
Gemini Trap Hole | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Gemini Trap Hole (Trap Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 20/10/2016

Gemini Trap Hole

Gemini Trap Hole
TypeTrap Card
Card Effect TypeActivation requirement / Card effect
SupportsGemini monster
Anti-supportsGemini monster


Activate only when a Gemini monster that is treated as an Effect Monster is destroyed by battle. Destroy all monsters your opponent controls.

How to Get / Rarity

Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card traderTradable [UR]
[Required trader items]
  • 90,000 Gold
  • UR Jewel x3
  • Stone of Trap x60




  • Destroys all monsters on your opponent’s field.


  • Your Gemini smonster must be an Effect monster when it is destroyed by battle in order to use this card.
  • Your Gemini monster must be destroyed by battle, not by other means, in order to use this card.

Tips, Related Cards, Rulings

  • Commonly, Gemini decks often include support cards such as Birthright and Soul Resurrection, so alongside with Supervise, you may need to adjust the quantity of these support cards in your deck.
  • If you are mainly using Darkstorm Dragon to destroy your opponent’s backrow, be careful and plan ahead before you set Gemini Trap Hole to avoid it being destroyed as well.


Together with Supervise, your Gemini monster instantly becomes an Effect monster, and you can use its effect wherever applicable. If your Gemini monster was destroyed, you can trigger Gemini Trap Hole to destroy all your opponent’s monster, and since Supervise was also sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon another Gemini monster, which you can choose powerful Gemini monsters like Phoenix Gearfried, Darkstorm Dragon or even Poly-Chemicritter Dioxorge, to Special Summon to the field and deal massive damage to your opponent. Alternatively, you can also use Herculean Power to Special Summon a level 4 or below Gemini monster from your hand, and Normal summon it to become an Effect monster, provided you control no monsters and your opponent has monsters on their field. Gemini Summoner is able to provide you an additional Normal Summon during your opponent’s End Phase, with the cost of 500 Life Points.

Recommended Gemini monsters

These are the recommended Gemini monsters to use in your Gemini deck. Although Featherizer is not a Gemini monster, it is able to send 1 Gemini monster from your deck to the Graveyard, and draw 1 card, when it is destroyed by battle. Similarly, Chemicritter Carbo Crab as an Effect monster, is able to send 1 Gemini monster from your deck to the Graveyard, and draw another Gemini monster to your hand, this greatly mills out your deck so you have more chance to draw into support cards, at the same time since your strong Gemini monsters are in the Graveyard, you are set to use Gemini Trap Hole.




Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesDestroys your opponent's Monster Cards


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Why dont I see this card in meta?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Decks with back row removal, amazoness,yubel, U.As, spell books, sea stealth,fur hires, and anti traps don't care
This card has come to card trader ... Very powerful for gemini new meta
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
many UR cards in boxes aren't even true URs too. It's Marketing Advertising.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The true ur actually on farming lol
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
"An UR card at card trader is not really an UR. It's F2P and you can buy it 10 times if you want."
Bad logic you moronic 🔥. UR jewels aren't that easy to get that you could just make as many UR cards as you want. Also, just because you're using fake items/currency to trade with, doesn't make it completely "free" either. There is still a "cost" associated with obtaining those cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
git gud
Any good decks with this card, and supervise maybe?
Slooooooooooooooooooooowww card
<< Anonymous(Meh)
Anonymous Reply
Just like your comprehension & brain activity
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I use hallucinogens and stimulants, I'm fine and my brain is at its best. ;)
Here's cheesy trick, might be useful in rare situation:

1. Set your Gemini monster, Forbidden Chalice, and Gemini Trap Hole.
2. When your opponent attacks your set Gemini monster, activate Chalice AFTER your Gemini has been flipped face-up.
3. Congratulations, you can now activate Gemini Trap Hole.
<< Anonymous(cegeb)
Anonymous Reply
Not bad! But having this three cards in your hand might be tricky...
It doesn't seems to be working when you go kamikaze?
<< Anonymous
Oldtimer Reply
Yes it does.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1) Is your gemini monster already normal summoned twice to be effect monster? 2) did you set the trap card >1 turn before? If you set it and in the same turn crash your monster to opponent, obviously it wont work
Doesn't work against ancient gears:(
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ofc -_-+
what Gemini(s) protect themselves from card effects?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Meteoric Impact Red Eyes needs 2 of itself on the field so its hard to set, but once you do its not getting destroyed. I couldnt make a reliable deck with it however
its 9k gold , 3 UR jewel ,and 60 Trap stone
this card has the same problem of WoD..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
how so? I havent been able to trigger michizure after an AG attack, how is this different?
<< Anonymous
Just a Guy Reply
Michizure activates during the damage step, which is blocked by AG monsters' effect. This activates after the monster is destroyed, so AG doesn't negate it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not really, this one doesn't have to be activated by your opponent's attack, just when one of your monsters is destroyed by battle. You can also crash one of your monsters into your opponents during your turn and activate this card to clear your opponent's field
<< Anonymous(Just a Guy)
Anonymous Reply
do you mean that it can activate after the damage step, after a monster has been destroyed and not just during the battle phase?
C'mon Konami, fix the trader... 4 days straight with cards I already have 3 of, and now 3 new cards and obviously none of them showed up... There must be a way to make it less painful!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I know, right? Konami has no problem flooding the game w/ two new boxes every month but seems to not give card trader new cards every month. Why? You got it, they are money hungry.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, I mean, these cards are not even that good, but may be fun to play around with. I just think they should guarantee at least 1 card you don't have 3 of each time. If you have everything, ok, but right now is ridiculous. I finally got 1 gemini traphole, but damn, over 20 refreshes I got one card
<< Anonymous
Cody Reply
The card trader need to be more like a card trader. It needs an interface like the “exchange card tickets” for PvP. It gives you the list of every possible card available from the card trader. Then you just get what you want whenever. No waiting on 8hours to get cards you already have.
His inventory needs updated regularly as there are still cards in there that have been there since NA Release.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I’m not talking add 3 cards every month. I’m talking do a whole inventory update every 3 months or so. You also need to be able to buy keys as much as you want. Not 10 at a time. It makes normal keys worthless and stack. Just like stones and gold since CT is never updated. Which brings me to DA cards need updated too and rotated frequently.
Hell no! If they give this card out, might as well add Mirror Force into the game instead so that everyone has a chance to defend themselves.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And in next box we'll have more geminis
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Exactly! It's KOMONEY
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How the hell is this card even remotely comparable to Mirror Force? Are you guys serious? It needs 2 conditions to be activated! 1 a gemini monster with the effect (which takes resources to pull of), 2 it has to be destroyed by battle. How in the hell is it even close to Mirror Force, seriously?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Haters gonna hate

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