
Zombie World | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Zombie World (Spell Card/Field) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 27/04/2020

Zombie World

Zombie World
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeContinuous-like Effect


All monsters on the field and in every Graveyard become Zombie-Type monsters. Neither player can Tribute Summon monsters, except Zombie-Type monsters.

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  • Changes all monsters on the field and both players’ graveyard into zombie-type.
  • Limits tribute summons into zombie-type monsters only.


  • Limited edition card, can be hard to draw from deck.


  • You can use Zombie World with Il Blud combo to take control of your opponent’s monsters such as Sacred Phoenix of Nepthys or Cyber Angel Dakini, before their effect activates.
  • Since it works better in a Il Blud + Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon’s swarm deck, it is best to use Anti-magic arrows during your attack to prevent your monsters from being destroyed by opponent’s traps. You can also choose to use Impenetrable Attack to protect Il Blud because if Il Blud is destroyed, all the monsters Special Summoned by it are also destroyed as well.


With Zombie World on the field, Il Blud is able to Special Summon your opponent’s monsters from their Graveyard, and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon is able to Special Summon any monster it destroyed from battle. This is a terrifying combo to take control of your opponent’s important monsters. Call of the Mummy is able to Special summon these 2 important monsters from your hand, if you do not control any other monsters on the field.


These cards can be used to quickly search out Zombie World from your deck.




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Ok so I was playing a Kaiba I activated zombie world he summoned kaiba man and summonned blue eyes. I thought he couldnt tribute it even says tribute this card. Can someone explain.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Zombie World only prevent tribute summon Kaibaman effect is special summon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ah ok thanks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Kaibaman specials summons one Blue Eyes White Dragon form your hand, not a dragon type monster. So no matter if somehow blue eyes became a zombie but still had BEWD as its name, Kaibaman would still summon it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
he couldn't.
Zombie World effect should be -1500 atk to enemies on field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Should make all 0 Defence lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Should win you the game instantly - no negation
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Should turn your enemy into a zombie and force them to surrender!
So this is my zombie world deck. Trying it out now in tank duels. Any suggestions???
<< Anonymous
Omegaking Reply
I use rezd with zombie world cuz of its effect but I’ll try dispair from the dark instead and bring down my deck size
<< Anonymous(Omegaking)
Anonymous Reply
You dont need 3 Gozuki, hes good since you can use the combo for special summon, but Skull is a good enough replacement.
<< Anonymous(Omegaking)
Anonymous Reply
then just play a normal rez deck with beatdown dont have gozuki change it with samurai skull
<< Anonymous(Omegaking)
IfifWasAFifth Reply
Wish I had a few of those cards. I don't see a need for two call of the mummy, any tutan mask, or 2 red eyes trap cards. I mix zombies up with other cards as well.
Konami shouldn't release this card as skill, this card is broken and might shut every deck in the current meta
<< Anonymous(NMS)
Anonymous Reply
Dakini is still able to bring back Ritual Monsters from the Graveyard to hand, zombie-type change does not affect this. BUT, zombie world player can use Il Blud to SS not only your Dakini, but literally all your monsters from your Graveyard to their field, whichever they see fit.
<< Anonymous(Hawthorne01)
Moody Reply
DNA Transplant has been in the game...
Bastion drop..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
actually since Machine angel absolute ritual can only tribute fairy type monster, it will do quiet damage to CA deck
<< Anonymous
TrialnError Reply
This card does nothing to slow down CA decks. Just tried it out. CA can do everything they did before just with a Zombie attribute.

This card is all hype I think
i just wanna say 🔥 you to all these players that like to use restart and take ages to decide to restart or not,you 🔥s can't even decide on 4 🔥ing cards,
now you only have 20 sec so don't cry boohoo,I bet you are angry thinking: 🔥!! I am 🔥 I need 3 minutes to think, why konami discriminate 🔥ed people??? LOL
As for CA 🔥 players, don't cry, the deck is still playable, but since mind scan don't work at the start no more, you're insecurity will rise so I suggest you ca players have your mum and dad hugging you while you play ca mind scan to make up for your insecure so when you see econ, your parents are there for you to calm you down and wipe your pityful tears
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It seems to me the only tears full of NaCl are yours.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They're salty CA players because they realized they're not as unique as their blue cards made them seem at first. That they are a mass, a dependant mass that does not know how to adapt or challenge themselves, they just know how to be a narcissistic mass of CA cucks
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
LUL123 Reply
yeah dude, youre special and would definitely be KoG if CA weren't a thing... definitely!
<< Anonymous
yomama Reply
🔥 u 🔥. looks like some1 butt hurt. TRIGGERD
So, does anyone got some nice ideas how to combine Zombie World and Immortal ruler into a REZD deck? I feel like 20 cards isn't enough =D. Any KOG-succes stories?
<< Anonymous(Armend)
Mah Boi Reply
Use Planet Pathfinder and RE Insight together. And Beatdown...
This card would 🔥 Hazy deck...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah of course you will draw hazy glory in your starting hand consistently right? And you still have to wait 1 turn before making any play with hazy monster. It is viable, but just not as good as regular hazy build atm.
<< Anonymous(Turbo)
Anonymous Reply
But this skill makes Beast Rising useless
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just like the opponent opening with Zombie World in hand, right? Listen here you little 🔥, you have better odds of starting with Hazy Glory considering you can run up to 3! How many Zombie World cards are therein DL huh? Oh right, 1.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So what can you do without beast rising? You know zombie world will make beast rising unusable. So how you deal with high attack zombie?
Mah Boi
It's a shame that, because it was released as a level up reward rather than a skill exclusive card (like HHG), we might see some REZD Beatdown variants with this and Planet Pathfinder (since RE Insight compensates for Pathfinder's normal summon). I'm pretty shafted that none of the Kaiba brothers has a skill that helps Blue Eyes...
I'm afraid this will break the game...
<< Anonymous(Anon)
Anonymous Reply
Reason why we got cosmic cyclone
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
twister , cyclone GG
<< Anonymous
Lord Pancake Reply
But in reality noone use spell/trap removal these days xD. And if it is sent to the graveyard it still can be recycled.
<< Anonymous
Mah Boi Reply
Cosmic cyclone being an UR in a Main Box is a shame...
I heard this is the place where Kaiba born
Imagine Red-Eye Zombie Dragon stealing opponents cards with its effect
<< Anonymous(Torian)
Anonymous Reply
dude gg
KEYsha ST0nE!!

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