
Karma Cut | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Karma Cut (Trap Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 01/04/2020

Karma Cut

Karma Cut
TypeTrap Card
Card Effect TypeCost / Card effect


Discard 1 card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; banish that target, then banish all cards with the same name as that monster from your opponent's Graveyard.

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  • Banishes an opponent’s monster.
  • Banishes from your opponent’s graveyard.


  • Requires a discard cost.


  • Very useful against archetypes with monsters that change their name in the graveyard. For example Skull Servant, Cyber Dragon, and Dark Magician.

Raigeki Break

Karma Cut is generally a superior version of Raigeki Break because banishing is more powerful than simple destruction and because Karma Cut can disrupt your opponent’s graveyard.


The discarding a Fabled monster as the cost of Karma Cut can trigger their effects.




ActionsDiscards for cost
Banished categoriesBanishes from your opponent's field / Banishes from your opponent's Graveyard


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thank god this card exists. there is WAY WAY WAY too much graveyard abuse in this game. might as well just call the graveyard “hand number 2”
Onomat once got 2 XYZ on board cant do much either. one of their effect negates lvl 5 and above summoning. The other one negates monster effect activates on the field...But

There is but... monster effect have 2 types, one activated in response certain condition. The other one activated without targeted effect.

I gave good example. Tried already. Evilswarm halverk effect if attacked, target 1 monster opponent control return to hand, this one can be negated by XYZ Onomat. Kelbek effect any monster attack this card return to hand, this one cant be negated unless by counter trap

Understand !!
<< Anonymous(anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
No, don't understand. Please explain again in English.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe English isn't his first language...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not to mention Onomats don't play XYZ. I mean sure you can splash those Machine Unions in, but why would you do that? It only brick the deck to bring XYZ in.

If you want to play XYZ just play an XYZ-focused deck. Adding VW is a nice idea too.
<< Anonymous(anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
blue eyes could beat over that board easily, harpie couldn't thou.
Get hit by this card, end turn is your only option
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
not happen to infernity and onomatoplay. always god hand
<< Anonymous(anonymous)
LordGuitchi Reply
I play Infernity and I must clarify that doesn't apply to it. Onomat, on the other hand, has that beyond broken skill and Dodododraw.
Infernity is a handless deck. Onomat is a brickless deck.
I hope that this card will be a limit 1. We don't have any staple at limit 1 yet.
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
put 3 giant rex in your 20 card decks. problem solved
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We kinda already have now.

Grass and Star Blast.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*Grass was at limited 1 before it was banned, iirc
Now that most of the strong floaters are out of the stage I think is fine to limit 2 this card.

But also address TD that activate effects anywhere: hand, gy, banish zone, your pocket, etc.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What TD could possibly be ban worthy?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Anything that turbos out levianeer

I'd like it if they limited levianeer instead but we all know that won't happen and why.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Every card in TD deck limited 3
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Levianeer can be limited, as long as it's limited 3.

Aloof Lupine to limited 2
Raiden to limited 2
Dragondark to limited 2

Levianeer to limited 3
Dragonhawk to limited 3

Just need Konami to do that, and TD becomes balanced.
I see a lot of people hate this card on DL however TCG/OCG doesn't even care about it.

Mainly because of small deck and run multiple copies of same name monster cards

If only there is card like this but not banish entire copy of it and it's a trap (We already have the spell one)
if they limit this, people will just use raigeki break instead
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Raigeki cannot destroy any NK equip spell as they will bounce back from the grave immediately. It cannot destroy a monster equipped with destiny too making it so useless sometimes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Use timing u dumb, chain it while the equip reactivate in grave or waste destiny effect then destroy it with other way
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Raigeki is fine. You don't necessarily lose when they raigeki you first turn since enough monsters can act from graveyard.

But when you summon your first monster and get karma cut you are pretty much forced to just end your turn and pray
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There's no need to pray, just outright surrender lol
Garbage Event
The Survey is up for this Garbo. You know what to do everyone. I don't say you must
I just won a game with this card. I'm going to be KoG.
<< Anonymous
rookies Reply
TD and Metaphys said we see you later!
I'd rather have this at 3 or at 2 as the highest limit.

If we lose it what other generic card can we use to out a desperado or a noble knight with 7 million equips?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There's stuff like brionac or malevolent sin but I get your point those monsters would use tons of resources and your normal summon + they are very fragile to disrupt, while karma cut isn't.

I'd be okay with karma at 3 too only if they limit 3 a card in decks that depend on sending x card to the gy
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ironically, Noble knight user also use this a lot, while at the same this this is the best trap to counter them.

Guess you could use canadia to counter some meta. Some cards better off in field face down rather than goes to graveyard
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yep, the limit 3 would come handy in this situation.

Imagine if NK had merlin at 3 and Karma also at 3
Does anyone doubt that this will soon be limited / banned?
<< Anonymous(CU)
Anonymous Reply
limit 1, you should only have 1 in deck at any time
<< Anonymous(CU)
Anonymous Reply
i dont use ur wrong.
<< Anonymous(CU)
Anonymous Reply
Basically the only card in Blue eyes deck that could 🔥 META safely

It will be.
Zorks Donggle
Its fun pwning noobs with 3x of these! If your not having fun, your just in denial....
<< Anonymous(Zorks Donggle)
Anonymous Reply
this to ban thiss 🔥 card

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