
Spell Chronicle | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Spell Chronicle (Spell Card/Continuous) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 04/06/2017

Spell Chronicle

Spell Chronicle
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCost / Card effect / Continuous-like Effect / Ignition-like Effect / Condition


Send all cards in your hand to the Graveyard. Select and remove from play 5 Spell or Trap Cards from your Deck. Each time your opponent activates a Spell Card, place 1 Chronicle Counter on this card. You can remove 2 Chronicle Counters from this card to have your opponent select 1 of the cards removed from play with this card's effect, and add it to your hand. When this card is removed from the field, you take 500 damage for each card that is still removed from play due to this card's effect.









How to Get

Under construction.


ActionsSends from hand to Graveyard for cost / Adds from Banished Zone to hand
Banished categoriesBanishes from your Deck
LPDamages you

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Too bad none uses this in WC lol
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I tried it for a while and it's a brick most of the time you gotta open this + schmietta and pray you don't open with your patronus copies in your starting hand, these witches already struggle just opening monster (not verre) + any random spell

In ocg/tcg works like a charm because they have witchcrafter creation and the rest of the spells
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
no witchcrafter creation = massive brick
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
true true
Master Verre-chan
anyway just get this thing if switchrafter released in duel links
<< Anonymous(Master Verre-chan)
Smugloli Reply
Comments that aged well!
This card "could" be good against spellbooks but fate can banish it later. but hey its a good waste of fate though if they do.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They can always recycle the fate
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Combo with Chaos End.
am i the only one that tried to use this with spellbooks? its not that bad you discard destroyer and banish some books to recycle with eternity
<< Anonymous(Kek)
FurryKuriboh Reply
good idea son
This card would of been much better in early duel links before all the backrow removal became available.
If it was any card monster included I feel it would be better because then you could ensure you get what you need in drawing as is most people run maybe 4 spell and traps if that so this card will only see play in trap heavy or spell heavy decks where you need something major
However it doesn’t say banish face down so spell books could abuse it easily by sending fate away and using the spellboom to retrieve what ever spellbooks spell is needed.
I feel like this would be good in self-destruction decks
this card is so outrageous bizarre that raining cats and dogs seems like a norm.
This card is not compatible for speed duel format. I think yubel event will so easy:|
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This card is bad period, no matter whether it is speed duel or master duel.
it is one of few cards that can add ANY SPELL/TRAP to your hand. and theres no easy way to do that
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Gold Sarcophagus, Different Dimension Capsule and Ancient Gear Drill (for Spells)/A Cat of Ill Omen (for Traps) are both easier ways to search them. I'd argue that Dark Sage is also better at actually searching a Spell, incidentally. (Though I'd still consider Chronicle the better card there, just due to thinning.)
Honestly this card is so crap, it's amazing that Yubel actually manages to use it lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It'll be interesting if it is actually a thing here, since removing 5 specific cards is actually pretty significant deck-thinning, and unlike a card like Needlebug Nest, it's both a Spell, and not prone to ditching necessary combo pieces.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, but it also means your deck needs to include 5 Spell/Trap cards you're not gonna use (since they're gonna be banished and retrieving them depends on your opponent's action) in addition to this card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Pot of Desires banishes 10 cards face-down, but it is balanced by the fact that it immediately rewards you 2 cards in return.

This card not only takes time to give you the reward, it also completely depends on opponent's action.

Also, the damage. Your opponent can just Cosmic Cyclone this card to give you 2500 damage right in the face.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The damage is my biggest concern with this card, 2500 damage isn't small.

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You can’t activate it because you have already lost the duel at this point V
966-641-197 p-p-please go easy on m-me bcause I can't play l-like a man.
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