
KC Cup: 2nd Stage [November 2020]

Duel Links KC CUP November decks, the top meta of Duel Links in November 2020.
update 01/12/2020


Stage 2 of the KC Cup will start on November 20th. Shared decks are credited to the people who made/used them. If you like their decks, don't forget to check their Reddit/Twitter/Youtube accounts!

2nd Stage Duration20 Nov 2020 - 23 Nov 2020


ANorth America
BLatin America/Caribbean
FAsia/Middle East/Africa


  • Players placed in Top 500 in the 2nd Stage Ranking will receive a seat in the next Duel Links World Championship Regional Representive Qualifier!
  • The 1st place player in the 2nd Stage Global Ranking will receive an invitation to the Duel Links World Championship!

2nd Stage Ranking Rewards

2nd Stage Shared Decks

At the end of the KC Cup 2nd stage, please send us decks you use, your region, and Duel Points you earn. Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be Deck (KC Cup 2nd Stage Top 100).
Subject (Title)Deck (KC CUP 2nd Stage Top 100)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used in KC 2nd Stage
  • a screenshot of Rank proof

Number of users per deck

Cyber Dragon1
Invoked Magician Girl2
Invoked Roid1
Karakuri Synchro1
Masked HERO1
Ritual Beast1
Shiranui Synchro1

Top 10

[B&P] [不死鳥] Grucius

Megalith[B&P] [不死鳥] GruciusMegalith [B&P] [不死鳥] Grucius2

Invoked LunalightInvoked Lunalight 2

DesperadoDesperado 2

Invoked RoidInvoked Roid 2
IGN: [B&P] [不死鳥] Grucius, Skill: Master of Rites II / Destiny Draw / Master of Destiny / Destiny Draw, Date Submitted: Nov 30

2nd Place: [B&P] gift

Crystron2nd Place: [B&P] giftCrystron 2nd Place: [B&P] gift2

Invoked Magician GirlInvoked Magician Girl 2
IGN: [B&P] gift, Skill: Level Duplication & Draw Sense: DARK, Date Submitted: Nov 30

3rd Place: ACT@闇団

Cyber DragonACT@闇団Cyber Dragon ACT@闇団2

IGN: ACT@闇団, Skill: Cyber Style, Date Submitted: Nov 30

5th Place: TsunTsun

Karakuri SynchroTsunTsunKarakuri Synchro TsunTsun2
IGN: TsunTsun, Skill: Restart, Date Submitted: Nov 30

8th Place: Soratun

Ritual BeastSoratunRitual Beast Soratun2
IGN: Soratun, Skill: Destiny Draw, Date Submitted: Nov 30

Top 100

18th Place: GUINNESS

DesperadoGUINNESSDesperado GUINNESS2
IGN: GUINNESS, Skill: Master of Destiny, Date Submitted: Nov 30

24th Place: zaidking

Masked HEROzaidkingMasked HERO zaidking2

CrystronCrystron 2
IGN: zaidking, Skill: Bring It!, Level Duplication, Date Submitted: Nov 30

57th Place: フォレンジック

Shiranui Synchro57th Place: フォレンジックShiranui Synchro 57th Place: フォレンジック2
IGN: フォレンジック, Skill: Level Augmentation, Date Submitted: Nov 30

Other Decklists


Invoked Magician GirlDrustanInvoked Magician Girl Drustan2
IGN: Drustan, Skill: Draw Sense: DARK, DP: 30,166, Date Submitted: Nov 25

Other Win Streak Decklists


GravekeeperScarlet4869Gravekeeper Scarlet48692
IGN: Scarlet4869, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Nov 25


Hot New Top
Where is the result of the top deck? It has been 1 week now, do it faster!!!
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
Hello, we will announce the winner of the KC cup later on, meanwhile buy new cards with the super 96 hours sale!!! Strengthen your deck and aim for the top.

-Thank you for playing Duel Links.
<< Anonymous(Konami)
Anonymous Reply
motherfk imposter your mom die tomorrow
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As it seems the anon in the top post has already his copy decker ready, hoping one day to become dl champion. Pour boy...
<< Anonymous(Konami's Mom)
Konami's Dad Reply
Yeah! Tell 'em, honey!
KC Cup result not yet announce. Do it faster.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it was leaked already bamboo scrap got limited to 1, the limit 2 in karakuri was changed to merchant, that's all
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, do me faster!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is what I think will happen, not that I agree with it.

Karakuri: the current limit 2 will be swapped to merchant, the shs card they use also at 2. Konami doesn't give a damn about f2p decks, sorry shs users.

Dragunity and Lunalight will get another card to 2, to prevent dragunity from using trunade and because Lunalight is cheap and can steal wins.

Bamboo Scrap to 1

Level Aug will d i e

No UR will be hit this time, it is bad for the business.

No relevant xyz deck until December or January.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol all the skills are kinda cheating. zane summons 2-3 materials for an otk, auto adds non destruction removal, 1/4 of the skills start the game +1 with a field spell.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They should only add more cards into the banlist without removing any.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I dont believe they should nerf skills. I believe they should update some older skills to be useable. Level augmentation is only being used in shiranuis. Balance is what makes playable some decks like aromage, triamids, dm etc that are not even tiered atm. Destiny draw should be used when you have less than 2000 lp.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Balance is the skill need to be nerfed. A skill that can prevent bricking in a 20 cards format should not be allowed. Imagine if TCG allow you to play like this then everyone would do it.
cheaters and hackers and other abusers in much for the fair competion.the end result would be different if there would be no account sharing and other bs.seriously a lot of account sharer stole wins cos they wouldnt even play that many or would tired by that time a lot.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Speaking of the Age of Discovery box, that reminds me of all the weird glitches in the early game... I once summoned Double Summon against a friend of mine. Sanga, Kazejin, and Suijin all had about 1300 ATK during that glicth, but took no tributes and still had the reduction effect.

There's some history for you. It was back around time Des Couterblow/Golden Apples and Conspiracy all trap deck was
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As long as you have already paid for the cards, Konami doesn't care about what happens next with the gameplay. Therefore, they have no reason to solve anything regarding cheating.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"I played kc stage 2 and I can say that 90% of players at high dlv points were using cheats (me included ofc)"

You are lying, unless you show us your player ID number
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I can but I don't know how that would help, you see the spy tool shows you in a prompt that you are being "spied" the game itself is not involved at all.

I got said prompt tons of times in the KC and yeah all of those games ended in like 10 seconds, you compare your starting hand vs your opponent's, if their's is better you surrender without losing points.
i demand a new kc cup.the results would be much different without these cheaters and other exploiters which dkayed mentioned
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, it's not fair that people who don't pay money abuses these cheats to be better than those who spend money.
<< Anonymous(# 2 Top Global Playe)
Account sharing to gain a lot of points is cheating. Those players are not experts at all.
I played KC Cup stage 1 and 2. I have also seen a lot of KC decklists and their winrates from discords, etc. Here's what the banlist is going to look like. Prepare yourself! And for those who want to know what the #1 global deck was in the KC Cup, it was Dark Magician.


Dark Magician
Cyber Dragon
Banlist is coming. Citree & Merchant included.
Is this thing over already?
<< Anonymous(Fetih 1453)
Anonymous Reply
good, I can't wait to be disappointed by tomorrow's leaks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Next banlist is probably not going to immediately show up after KC Cup ended.

I'll give it probably a week before they announced it.

Would be great if they announced it sooner, though. But it's definitely going to be after KC Cup.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They won't change anything relevant anyway, they'll limit bamboo scrap to 1 and call it a day.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Banlist is coming and that is for sure. It won't be long from now. Enjoy those broken deck while you can.
I play with my volcanic deck.Hehe...Moetaro?
<< Anonymous(Kyo)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Kyo)
Anonymous Reply
Hopefully Axel comes with skills that make Volcanic deck better.
Had a hard time getting to duel level max with infirnity and weatherpainters but i went invoke magician girls with three wonder wands and I pretty much seen the same decks dark mag, shinranui, katakuri, blue eyes, invoke, not too many crytrons, and a few cyber dragons
Yami Aster
The most satisfying win against shiranui I've ever had and the perfect way to end stage 2 for me. #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
2nd Stage=Shiranui,Dark Magician,karakuri,Aleister and Cryston.If you not have any of this decks...CONGRATULATIONS!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thunder Dragons all the way. Consistency is sometimes an issue but it eats these slow control decks alive otherwise. Can be weak to OTK decks like BW or Cydras but apparently those are rare these days.
<< Anonymous(Fetih 1453)
Anonymous Reply
"I don't have all of those decks.
Thank you for congratulating me.
I also don't reach 2ns stage." i reached 2 nd stage wout those and i even was in top 500 in eruope in some time of the tourney.(wcs qualifier place) so dont try to make it look like that without those decks u cant reach dlevel max
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
superheavy is unfair and doesnt deserve anything second replier
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There's cyber dragon as well

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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