
See you Later! FTK: deck recipe

update 07/10/2019


Remember Duel, Standby Burn? Now, you don’t have to worry, this deck is actually horribly inconsistent, but the combination of the Skill See you Later! and Elemental HERO Bubbleman is something that might cause some distress to us all in the future.

Example Deck

Elemental HERO BubblemanElemental HERO BubblemanInto the VoidInto the VoidInto the VoidCard of Sanctity
Goblin ThiefGoblin ThiefGoblin ThiefHinotamaHinotamaHinotama
Cup of AceCup of AceRaimeiRaimeiRaimeiRestructer Revolution

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
See you Later!
Select 1 monster you control and who you are the original owner of. Return the selected monster to the hand. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD)
Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD)

How to Use

Into the Void

Always get Into the Void out of the way first. You don’t want to end up with a card that you cannot activate and an Elemental HERO Bubbleman in your hand. If you end up drawing Into the Void via Bubbleman’s effect, you can return the Level 4 Warrior to your hand with your Skill to get back to 3 cards in your hand, which is the minimum requirement for the activation of the Spell Card.

Elemental HERO Bubbleman

If Elemental HERO Bubbleman is the only card in your hand, you can Special Summon it. When Bubbleman is Summoned, if you control no other cards and you have no cards in your hand, you can draw 2 cards. Burn your opponent down with Goblin Thief, Hinotama, Restructer Revolution and Sparks, Special Summon Bubbleman, draw 2 cards, burn again, return Bubbleman to your hand using your Skill, Special Summon it, draw 2 cards, and hopefully finish off your opponent. Pretty straightforward.

While Bubbleman is truly a fantastic card in the context of this deck, I wouldn’t advise you to run more than 2 copies of it. If you ever open with multiple copies of the blue HERO and you don’t have Card of Sanctity available, you get automatically stuck.

Cup of Ace and Restructer Revolution

There’s a reason why both these cards are in the Forbidden/Limited List: Cup of Ace is either an automatic +1 or 400 additional damage on Restructer Revolution, which may not sound that impressive, but keep in mind we are forced to run Sparks for lack of Spell Cards that deal direct damage to our opponent.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
See you Later!
Select 1 monster you control and who you are the original owner of. Return the selected monster to the hand. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD)
Mokuba Kaiba (DSOD)

Well, this is the best way to use this Skill that has been discovered so far and, for what it’s worth, it’s actually pretty decent, but that’s mostly because Elemental HERO Bubbleman has no “once per turn” restriction on either of its effects.


  • Consistency, as I mentioned, is terrible. Going first, you are going to be able to inflict on average 2200 damage, which is obviously not enough to end a Duel.

  • You would think that going second your chances of winning by burning your opponent would be better thanks to the extra card, but that’s not the case. Now you have to take into account the fact that your opponent has the ability to interact with you: they might negate your Restructer Revolution with Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En or Silent Magician, they might use Rebirth of Parshath to negate Bubbleman’s effect, or they might use The Sanctified Darklord to gain back all their Life Points.

  • You have almost no ability to recover after you have exhausted all of your resources. Your only chance of getting back into the game is drawing a Bubbleman or the exact amount of damage you were missing.


I knew people were going to try ways to abuse this skill, to play around non-hard once per turn effects. Hopefully nothing degenerate comes of this.
<< Anonymous(Yugiknowz)
Anonymous Reply
Yea, I knew it was only a matter of time before an FTK of some kind surfaced with this skill. Fortunately, this one is very gimmicky and luck dependent- but it's only a matter of time before a real threatening one emerges
<< Anonymous
Yugiknowz Reply
True lol, this deck is not consistent, but there could be one that comes along. Cards in the TCG that have similar effects to this skill often find themselves on the forbidden list due to players abusing them for non-once per turn effects i.e Giant Trunade.
<< Anonymous(Yugiknowz)
Anonymous Reply
Yep, remember Brionac?
<< Anonymous(Yugiknowz)
Beat uwu Reply
This skill is already useful for Fur Hire
Fun with low consistency.
Consistency issue and bad when going second means this is a terrible deck for Ranked. HOWEVER, this deck sounds fun for going against standard duelists XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What I love about this site is that the admins really love dueling and try to make many deck ideas even if they are not META.
Thanks ValleCula!
<< Anonymous(A)
ValleCula Reply
Thanks, A. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this non-META decklist; I did have fun trying to optimize it, but I wouldn't advise anyone to actually pick it up seriously :)
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
>Not always. I see/seen a lot of paid for decks on here.

I'm going to try and post decklists that are easier to build in the future. You can check out the Budget Version of Invoked Neos if you're looking for something good that doesn't force you to spend actual money on the game.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Anonymous Reply
It's fine to post expensive meta deck. It's a fact that a lot of player plays competitively, and they need those decks. If anything, posting budget version as an extra would be nice.

Then again, I'm not competitive player. Using character deck or successfully pulling weird combo is what makes me enjoy the game the most. I really appreciate these uncommon decks posted in this site.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Anonymous Reply
True. And we were just talking about on the invoked neos board about the Neos Exodia combo
Into The Void isn't the right card for this deck. Better bring 3x Bubbleman, 3x Card of Sanctity and 1x Mystic Piper
What scenarios that this deck can FTK? Nice idea though. Could work in the future when we have more options.
For now, I think it's good for using against Vagabond (1000lp/Spell trap set/draw 2).
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
I don't even know if I want those "options". They neeed to be extremely careful when releasing new burn cards. They actually haven't done that in quite a long time.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Anonymous Reply
Using Burn decks like this on "spell/trap set" Vagabond is a good idea, usually nobody prepares anti-Burn cards as their backrow in their meta deck.
There should be a skill / deck called:

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sounds like that could be a Yami Marik skill.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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