
Amulet of Ambition | Decks and Ruling

This page notes details of Amulet of Ambition (Spell Card/Equip) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 10/09/2020

Amulet of Ambition

Amulet of Ambition
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCondition / Continuous-like Effect / Trigger-like Effect


Equip only to a Normal Monster. If it battles a monster with a higher Level, the equipped monster gains 500 ATK x the difference in Levels (during that battle only). When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can return it to the top of your Deck.

How to Get

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Card trader--
OtherRanked Duel Ticket [SR]




  • Greatly increases your Normal monster’s Attack value, based on the opponent’s monster being targeted for attack.


  • Card can returns to deck if destroyed and sent to graveyard, can result in you top deck with this card.
  • Your deck must consist of low level Normal monsters which is quite dangerous if you do not draw into this card.
  • Situational card, if your opponent uses low level monsters then your attack boost will not be high.


  • This card can boost your low level normal monsters attack immensely but there are a lot of options for your opponents to play around it in the current meta.
  • The monster equipped with this card is susceptible to most of the protection cards like Wall of Disruption, Mirror Wall, Super Rush Headlong, Enemy Controller etc, which are commonly seen on the ladder.
  • Since this card can only support Normal monsters, it is recommended you setup more protection for your monsters as you are giving up monster effect plays.

Knight of the Red Lotus

This card is very good in a deck that consists of Normal Monsters as it is versatile in reviving other Normal monsters from your Graveyard. Therefore Amulet of Ambition can be used on Normal monsters it revives, but you cannot use it on Knight of the Red Lotus.

Vorse Raider

The normal monster with the strongest ATK currently, and this card will further increase its attack power when facing higher level monsters.


This card is also a good support for the Ojama brothers because of their low level, and 0 ATK can be switched with Ojama Country field spell as a surprise tactic. Combo with Amulet of Ambition to further increase their ATK.


Paleozoic cards are trap cards that can be special summoned as level 2 aqua type normal monsters that can benefit from Amulet's effect, especially since they already have 1200 attack. Against level 4 monsters, they will already have 2200 attack, which can go higher against higher level ones your opponent summons.




ActionsReturns from Graveyard to Deck
Stat changesEquipped gains ATK


Hot New Top
Combos well with volcanic rat, chemicritter hydron hawk, clown zombie and jam breeding machine
Cards Pretty Good - Esp Against Ninja's ... (E.G> See DKayed's Vid)
<< Anonymous(Gia)
Duke Devlin Reply
🔥 lad
<< Anonymous(Gia)
Memesis Reply
How to get this card bro? I cant see in my SR ticket
<< Anonymous(Memesis)
Anonymous Reply
you dont really play ranked dont you ? its s pvp ticket exclusive
could be very usefull in joeys field of warriors deck with those 1900 normal warriors and beast warrriors, too bad its pretty hard to get it fast
so its kinda like spell version of metamorph ...nice card
At this point Chemcritter Hydron Hawk is getting the best attack boost
...How is an optional effect to put it on top of your deck a con?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Means when you need a monster or another spell/trap card, you top deck with this card instead and you potentially waste your turn not doing anything.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Oh sorry I thought you meant comment below about tribute to the doomed. Any idea why?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
...but it's optional. You don't *have* to do it.
Why can't this card activate its effect if it is tribute to the doomed? Received an error message that card cannot be activated...
Mah Boi
If I gemini summon a monster equipped with this, does it destroy itself?
<< Anonymous(Mah Boi)
Anonymous Reply
First Card that came to thought was Jerry's Bean? It's 1750, and 3 Stars so it's already a beater towards 4 stars going to 2250.
The final piece in my KOG 3SD tatsunootoshigo OTK deck
My Mokey Mokey is ready
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's so late in the us and you camp here just to be first,your life is so sad...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
your not first lol!!!!!!! loser!!!!!
<< Anonymous
IDGAF/Ahlix Reply
But maybe he doesn't live in the US.......Hmmmmmm

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