
Tornado Bird | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Tornado Bird (WIND/Winged Beast/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 17/09/2021

Tornado Bird

Tornado Bird
Monster TypeWinged Beast
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeFlip effect


FLIP: Return 2 Spell or Trap Cards on the field to their owners' hands.

How to Get

Level-up reward--
Victory againstSylvio Sawatari [R]
Card traderTradable [R]








ActionsReturns from field to hand


Is this card meant to work with Treasure Map? Treasure Map doesn't seem to activate when I select it to return to the hand.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Did you set Treasure Map on the same turn you tried to return it to hand?

Trap cards cannot be activated on the same turn they are set.
If there happens to be only one spell card face up on the field does this card's flip effect still work?
<< Anonymous(Wallace)
Aedrias Reply
Yep is does :)
<< Anonymous(Aedrias)
anon Reply
no, but it does count one of your spell/trap/field cards, so put down one if your opponent only has one set card
If there happens to be only one spell card face up on the field does this card's flip effect still work?
<< Anonymous(Wallace)
Anonymous Reply
Probably not
<< Anonymous(Wallace)
Fabin Reply
Like Greenkappa, doesn't work.
This card is interesting in duel links because the lack of the main phase 2, opponent can't replace the returned traps in the same turn.
Use it in Cerberus Deck!
Reuse your permanent/equip/field spell cards for more stacks ;)
Highly undervalued card. I'm running a somewhat experimental deck with Mefist the Infernal General and I was having a lot of trouble getting attacks in due to mirror walls, econs, windstorms and the like. Threw a couple of these in and I've consistently been able to clear the spell/trap zones for attacks and even make them discard their defensive spells/traps with Mefist after sending them to the hand. I went from struggling to get past Gold Rank 1 to fairly easily reaching Rank 5. With a few more good monsters I could probably go through Platinum again (I used to use Mako until he became obsoleted) too. Awesome card. It's a bit situational but you can also use mirror wall when someone attacks it and send one of their cards and the mirror wall back to hand, tribute it, and set the mirror wall back. 7/10 at least.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same person here. Just found out that tornado Bird is great for dealing with Relinquished. It brings your taken monster back to hand unharmed, in addition to also maybe returning one of their set traps leaving them open for a heavy attack.

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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