
Duel Links WCS 2018

Duel Links World Championship 2018, KC Cup, WCS Qualifier Event, Decks.
update 12/10/2017

WCS/Tournament Flow


DateMay 28 15:30 - Jun 11 13:00

Regional Representative Qualifier

DateJun 8 13:00 - Jun 11 13:00

World Championship 2018: Duel Links Division has been officially announced! Build decks to be the true King of Games! Check WCS 2017 and WCS 2017 Qualifier pages to learn how WCS 2017 was going.

KC Cup & WCS Qualifier

You will be Region Representative Qualifier by winning in KC CUP which will be held mutiple times, WCS Qualifier Event, and events which haven't been revealed.


The Qualifiers will follow the same format as the 1st stage of the KC Cup. Enter the Qualifiers from the PvP Arena.Duel against Duelists from same Region as you and increase your DLV! Reach DLV MAX (25) within the Qualifiers period to join Regional Representative Qualifiers that beign on Jun 8 13:00.

You'll start the event with the Duelist Level based on your final rank of the Ranked Duels season 27 (Apr 03:00 - May 1 03:00).

Rank & Duel Level

RankDuel Level
RookieDLV 1
Legend & King of GamesDLV15


Playmat and Sleeve

  • Duel once and you will obtain a Special Card Sleeve.
  • Duel 2 times to obtain a Special Duel Mat.

New Exclusive SR & UR Card Rewards Added

Throwstone Unit [SR]

Throwstone Unit
Throwstone Unit
EARTH Warrior ★4
ATK 900 / DEF 2000
WCS 2018 [SR]
Tribute 1 Warrior-Type monster on your side of the field to destroy 1 face-up monster on the field whose DEF is equal to or less than the ATK of this card.

Daily Rewards

Play 3 Duels in the Qualifiers/Regional Representative Qualifiers.Gems x50

Rewards for increasing DLV (Qualifiers)

DLV. 2Gems x50
DLV. 3Gems x50
DLV. 4R Jewel x50
DLV. 5Gems x100
DLV. 6SR Jewel x2
DLV. 7Gems x100
DLV. 8R Ticket x1
DLV. 9Gems x100
DLV. 10Gems x150
DLV. 11R Ticket x1
DLV. 12Gems x100
DLV. 13SR Jewel x2
DLV. 14Gems x100
DLV. 15Gems x150
DLV. 16Gems x100
DLV. 17Gems x100
DLV. 18Gems x150
DLV. 19R Jewel x100
DLV. 20SR Ticket x1
DLV. 21Gems x150
DLV. 22R Jewel x300
DLV. 23Gems x150
DLV. 24UR Jewel x1
DLV. MAXGems x400

Regional Rep.Qualifiers Ranking Reward(s)

How to Play


  • Enter the WCS from the PvP Arena! You will be automatically assigned to a group based on your geographical location when you first open the app!
  • Duel against other players in your group and try to reach DL. MAX!
  • Once you reach DLv. 16 your DLv. may lower if you lose Duels. (You DLv. will not lower if you are below DLv. 15. Once you reach DLv. 20 and 25, your DLv. will not lower below 20 and 25 respectively.)
  • if you reach DLv. MAX and then win 3 Duels in a row, you will be able to play in the Regional Representative Qualifiers, which will begin on 8 Jun 13:00!

Regional Representative Qualifiers

  • The Regional Representative Qualifiers begin on 8 Jun 13:00! If you earned a seat in the Regional Representative Qualifiers, sign up by agreeing to the Terms of Entry!
  • The Qualifiers will continue even after the Regional Representative Qualifiers begin. You will still be able to join the Regional Representative Qualifiers after 8 Jun 13:00, as long as you earn a seat! never give up!
  • Duel skilled players in the same group as you in the Regional Representative Qualifiers! You will earn DP if you win and lose DP if you are defeated.
  • Player Rankings will be based on the amount of DP accumulated at the end of the Regional Representative Qualifiers! High ranking players of each group will be invited to the WCS Finals!

WCS Finals

Date4 Aug 2018 - 5 Aug 2018


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I have the gamemat and cardsleeves for the 2018 WCS qualifiers idk how
I didn't get the 100 Gems for getting to DLv 12, anybody else?
When do the UR and SR Tickets arrive? After 6/28 ? How long do they need to calculate the score, or what is going on right now? It's my first Tournament, thanks for the help
<< Anonymous(Ayy)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Ayy Reply
Ye, what's funny boi?
<< Anonymous(Ayy)
Ayy Reply
<< Anonymous(Ayy)
Anonymous Reply
I want to know as well. Would be kind if sb could answer.
I was dlv. 22, so do I get a sr and ur ticket, and when i get it, how can I grap the reward?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, you didn't qualify for the second stage by getting to DLv. 25.
Bulet Sarkar 6294310587
After update are they closing qualifier invites? I got into dlvlmax 25 right when the update came through and didn't get to do my 3 wins in a row.
<< Anonymous(Noobie)
Anonymous Reply
You didn't get prismatic SR and UR then.
why is it that every time a comment is posted against Sylvan decks, it gets deleted from this website???? -_-
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Admins probably using sylvan as well and get tilted. Hahaha
Does anybody knows if the last duel before maitanence is counted? This dude lost to me but didn't surrender and only passed his turn when it was 1:01, and after I finished him the maitanence message appeared.
CA,sylvans,geargia=automatic qalification
<< Anonymous
VGVideo Reply
So i have "automatic qalification" because i use geargias?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
what is this your first week playing?
So I'm new at this, what happen after you got lv.25 + 3 wins... what's next? So is it in Japan (the finale)do I have to pay the flight and all myself or how is it? Someone can please explain me.
<< Anonymous
JamesAdrian08 Reply
i ask myself the same question!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No worries, it's not like you can reach to 10 regional or something. Lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
once you reach it they tell you. they pay for it
Yugi-Oh Duel Hacker...

Time window
Why do events always have these crappy time windows?

I am from europe.

The wcs 2018 lasts till 7 in the morning.

I dont want to play in the middle of the night/before 7 in the morning.

But during the 24.00-07.00 i can lose quite some rank by not playing.

Why doesnt it just stop at midnight?
<< Anonymous(Time window)
Anonymous Reply
I feel u man I feel you, the best thing to do is to rank way higher than ur goal cuz ppl go carzy wild at the end.

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