
EXP earning deck: deck recipe

update 03/04/2017


Obtainable score2,000 - 3,000
Essential skillAny/None
Essential cards
  • High stats monsters - Dunames Dark Witch and Jerry Beans
  • Great support cards - Riryoku and Metalmorph

Example deck

Twin-Barrel DragonTwin-Barrel DragonJerry Beans ManJerry Beans ManJerry Beans ManWarrior Dai Grepher
Warrior Dai GrepherWarrior Dai GrepherSonic DuckSonic DuckSonic DuckRiryoku
RiryokuRiryokuEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerMetalmorph

How to use this deck

This deck focuses solely on gaining as much wins as possible for 500 EXP per non-Vagabond duels. No character skill is needed. The only thing you need to do is to switch on Auto-Duel while dueling with them.

Other useful cards

Double Coston
Double Coston
Can replace other 1700 beaters if you have this as it has better stats for DEF.
Kaiser Sea Horse
Kaiser Sea Horse
Like Double Coston, it has solid ATK and DEF.
Dunames Dark Witch
Dunames Dark Witch
The only independent 1800 beater in the game currently. If you have a copy of it, do put it in the deck.
Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall
Very effective against other beatdown decks that most SDs use.
Adhesion Trap Hole
Adhesion Trap Hole
It helps to weaken a strong monster that your opponent would summon.
Helps to destroy your opponent's monster without battling.


Hot New Top
Here is the best Auto-Duel deck for EXP farm.
<< Anonymous(Nameless)
Anonymous Reply
I see that you stuck to get a MW as well lol, 3JB and 3 BP, if you take off some cards and add some, would be a great HHG deck
<< Anonymous(Nameless)
The skill? Reply
Why are you using chain reaction when you don't have any trap cards?
<< Anonymous(The skill?)
Anonymous Reply
You cant use skills on auto duel. Probuly forgot to take it off
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
but chain reaction is a triggered skill, u dont need to activate it so it still works, still it wont do anything in this deck since there are no traps
Konami need to increase the xp campaign to 2x or 4x or 5x to lvl up characters faster.I hope they do that
<< Anonymous(SpeedyGod7 )
SpeedyGod7 Reply
It would help newer players and make it more easy to get all characters maxed out.
Can this deck get down to 3 cards or less on auto duel I want an easy way to unlock bastion
hey guys, any more fast than 5~6 turns vs lvl 10 LD's?
<< Anonymous
Eyela Reply
My Deck for 99,9% fast victory against lvl 10:

2x Armed Dragon Lv 5
3x Armed Dragon Lv 3
3x Cyber Harpy
3x Hydrogeddon
3x Saber Saurus (or any other strong beater)
3x Elegant Egotist
3x Riryoku

3 different ways to get a fast victory:
either lvl 3 Dragon becomes lvl 5 and activates its effect, get 2 or more Harpys or 2 or more Hydrogeddon. You'll figure it out :) It's also very cheap.
I'm at Stage 57 and have fought well over 20 duels with this deck. 100% win rate so far (or close to 95% if I missed any loss xD)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just try it. It's so coooool. Thanks dude.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What are the two cards after Dunames Dark Witch? In fact, can someone PLEASE post a card list?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Those two cards after witch are Gil Garth. A good 2000 ATK beater
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1- Knight of the Red Lotus
1- the fiend megacyber
2- heavy Knight of the flame
1- blazing inpachi
1- dunames dark witch
2- gil Garth
2- x-head Cannon
2- great Angus
1- Riryoku
1- super rush headlong
1- heart of the underdog
2- enemy controller
1- mirror wall
1- magical arm Shield
1- metalmorph
Kind of an expensive deck so the general formula is 12 high atk beaters (min 1700 atk preferable) and 8 magic/trap cards with effects that either destroy monsters or change their battle positions. Every single card in this deck finds use and I lose roughly 1 in every 50 duels. No babysitting required.

<< Anonymous(Dan)
Dan Reply
I suck.
Sorceress Spell Wall, Inspiration, Windstorm/Etaqua, Rising Energy, and the simple Jar/Greed are also viable options for Auto-Duel Beatdown.
<< Anonymous
Eruptor Reply
Does / mean of to you?
<< Anonymous(Eruptor)
Anonymous Reply
Is Shorthand foreign to you?
this deck is useless, the AI never uses Riryoku
<< Anonymous(Redgomotor)
Realm Reply
They did for me. Only for beat over stronger monster, not for finish the game when they could though.
This deck blows for auto
Two Fusion Dragons works fine as auto duel deck im at sd lvl 51 now
Any deck for sd lvl 51 they are annoying
<< Anonymous
His, I'm using this one

Works good for 3k average, but sometimes you have to keep an eye on it, mostly when battle against Geminis (traps...) and Spirit (high attack)

Best to use it with Rex, as his ability gives 300 ATK to your dinosaurs
<< Anonymous
Those are the fusions
insect imitation + 4 stars monster = scorpion/grasschopper combo still the best i think for auto duel

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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