
XYZ-Dragon Cannon | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of XYZ-Dragon Cannon (LIGHT/Machine/Fusion Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 08/05/2020

XYZ-Dragon Cannon

XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
Alternative Artwork 1
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
Alternative Artwork 2
Monster TypeMachine
Card typeFusion / Effect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Ignition Effect


"X-Head Cannon" + "Y-Dragon Head" + "Z-Metal Tank"
Must first be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by banishing the above cards you control. (You do not use "Polymerization".) Cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy that target.

How to Get

PackElectric Overload [UR]
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  • Decent attack and defense.
  • Can 1 card opponent controls once per turn.
  • Does not need polymerization.


  • Difficult summoning condition.
  • Effect needs to discard an card from hand to activate and can only be used once per turn.


Union support

Use Frontline Base to special summon one of his materials from your hand. Or use Roll Out! to equip Y-Dragon Head or Z-Metal Tank from the graveyard to X-Head Cannon.




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Anoymous piss off about this card I'm definitely making a xyz union deck around this card just put some counter spells to protect the xyz machines
You know you can use the effect more than once a turn right GameA? You can keep using it until you have no more cards in your hand that same turn lmao
You know, now that I think aboit it, this card isnt that bad, rather a deck built around this card isnt bad.
Frontline base
Roll out
Double summon
And 2 extra fusion monsters that also dont need poly. An xyz fusion deck might make it to kog easily
<< Anonymous
Non-Anon Reply
But why wouldn't you be using a deck focused around Unions when using ANY of the XYZ Fusions? Please don't tell me that's why everyone is calling this card "trash"...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think most people dont realize how much union support we got, thats why they're spamming the "lol monster removal" comments. True summoning xyz is hard, but equally true is that getting rid of an 18-2400 beater with an extra life is easier said than done
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nah the card is just bad lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Easier said than done? Unless you somehow get your XYZ Dragon Cannon on field with an equipped Heavy Mech Support Armor it's just a matter of using Super Rush Headlong on it. If you can open a 5 card combo to make your invincible XYZ Dragon Cannon then anyone else may as well get their game winning combos to get rid of it with less cards.
Too slow. You need to run stuff like Double Summon but at that point you might as well play gravekeepers.
D.D warrior
This card is garbage too hard to summoned but can easily to destroyed
Omg XYZs already? I thought we would get XYZs in a few years, but damn KoMONEY... already releasing them... stupid greedy idiots... wallet can't handle these OP cards...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The people who actually play yugioh know that this is not an xyz monster, it is called xyz due to the monsters used to fusion summon it, obviously;)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I do play Yugioh, but I'm still fully aware that this card in an XYZ. Just because it's called an XYZ based on the monsters you need doesn't mean that it's not still an XYZ. When this card gets released in a few days I'll show all of you doubters that this is an XYZ.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This ain't a XYZ card ffs. They have Ranks, not Levels( essentially the stars start at the top right hand corner, other cards start at the left). Plus the card base is Black. So all of u who think this is a XYZ monster are 🔥ed
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hes trolling. Don't give in to it.
I think this card was way to late in coming out in the game
Can we use its discard and destroy effect on opponent's turn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
My oh my, such needless hate. Don't worry XYZ DC, those who can play you right (and actually know the game) will give them a REAL reason to hate you. Why these "players" be thinking everything must be done in one turn anyway? XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And yet, there are other favored cards 'round here that can take up just as many resources to pull your combos and you ain't raggn' on them. So shush your bs and move on.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sorry bud but XYZ DC is garbage lol.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
what other cards take as many resources and time? the only ones I can think off are gate guardian, blue eyes shining dragon and Perfectly ultimate great moth
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hey man, Gate Guardian, PUGM, and Blue eyes Shining Dragon arr fantastic and are used a lot! OP cards!
Why do everyone think you have to summon this turn one or in one turn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because the speed of the meta is too high already. You have Naturia and Red-Eyes spamming 2k beaters per turn, what the hell are you going to do with your 1.8k beater? It's also not guaranteed you can drop it in three turns because you need 3 specific pieces to drop it and you can't use substitutes like fusion decks or can't fuse them from hand. The card is crap.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can't even summon this turn 2 unless you're REALLY lucky (have all the fusion materials AND frontline base/rollout/union attack). It's just too slow
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, not union attack lol. I meant to write double summon
So weak
3 monsters to make and killed by 1 spell /trap
Why do people complain about this card? This card is crap lol. Very hard to summon (though not gate guardian level of hard), less than 3k attack for monster that's so hard to summon and most importantly, NO PROTECTION (neither from targetting nor destroying). Headlong, MW, Soul Exchange can target and destroy it and when you have Blue Eyes you can muscle it through because it has less than 3k attack. Only good thing about this card is the effect and I'd say it's not worth the cost to summon this card JUST for the effect.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They're just complaining how this game has become p2w. But yeah. This card is 🔥

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