
Tristan Taylor Event

Duel Links Tristan Taylor, how to unlock Tristan, April Fool's Day
update 27/08/2018


This time, Tristan Taylor returns as Legendary Duelist and you will be able to duel him and Exclusive Rewards!

Event Details

PeriodAug 29 - Sep 6

Spawn Rate

Dueling against Legendary Duelists, Standard Duelist, and the Vagabond in Duel World and Ranked Duels will increase the chance of Tristan Taylor appearing in Duel World!

  • The chances of him appearing will increase every time you Duel until he appears.
  • If you run out of Standard Duelist, use Duel Orbs to respawn the maximum number of Duelists!
  • You can also Duel Legendary Duelists at the Gate.
  • The chances of Tristan Taylor appearing will also be increased by Dueling in Ranked Duels! (Surrenders do not count.)

Check the chances of Tristan Taylor appearing at the upper right hand corner of your screen.

  • Keep Dueling and Tristan will appear.
  • Tristan is coming closer!
  • Tristan is almost here!
  • Tristan has appeared in Duel World (DM)!


"Tristan Taylor" drops rarer Rewards at higher levels! Raise your Stage level to challenge "Tristan Taylor" at a high level!

Here is a list of event exclusive rewards Tristan Taylor drops, ratings, and details of notable cards.

Giant OrcGiant Orc [UR] NewC+
Yu-Jo FriendshipYu-Jo Friendship [UR]C+
Scrap KongScrap Kong [SR] NewC+
Berserk GorillaBerserk Gorilla [SR]C
Battleguard RageBattleguard Rage [SR]B-
Second GoblinSecond Goblin [R] NewC+
Voltic KongVoltic Kong [R]B-
Super RoboladySuper Robolady [R]C+
Super RoboyarouSuper Roboyarou [R]C+
Acrobat MonkeyAcrobat Monkey [N] NewC
RoboyarouRoboyarou [N]C
RoboladyRobolady [N]C

Notable cards [New Updated]

Giant Orc [UR]

Giant Orc
Giant Orc
DARK Fiend ★4
ATK 2200 / DEF 0
Tristan Taylor [UR]
If this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. You cannot change this battle position until the end of your next turn.

Yu-Jo Friendship [UR]

Yu-Jo Friendship
Yu-Jo Friendship
Normal Spell
Tristan Taylor [UR]
Offer your opponent a handshake. If they accept your handshake, each player's Life Points become half the combined Life Points of both players. If you have "Unity" in your hand and show it to your opponent, they must accept the handshake.

Scrap Kong [SR]

Scrap Kong
Scrap Kong
EARTH Beast ★4
ATK 2000 / DEF 1000
Tristan Taylor [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned, destroy this card. When this card is destroyed by the effect of a "Scrap" card and sent to the Graveyard, you can select 1 "Scrap" monster in your Graveyard, except "Scrap Kong", and add it to your hand.

Berserk Gorilla [SR]

Berserk Gorilla
Berserk Gorilla
EARTH Beast ★4
ATK 2000 / DEF 1000
Tristan Taylor [SR]
If this card is in face-up Defense Position, destroy this card. This card must attack if able.

Battleguard Rage [SR]

Battleguard Rage
Battleguard Rage
Continuous Trap
Tristan Taylor [SR]
Activate this card by targeting 1 Warrior-Type monster you control. It gains 1000 ATK. Monsters destroyed by battle with it are returned to the hand instead of going to the Graveyard. When that monster leaves the field, destroy this card.

Event Mission

Event MissionReward
Win 1 Duel(s) against Tristan Taylor.Second Goblin
Second Goblin
Win 3 Duel(s) against Tristan Taylor.Scrap Kong
Scrap Kong
Win 7 Duel(s) against Tristan Taylor.Berserk Gorilla
Berserk Gorilla
Play 15 Duel(s) against Tristan Taylor (surrenders are not counted).Giant Orc
Giant Orc
Achieve 1 No Damage win(s) in Duels against Tristan Taylor using Joey Wheeler.Acrobat Monkey
Acrobat Monkey
Achieve 3 No Damage win(s) in Duels against Tristan Taylor using Joey Wheeler.Yu-Jo Friendship
Yu-Jo Friendship

Lvl 30 Tristan Taylor's deck


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Wow. This event again. Can they just skip to Yubel? Watching the anime isn't enough to tide me over
This event is weird, an event with a forgettable character during the KC Cup with way better rewards. And still the character (Tristan) is unreleased in DM. This is bad, and the cards given are at best 4/10 and over niched for the current meta.

Konami, you need to do better
always good to have new cards no one's gonna use
i've got a prismatic scrap kong
<< Anonymous
Saladfingers Reply
Great, now...convert :D

lol, jk. I'm not even farming and I've got 2 glossy Orcs. This sucks, I hate my luck...every other event I get non-glossy cards or mismatched rarities, and this bs event gives me glossy everything. FML
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I got a Prismatic Scrap Kong too XD

The worst LD drop of course a Prismatic one shows up.
Scrap Kong?

.....This hints at Scrap being one of the Synchro decks to appear in the first 5Ds era box.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, but the thing is, Scrap Kong is unique among the monkey cards for being not generic - it is useless outside Scrap deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Until Factory existed, it was useless IN Scraps, too, though.

It wouldn't be the first time we've gotten cards that were basically entirely useless due to lack of the rest of an archetype anyway. It's in a better position than cards like Mist Valley Thunderbird and pre-Burning Nova Madolche were.
<< Anonymous
Greymind Reply
Scrap Dragon's gonna be interesting in duel links
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Mist Valley Thunderbird and pre-Burning Nova Madolche are still usable.

This card is not.
And of course, the rewards are trash. Again with berserk gorilla when we just had it in the tabletop RPG? WTH, Konami? If they want to actually give us Tristan, that is fine. But this event is atrocious! They could have been giving me a Super Aster roaming event (or one for Jaden for his birthday) with some good cards instead of this again.
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
I don't think too many people would find it funny if we got things like destiny end dragoon, clock tower prison, dynatag, dystopia, etc. Then it would all be, "Oh, it is too powerful! Nerf this, Konami! It isn't balanced! Blah, blah, blah..." Lol
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Anonymous Reply
but well with so many berserk gorilla it means tons of sr jewel so we can trade sr cards
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
Fair point.
<< Anonymous(Valencia )
Saladfingers Reply
I honestly wouldn't mind being called a Meta Slave if D-Heroes ever became relevant again. They're an awesome archetype with plenty strategies to choose from and they keep you on your feet. I sure hope we start getting GX oriented events so we don't have to go through Tristan again, that's all I would ask Konami to do. They're already releasing 5Ds and GX has yet to see any decent Theme events.
Anonymous No. 2
Perhaps a bit unrelated, but I don't feel that way.
The reason why meta is so stale (full of Amazoness) is not because of a lack of different competitive decks you can build, but because very few people can afford to build and try out many other good decks out there, so most of us go for the consistent and still strong Amazoness deck.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
And events with rewards mostly as crapy as these (along with gem reward reduction and many other F2P cuts made in the past few months) are a big part of that problem.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Saladfingers Reply
No Clayman...I was hoping for Clayman and Alternate Art E-Heroes. I'm slightly disappointed but I really like Prismatic Neos & Skyscraper :D
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
Jute Reply
Like those E-hero arts that use supreme king Jaden?
<< Anonymous(Jute)
Saladfingers Reply
Yeah, they were released in TCG as well. I really wanted to see them in DL.
I think konami will return again all past events just to give 1 or 2 cards per event(and cards will not be like wish).But....seriously it,s not funny.It's like a fall in dirt.It will be very very borig until yubel or somthing realy good.
After some plays, I'm very sure they rigged Tristan lv40's opening hand.

Every single time, he always has Feast + a Battleguard + a strong monster, usually Voltic Kong + Battleguard Rage in his hand.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Feast and the Battleguard monsters I can understand since he's running 3 copies of each.

But he only runs 1 copy each for Battleguard Rage, Voltic Kong, and Berserk Gorilla.

It makes no sense that he always have them in his opening hand. It's definitely rigged.
<< Anonymous
Saladfingers Reply
lol, I guess they needed to give him a little help because his deck sucks. xD
Gorillas everywhere
Event ignored :D
I'mma convert every reward as well, it's not like they won't rehash the same lame rewards next time.

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