do quests for points, but this is the base deck.
duel links 2.0 professional mod v12 with +8000 points in pve and disable cheat detector in pve

you can now complete mission in 2.0 professional mod

more information in
<< Anonymous(konsong)
Anonymous Reply
You are the best bro
<< Anonymous(konsong)
Anonymous Reply
Steps on how to use or this is a scam. (even for hack standards)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
First of all, make a Konami account to back up your progress in Duel Links and restore your data in the modified apk. Delete your current app then download the modified one and install it. After that, transfer your data through your Konami account, go into the game, have a duel, and surrender! Simply, you win and get 8k DA! Personally, it works greatly!
Goodbye Dd
this event sucked cards are average stuff
I've just finished the event: I got 165 out of 180 possible mission points. I've resetted the box twice since the 12th, last prize was garbaj and I saved 2x 5 points that way. In the 3rd box, the very last prize was garbaj as well so no need to continue playing. If you are lucky and get a good RNG you don't even need to get 165 points to have all prize cards 3x. Keep in mind you will get 1000 gold after the event for every LP Bottle you've collected: Even if you dislike the event, play five ranked duels daily (special missions) to get 9 Bottles for a nice amount of gold.
Tower of piss
Just finished fights in this piss event, will consider missions but not looking likely as this event is garbage. Good luck to all left climbing for pissrex the piss lord
<< Anonymous(Tower of piss)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Tower of piss Reply
Naturia beat down but with trap jammer instead of fang
Walter Bishop
Against the boss at the 30th floor, completed 2 of 3 missions at the first time :)
Both my Royal Firestorm Guards and Salamandra in the D.D. Box were Prismatic, naturally also the last two rewards to get, and since I updated they're no longer prismatic in the box.

To say I am disappointed is an understatement... Did this happen to anyone else? I should have held off updating until I secured both.
<< Anonymous(Jesse)
Anonymous Reply
Cause komoney wanted to screw us more.
<< Anonymous(EdwardSA)
Jesse Reply
That must be why they changed it, was giving off the wrong impression lol... I just read on a Reddit thread the same thing, seems like it fooled a few people!
<< Anonymous(Jesse)
PegasusSigma Reply
The rules clearly said from the very beginning that it will be rng-based whether a card is glossy/prismatic or not. Although the cards appear in glossy/prismatic by clicking on them, the rules were clear. I hate 93.7% of what Konami did so far to the app but in that case they did nothing wrong.
<< Anonymous(PegasusSigma)
Anonymous Reply
probably would have been better for them to just make it look like a normal card!
Is anyone having problems playing the 11f finish 1-10 have cleared but it keep saying you can't duel with this monster yet
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Did you fight the boss?
<< Anonymous
PegasusSigma Reply
You will unlock this mission by winning the Pokidraco mission on the LEFT first.
Not sure how to feel about this.
<< Anonymous(ANHamber)
ANHamber Reply
Decks I used.
Dark magician three star demolition.



Beast fusion.

Elements unite variations.

A legendary ocean based deck.

Almost all of them with balance skill.

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