
Grandpa's Cards (Skill)

update 25/02/2020

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Skill Details

Begin duel with the 5 exodia pieces in your Deck.

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Yugi MutoLvl 4

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I like playing with this skill. However, every time I see players use this with a 35card deck.. it makes me cry a little.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I could see it in a stall deck maybe.
You have a typo displaying the wrong level up card. It should be Giant Soldier of Stone not Giant Soldier of Steel, since we don't have those kind of XYZ's yet.
Begin duel with the 5 exodia pieces in your HAND.

<< Anonymous(Komoney)
Anonymous Reply
yeah 2 hands and 3 legs good luck winning pal,be specific will ya? Begin duel with the 5
"different" exodia pieces in your HAND. can you please be specific next time??? shake my head
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
that was the most 🔥ed comment i've seen in my life, do you actually play duel links?
<< Anonymous(Komoney)
Mountcooki Reply
Possible with duel standby
<< Anonymous(Mountcooki)
FacePalmerPro Reply
Really?!!! If your opponent is running a duel standby burn deck this could help you, but you do realize your yugi skill has to be grandpas cards right dumbass
How I could get exodia cards??
Hello everyone! I've noticed a lack of good decks for this skill, so I came up with one. Hope you like it. (it can be easily countered, but it is VERY fast and quite consistent) Suggestions are appreciated.

x3 Blue Dragon Summoner
x3 Emissary of the Afterlife
x3 Legion the Fiend Jester
x3 Deep Diver
x3 Gokipon
x3 Magical Merchant
x1 Monster Reincarnation
x1 Backup Soldier

The idea is to get a Magical Merchant on the field (by search of Deep Diver/Gokipon, or luck having it in hand) and then it self-mills most of your deck and gets ya your combo pieces to get Exodia back from the grave into your hand in one go.
<< Anonymous(Leukocyte)
ACiDViSiOn Reply
I felt the same about the lack of good decks so I created one with the same idea as yours but using tree frogs I do like the idea of yours as well. I might have to give it a try. I have the same trap n spell. I recommend maybe adding 2 necromancer of chaos, simply as a possible sneak attack :p although easily countered in pvp but this deck is easily countered in pvp until new cards or lucky draw
<< Anonymous(ACiDViSiOn )
Leukocyte Reply
Thanks for the feedback :) I'll try to tech in a couple Chaos Necros and see how it goes.
Just tested this ability when I had 23 cards in a draw deck. Nothing special, just whipped it up real quick so its nothing genius lol. The duel assessment gave me 3000 just for a 'special victory' alone, let alone anything else I did. This could be very good for farming if utilized properly with other aspects of attaining high duel scores, such as prismatic cards and special summons, destroying many monsters, etc.

Once the last piece of Exodia is drawn its a nice animation of Exodia totally obliterating your enemy. Unfortunately I cannot find a way to create a deck for ranked duels as there is no way to protect your monsters. Best thing off the top of my head is Neo Aqua Madoor, with Umi, and plenty of defensive cards alongside guarded treasure
<< Anonymous
madoor Reply
Neo is spellcaster... umi? Rly?
<< Anonymous(madoor)
Ur mom Reply
"neo aqua madoor"
so what's better on average?
heart of the underdog + white elephant normal monsters
legion + BDS draw monsters and traps
This skill dosent need to be removed or buffed at any way because you start with 25 cards in your deck. And there is ways 2 get rid of it so nn.

2nd. I like it that exodia is in the game because exodia was always good and dosent matter if this deck is gonna be played often..

And the event is a good idea something new fun and all that but I'm getting pissed about Konami what they are doing it feels like I'm not getting 🔥 I spent more then 6k on event gold and got 1 🔥ing sr? That's 🔥

Luck is okey but that's getting 🔥ed up fix that or rate it a bit more higher

30 stuff to get from a draw
5 of that are sr and the rest 🔥.

I don't know how you guys feel but it's pissing me really off and makes me wanna 2 quit this game.
A complete luck ability. Can be 🔥 but it has the same weaknesses as it does in the normal TCG. Destiny Board is probably a better instant win in the long run.
Nerf this
Playing with a basic idea, stall and draw. Could do with more 4 star high defenders, windstorm and more, but first try, first win
<< Anonymous(ScoobyDrue)
Anonymous Reply
Level up Yugi to get giant rock soldier of stone.
<< Anonymous(ScoobyDrue)
Dan Reply
Cup of Ace seems inconsistent to me. Sure it's nice if you draw 2 cards but letting your opponent draw 2 cards really sucks. Replace them with Shard of Greed maybe? Waiting an extra turn sucks but it's a guaranteed 2 cards if you can stall for a turn.
this ability will be fun to face against my mill deck xD + dark designator xD omg ill laugh so bad

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