
How to unlock Odion

update 09/04/2017

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Odion unlock missions

If there is inaccuracy, kindly let us know correct information by submitting comments or screenshots to a thread at the bottom of the page.
Trigger event
Once you use Trap Cards 300 time(s), Odion appears at the Gate, and Odion unlock missions become available.
  • Note: Activating a Trap Card in PVP Duels including, Ranked Duels, Casual Duels, and Friend Duels, is counted.
Unlock missionsReward
Use Trap Cards 300 times.Black Gate Key x 20
Use a Trap Card 10 time(s) in one Duel.8,000 Gold
Win 1 Duel(s) against Odion at level 30 in Duel World.8,000 Gold
Comlete all Character Unlock Missions.Stone of Trap x3


Use Traps from the beginning

Using Trap cards 300 times takes a lot of your time. So I recommend you to actively use Trap cards from the early stage of the game.

Recommended trap cards

Use a Trap card that is not continuous Trap and can be activated whenever you want to use. See examples below.

  • Good example:
    Conscription can be activated whenever you want to use. It can be used even you already have 3 monsters on your side of the field.
  • Bad example
    Magical Hats can be activated only when your opponent declare an attack to a monster you control and 2 empty monster zones are on your side of the field.

Use High Score Cerberus deck to win a Duel

Since Odion Lvl 30 does not use a card to destroy Mythical Beast Cerberus or prevent it from gaining ATK, you can win a duel against him with high Duel Assessments with using a High Score Cerberus deck. For an example deck and how to use it, check the link below.


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I'm over 300 traps used now and Odion hasn't appeared.
deck what to accomplish the mission Use a Trap Card 10 time (s) in one Duel.
<< Anonymous(Yeremia)
Seagryfn Reply
You can do the 10-trap fight against ANY opponent, such as one of the Standard street duels. The traps you use do not have to be effective, merely "activated" (even if their effect was wasted). There are lots of simple traps you can active at will: Snake Fang, Shield Spear, Secrets of the Gallant, etc. Just create a deck with a few strong 4-star monsters, then fill the rest with simple traps.
<< Anonymous(Yeremia)
Darin Reply
what character should i use to unlock Odion
<< Anonymous(Darin)
Anonymous Reply
His challenges aren't difficult, why would you need someone specific to handle it?
I fought Odion Lv 10 with the Paradox Bro's using their skill that allows Gate Guardian to be activated at the start of the game, then just used a bunch of traps till the end of the game.
I just used ten trap cards in a duel against YY and the game doesn't detect it and unlock Odion. What am I doing incorrectly?
<< Anonymous(DesertRose3000)
Anonymous Reply
Using 10psn 1 duel i one of his unlock missions, not his trigger event.
His trigger event is supposedly to use 300 trap cards in total.
Currently at 302 traps...did they change his unlock recently?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
At 301, seeing same thing
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same thing,currently at 324 traps, still don't have trigger event
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It counts the ones you use during the training and Loa we deck missions but does not count for him you need to use traps in a real dule
Not seeing many sample decks for his unlock mission of - "Use a Trap Card 10 time(s) in one Duel."

Just beat a spawned lev 40 Odion with this deck on a deck out to unlock him finally :), your mileage may vary.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just unlocked at 300 traps
<< Anonymous
Loki rhapsody Reply
Hi what pack did you get these cards from?
It says in my profile I have only activated six traps and I m at level 30 so what should I do?
Shouri Tensei
I just unlocked Odion. I would like to share the deck I used that helped me.
Tip use e this deck against Mokey Mokey deck.
its funny how any good card u need is (or was) in f**ing ULTMATE RISING. sry but this pisses me of -.-
<< Anonymous(HerrEsel)
Inari Reply
Agree with you completely, anytime I look for tips on building any solid deck they "ABSOLUTELY" need cards from ultimate rising or age of discovery....lots of wtf moments
<< Anonymous(HerrEsel)
Anonymous Reply
I guess this page was really outdated and the admins here didn't update this for newcomers.
<< Anonymous(HerrEsel)
Uroucyon_GameA Reply
thx for the reminder! we will update this page.
<< Anonymous(HerrEsel)
Anonymous Reply
This is why YouTubers luke Darmin and VahnManX recommend spending your first gems on Ultimate Rising
Gago mas malakas deck ko hahaha
<< Anonymous(CongTV)
Roger Rakker Reply
Pake ko tang ina mo
Pak u
Does anyone know if you can use the duel rooms to help with unlocking odion

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