
KC Cup: 1st Stage [November 2020]

Duel Links KC CUP November decks, the top meta of Duel Links in November 2020.
update 25/11/2020


1st Stage Duration11 November 2020 - 23 November 2020

Rank & Duel Level

RankDuel Level
Rookie & BronzeDLV1
Legend & King of GamesDLV10

1st Stage Shared Decks

Email to GameA
Subject (Title)Lvl Max deck (KC Cup)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach Lvl Max (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach Lvl Max
  • a screenshot of KC Lvl Max proof

Send us screenshots of your deck which is used to get through the 1st stage of the KC Cup and the proof.

Number of users per deck

Blackwing Synchro3
Blue-Eyes Synchro2
Cyber Dragon2
Dark Magician1
Dragunity Synchro1
Evil Eye1
Fortune Lady Synchro1
Fur Hire1
Gren Maju Da Stromberg1
Karakuri Synchro2
Invoked Magician Girl2
Masked HERO1
Ritual Beast1
Shiranui Synchro2
Superheavy Samurai Synchro2

Blackwing Synchro


Blackwing SynchroDestinyXSunBlackwing Synchro DestinyXSun2
IGN: DestinyXSun, Skill: Level Reduction, Date Submitted: Nov 17


Blackwing SynchroItzMike1994Blackwing Synchro ItzMike19942
IGN: ItzMike1994, Skill: Harpies' Hunting Ground, Date Submitted: Nov 17


Blackwing SynchroKaizerJhayBlackwing Synchro KaizerJhay2
IGN: KaizerJhay, Skill: Peak Performance, Date Submitted: Nov 25

Blue-Eyes Synchro


Blue-Eyes SynchroSolace
IGN: Solace, Skill: Draw Sense: Spell/Trap, Date Submitted: Nov 17


Blue-Eyes SynchroAvilaFields
IGN: AvilaFields, Skill: Ultimate Dragons, Date Submitted: Nov 25

Cyber Dragon


Cyber DragonDr.AgonCyber Dragon Dr.Agon2
IGN: Dr.Agon, Skill: Cyber Style, Date Submitted: Nov 19


Cyber DragonCosmosCyber Dragon Cosmos2
IGN: Cosmos, Skill: Cyber Style, Date Submitted: Nov 20

Dark Magician


Dark MagicianAngelDark Magician Angel2
IGN: Angel, Skill: Destiny Draw, Date Submitted: Nov 20


Zato DAK

D/D/DZato DAKD/D/D Zato DAK2
IGN: Zato DAK, Skill: Beatdown, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Dragunity Synchro


Dragunity SynchroEdotdDragunity Synchro Edotd2
IGN: Edotd, Skill: Destiny Draw, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Evil Eye


IGN: KINGPLAYER, Skill: See You Later!, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Fur Hire


Fur HireRytashFur Hire Rytash2
IGN: Rytash, Skill: See You Later!, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Fortune Lady Synchro


Fortune Lady SynchroHeartfiliaFortune Lady Synchro Heartfilia2
IGN: Heartfilia, Skill: Time Passage, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Gren Maju Da Stromberg


Gren Maju Da Strombergcancerdecknubs
IGN: cancerdecknubs, Skill: The Tie that Binds, Date Submitted: Nov 25

Invoked Magician Girl


Invoked Magician GirlDrustanInvoked Magician Girl Drustan2
IGN: Drustan, Skill: Draw Sense: DARK, Date Submitted: Nov 17


Invoked Magician GirlakoYugiInvoked Magician Girl akoYugi2
IGN: akoYugi, Skill: Draw Sense: Dark, Date Submitted: Nov 23

Karakuri Synchro


Karakuri Synchro∆KuroramaKarakuri Synchro ∆Kurorama2
IGN: ∆Kurorama, Skill: Restart, Date Submitted: Nov 17


Karakuri SynchroDmitriKarakuri Synchro Dmitri2
IGN: Dmitri, Skill: Firm as the EARTH, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Masked HERO

Yami Aster

Masked HEROYami Aster
IGN: Yami Aster, Skill: Master Of Fusion, Date Submitted: Nov 20



IGN: LaplaceXZ, Skill: Territory of Sharks, Date Submitted: Nov 20



IGN: Lycanroc, Skill: Grit, Date Submitted: Nov 18



IGN: PlisKogUp, Skill: Onomatoplay, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Ritual Beast


Ritual BeastWilk007Ritual Beast Wilk0072
IGN: Wilk007, Skill: Sealed Tombs, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Shiranui Synchro


Shiranui SynchroCesar
IGN: Cesar, Skill: Level Augmentation, Date Submitted: Nov 17


Invoked ShiranuiB4BearInvoked Shiranui B4Bear2
IGN: B4Bear, Skill: The Tie that Binds, Date Submitted: Nov 17

Superheavy Samurai Synchro


Superheavy Samurai SynchroNghiebaSuperheavy Samurai Synchro Nghieba2
IGN: Nghieba, Skill: Life Charge, Date Submitted: Nov 19


Superheavy Samurai SynchroSudiharyantoSuperheavy Samurai Synchro Sudiharyanto2
IGN: Sudiharyanto, Skill: Defense Charge, Date Submitted: Nov 25



IGN: Stanley, Skill: Endless Trap Hell, Date Submitted: Nov 21



IGN: lapar4duel, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Nov 18



Vendread ShiranuitaaVendread Shiranui taa2
IGN: taa, Skill: Level Duplication, Date Submitted: Nov 17


Hot New Top
How many wins to go from 19 to lv 20?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
5, and they don't have to be in a row
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
they have to be in a row
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
they DEFINITELY HAVE to be in a row
The meta is just broken. Citree, 177 Merchant, Sunsaga, Aleister, Ascalon, Masked Change etc... They are indeed broken, nobody can say that they are okay to exist until XYZ takeover the meta.
<< Anonymous
Steo Kiaba Reply
Considering the current pool, XYZ will never take over the meta. It will only happen if KONAMI releases really strong XYZ cards..... then people would complain about XYZ being too strong. Cycle continues
<< Anonymous(Steo Kiaba)
Anonymous Reply
No need to worry, only the noobs will complain. P2W with a tier 1 deck will not complain at any point of time.
i sent my dlevel max stromberg deck but no answer
Good news: The KC is about to end.

Bad news: Yet another repeated event will start
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'll take the potential opportunity for prismatic Buster Gundil and Dharma over constantly being FTK'd or always seeing Fiendish + Cosmic in my opponents' opening hand any day of the week... Even fought a Desperado player earlier who opened Fiendish, 2 Cosmic, Blast Spider, and Barrel Dragon on the first turn... and who knows how many Fiendish + Ballista or Karma and Shiranui Squire.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
let's hope there'll be a nuke to the meta after the KC
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Confirm that they will nuke the meta after so many months of bad box sales. Konami need to sell new cards to make money. They could just terminate this game if they cannot earn reasonable profit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yes, meta must be NUKED all top decks must die: Shiranui, Crystron, Invoked and Karakuri are insane.
If Konami powercreep meta, it needs a huge powercreep that can break the game, because now you can't deal with those boards of traps + small core
Just a noob
My account is only one week old, I reached DLV Max with Aromas and currently sitting on 15K points (top 10,000 global) in Stage 2. Stop complaining and get good. Duel Links is f2p friendly.
<< Anonymous(Just a noob)
Anonymous Reply
that is not true I can't get beyond dlv 15 with my f2p super heavy samurai deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can get by F2P in duel links. Doesn't mean it is F2P friendly. You gotta grind your arse off if you want to succeed F2P.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yep first comment about aromas is likely false, you need at least 2 weeks to get jewels needed to buy 3 jasmine and 3 rosemary. Even more time since there wasn't a big event giving jewels as rewards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Playing Aroma to get 15k points. This must be a full time gamer without a life outside this game.
Do you think we'll get a good box next?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As good as the last few boxes. In other words: NO
Why can't I block players anymore? Don't wanna play DM, Shiranui and Invoked Faags
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
guess players would abuse it and block all players who even just counters them and not playing unfair decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's not the same player, it's just that there are too many players with the same deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The blocking system is just sucks. Never serve any real purpose.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if we could block certain decks I'd block everything except super heavy samurai, free wins for everyone by turn 4 max.
All of a sudden my deck started to brick on level 19...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Correct, a deck with 13 box URs can just win so easily.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have that same problem. Got to lv17 and all of a sudden for the next 10 matches I always went first and always brick with all 3 lunalight fusions and a cosmic cyclone for my opening hand.
Just gave up trying after that.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
On my side I just AFKed my matches and ended up getting a few AFK victories.

At least I was able to enjoy some YouTube videos while still receiving some gems rewards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I also bricked even more with my f2p super heavy samurai deck, I'm stuck in DLV 15
Ugh kc should last only one week, try hards get to DLV in the first 2 days the rest that don't give a damn about it do it in 5 days all the other days are wasted.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, I have to agree. You either get to DLV max within two days or you don't at all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
not only try hards exist thank god.why should we make rules for that minority.btw i reached dlevel max in the second or third day if i remember correctly.
i reached max with stromberg.i sent the email.
Reminder: Dream tickets will expire soon, make sure you don't miss the date
<< Anonymous
Steo Kiaba Reply
Yeah, spirit monsters were never good so that Konami took an action to nerf Amano Iwato deck and shut it down completely.
<< Anonymous(Steo Kiaba)
Anonymous Reply
Amano has an extremely good effect. Being a spirit was what made him bad and thus the whole purpose if the deck was to bypass the "return to hand" effect. Yes, spirit monsters were always bad and Konami didnt do enything to really help them, just some mediocre support. Same can be said for geminis and unions.
<< Anonymous(Steo Kiaba)
Anonymous Reply
Amano has an extremely good effect. Being a spirit was what made him bad and thus the whole purpose if the deck was to bypass the "return to hand" effect. Yes, spirit monsters were always bad and Konami didnt do enything to really help them, just some mediocre support. Same can be said for geminis and unions.
<< Anonymous
Steo Kiaba Reply
You were referring to Duel Standby antimeta deck, but I was talking about Block Dragon Amano Iwato.
It shows that Konami did take action twice to get rid of Amano Iwato.
KC Cup below DLv19 are so easy now after majority of the pros reached DLv Max.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, by that logic, no one in Duel Links had a reason to complain about Bamboo Sprite when it was around. No one had a right to complain about Koaki when they had 3 diamond, 3 maximus, and trunade all at once.

"Just because someone doesn't have every card" or doesn't have every meta deck is not an excuse to keep them out of a conversation about the meta... They're as much a player as you are.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, said. Whales are too proud of themselves.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i'm just waiting til the kc over and i'm dlv 3 right now. below dlv 19 a person can still find some challenges at trying to climb up the kc ladder even if the majority of the pros are max dlv.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
pros or idiots with unfair decks to be precise

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Question. If you take 3,000 dmg (and you have 2,700) can the apples activate and you have 3,000 u...
966-641-197 p-p-please go easy on m-me bcause I can't play l-like a man.
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