
Tellarknight: deck recipe [July 21]

Duel Links Tellarknight deck, Tellarknight in the current meta, how to use.
update 21/07/2022

Noted By lapar4duel:

First time reached DLv Max using tellars. I'm using 22 cards here. The main combo is pretty linear. Swarm monster as many as possible. 3 core cards: altair, deneb & vega. Put all of them with 3 copies, in my version, I only put 2 vega. I also put 1 alsahm because this little warrior is the MVP with its little burn on summon. For skill, I use LP boost alpha because gandora has 4500 ATK all the time or you can use grit to prevent OTK. The best turn 1 is to summon deneb and search any tellarknight monster or vega + deneb and set all traps for protection. You can also summon triverr in defense mode to get rid of 1 card from opponent's hand. The best turn 2 is having backrow removal that is spell like mst/galaxy cyclone, skybridge or book of moon to temporarily shut down 1 of opponent's monster. You can also use book of moon to your non-extra deck tellarknight monster to reset the effect during next turn. Summon triverr via xyz change to batlamyus, detach batlamyus to send opponent card in their hand and activate monster reborn to summon batlamyus. You can also use forbidden lance to chain it for protection however is not lethal. I'm using only 1 mst because I've faced so many gandora decks and they rarely play lot of backrows so I put more fiendish chain and floodgate trap hole instead. Btw, if you are wondering why I put the equip spell? Well, yeah it seems brick but it can lead to OTK and protection also as bait to your opponent removal effect. For extra deck, I put paladynamo. This is good monster to bait opponent monster that has quick effect because if they don't, the monster will have the effects negated + 0 ATK. Photon Papilorative is underrated and gave me win especially against abyss actor all the time. Because if you attack your opponent directly, somehow they have kiteroid meanwhile this can lower their attack and change battle position your monster too if it gets floodgated. Overall, this deck is not consistent doing OTK, you'll stall a lot with the traps but their xyz monsters are great having both effects while on the field and when it leaves the field.

[March 2021] KOG Notes


Tellarknights涼EcclesiaTellarknights 涼Ecclesia2
IGN: 涼Ecclesia, Skill: Overlay Gain, Date Submitted: Mar 17

Noted by 涼Ecclesia:

Be careful to use stellarnova alpha. Don't negate any effect that activate in the graveyard or banish zone unless it's necessary. In order to draw 1 card, you need to destroy card that you've negate before.

Use the skill to beat monster that have attack bigger that your monster especially blue eyes. Be careful when you face blue eyes because this deck kinda hard to beat blue eyes. We don't have any 3k beatstick, so use the skill wisely.

[February 2021] KOG Notes


TellarknightsCdogTellarknights Cdog2
IGN: Cdog, Skill: Balance, Date Submitted: Feb 23

Noted By Cdog:

It has an unstoppable grind game and on turn one thanks to balance you are going to be safe for the first turn. In general if I survived more than 5 turns I was winning the game unless I miss-played.

The loop that the deck can create for an infinite wall while diminishing the enemies resources was the goal when I played.


Hot New Top
Flop gang
Mermail, infernity and BA welcome this deck to their family
<< Anonymous(Flop gang)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Shiranui 2.0
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck is not even close go shuranui
Pathetic archetype even with tons of support and balance fixing their hands could never go beyond meme tier. Now is even worse
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Consecutive boxes with support + a character with support for the deck and still garbage, only the endless trap hell backrow deck ft tellarknight can survive pvp
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Actually not, Triverr sends everything back to hand on summons, unlike Cyber Slash Harpie that can only send one monster and if there is spell/trap activation
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Replying to a god knows how old comment
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
These comments are at least 1 year old, when tellar knights first came to duel links.
Unukalhai to send Deneb -> Skybridge -> Altair to summon Deneb is a cool play.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes awesome. Also Altair summoning Vega from the graveyard and Vega summoning Deneb from the hand
This guy Seriously Dumb 🔥

23 turn play - more than 10 Xyz summon - play satellaknight - check decks 3 Book Of Money a.k.a P2w - disconnect when im about to finish him - Cant accept loses to F2p decks

#DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(GhostBird)
Anonymous Reply
It still counts a loss for them. Maybe they just didn't want to waste more time in that duel?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
OP was about to finish him. Was waiting like, 5 more seconds really can be called as a waste of time?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's not always 5 seconds.
Sometimes the opponent overextends, because either being too cautious or just want to look cool.
Photon lead is a good one of, goal of the deck is to just grind down your opponent and OTK after you take care of their turn.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*stall like a ca ncer deck but with extra steps
Do you guys think the star seraph version is actually better? Is it just brickier?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
anything with star seraph is good. You can even KoG with Beaver Warrior as long as you use star seraph engine
Only 5 monster with different name but the skill need 6 to work ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
still waiting, Gamea XD

(sorry, I love this archetype)
<< Anonymous
WoodFrJared Reply
Hi, thanks for mentioning the problem. We have fixed the decklist.
<< WoodFrJared
Anonymous Reply
thank you :)
Desperado deck article also has a similar issue by the way
<< Anonymous
WoodFrJared Reply
oh ok got it We will check for that :)
"NO, NO, NO, NOOOO!" -this how you're supposed to do it -Book of moon ain't a damn thing....

#DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(ASHINJU)
This is for you guys! The community day1. We can do this! I appreciate you guys
Is this deck good? I have now 9999 gems with 99 pages of gems and 99 sides. Calculated everything was over 18k gems. I have most of the staples 3x and most of the decks and looking for a good Xyz build. Is it worth it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

Once you see Sunsaga, Cocytus or Sabre Dancer surrender, it is impossible to beat them.

Dark magician: whoever goes first wins

Witchcrafter: bad, pray you go first even so you can't otk them, Verre will return as easy as she left.

Karakuri: bad, it is what satellarknights try to do but it does it far better.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck is good if you know how to play it......all cards are in good synergy....i play alsaham for burn and sirius for recycle....and Delteros is never a waste.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck is trash even as an expert, for what it costs you can get a better one
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Actually stellarknight is a good deck, its have omninegate counter trap and dodge quickplay spell. Even now with release the vylon disigma you can suck sunsaga now.

The boss monster have very good floating effect that have synergy with stellarknight altair to summon other stellar or delteros itself and still have the float effect.
kinda broken

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