
Elemental HERO Bubbleman | Decks and Ruling

This page notes details of Elemental HERO Bubbleman (WATER/Warrior/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 04/05/2021

Elemental HERO Bubbleman

Elemental HERO Bubbleman
Monster TypeWarrior
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Trigger Effect / Condition
ArchetypesElemental HERO / HERO


If this is the only card in your hand, you can Special Summon it (from your hand). When this card is Summoned: You can draw 2 cards. You must control no other cards and have no cards in your hand to activate and to resolve this effect.

How to Get

Level-up rewardJaden Yuki at Lvl 11 [R]
Victory againstJaden Yuki [R]
Card trader--
OtherJaden Yuki Birthday Celebration Campaign [R Glossy]









ActionsYou draw cards
Summoning categoriesSpecial Summons itself from your hand


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My daughter lost against this card. The combinations it can do with other magic cards is ridiculous. I will reach out to Konami. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Batman can shoot bubbles with his Batbubble, but it needs a battery.
What's a tery?
If batman had bubble powers.
Arguably the worst HERO to ever exist due to the terrible restriction on its effect, even the vanilla Clayman is still better, as it's at least a wall.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Bubbleman is as bad as Clayman. And no sane person would try to build a Bubble Beat deck nowadays, even if Xyz arrives in DL.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ok, prick.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Who said Bubbleman is better than Clayman? I said Clayman is better because it's at least can be used as a wall...

Also, any monster is useful as Xyz Material. That's not a good argument.

And you're the one who first brought up a win in 2013. An argument which no longer valid in 2020, when we have much better cards available.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
When Clayman has any relevance whatsoever in any format, you can claim it's better.
What’s the deal with bubble man’s effect? I want to draw to 2 cards but it won’t let me do so. What’s the problem?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
-Is this the ONLY CARD you had both in field and hand?

-Are you using some specific skill?
Why this card drawing effect hard to play in tcg. İt was favorite card of jaden but now its trash
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's actually weirder that it kept its anime effect throughout the anime. Most cards eventually adopted their TCG/OCG effects during the series' run, such as Future Fusion, Thunder Giant, Grand Mole and Level Modulation.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They kept the anime effect throughout the series because the real life effect is so terrible, it's practically unusable.

When even the anime couldn't 🔥 its way through that, you know it has to be extremely bad.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That is a pretty terrible assumption. Many cards got weaker in later anime appearances. Power Bond and Aqua Dolphin, for example.

I'd assume they left it as-is because it was convenient for writing purposes, as it gave him an easy way to get more cards. It's worth pointing out that more than once, he got the draw from it when it was in fact his only card in both anyway.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
His hand would be empty and then he would draw bubbleman, which led him to draw pot of greed as one of the cards drawn from using bubbleman's effect. I feel like I saw this happen more than once.
Did anyone try to draw this card with draw sense water ?
I suppose it would work for the drawing effect.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It works if it's the only WATER monster in your deck. Overall though if you draw him earlier he's a useless card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
True, but when I try it it works.
My oppoenent took like forever to read the card's text XD

When you use draw sense water however, you passively increase your odds of drawing a water monster without even activating the skill. I mean I have a 30 cards deck and three quarter of the times Bubbleman is in my starting hand.
This stops when you don't have the Draw sense water skill however.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you're imagining it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, maybe I'm thinking too much. But oddly my 30 cards deck which contains 1 Bubbleman keeps drawing it before the end of turn 7-8 in more than half of my matches.

I really want to make this work but fate is against me.
Should have listened to Sartorius XD
useless card. The condition to draw 2 cards is very harsh, its nearly impossible to activate it effect. Maybe character skill in this game help.
<< Anonymous(n00b)
Anonymous Reply
It's good when you meet the vagabond and start with 1 card
<< Anonymous(n00b)
Dylan Reply
The effect doesn't even work when played correctly I've tried multiple times hoping it would work each time but it never works the card is broken in duel links, the only part that works is to special summon it if it's the last card in your hand
<< Anonymous(n00b)
platpx3 Reply
It got nerf as it’s requirement used to be only no card on the field but now that there’s no card on hand that just makes it harsher

But hey it’s good when you need a MIRACLE to happen *Yugioh Protangonist Bullcrap draw power*
<< Anonymous(platpx3)
platpx3 Reply
E HERO Pot of Greed
His special ability never works in duel links no matter how you try it it needs to be fixed and has made me lose duels that turn because I couldn't draw anything to help my self even when I had nothing on the field and had no cards in my hand then I drew him and played him and as the card says I should draw two cards but nothing happens it doesn't give me any option to draw two cards if you're putting him in your deck for his ability don't because it doesn't work
In the show, Jaden can activate the 'draw 2 cards' effect if Bubbleman is the only card on the field, and he can activate it even IF he has cards in his hand. Change it how it's supposed to be
<< Anonymous(Yugi9000)
Anonymous Reply
The OCG/TCG card has never had that effect.
The anime changes effects in order to make duels flow more for the main characters (Who mostly use awful archetypes anyways)

It will not change.
<< Anonymous(Yugi9000)
Anonymous Reply
The OCG/TCG card has never had that effect.
The anime changes effects in order to make duels flow more for the main characters (Who mostly use awful archetypes anyways)

It will not change.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Umm, no. It's the TCG/OCG that changes the effects of anime cards for the sake of so-called "balance".

Also, you have to remember that this is an early GX card. A lot of early GX cards ends up getting overnerfed when they hit OCG/TCG.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Keep in mind, too, that a lot of anime cards end up adopting the TCG/OCG effects when they appear later on. Ancient Lamp, Catapult Turtle, Future Fusion and Level Modulation all changed to match their TCG/OCG effects during the course of their debut series for example.
some bubble beat buildings around ?
We need bubble blaster
<< Anonymous(Souvik)
Anonymous Reply
Wrong we need bubblebuttblaster

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