
Red-Eyes Insight | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Red-Eyes Insight (Spell Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 24/04/2020

Red-Eyes Insight

Red-Eyes Insight
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCost / Card effect / Condition
Supports ArchetypesRed-Eyes


Send 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick"; add 1 "Red-Eyes" Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand, except "Red-Eyes Insight". You can only activate 1 "Red-Eyes Insight" per turn.

How to get / rarity

Level-up reward--
Victory againstSuper Joey Lvl 30,40 [SR]
Card trader--




  • This card lets you search a Red-Eyes Spell/Trap from your deck added to your hand.


  • You need to send a Red-Eyes monster from your Hand or Deck in order to activate its effect.
  • It can only be used once per turn.


Revive Red-Eyes monsters

Red-Eyes Spirit

With Red-Eyes Insight, send a Red-eyes monster from Hand or Deck to the Graveyard then search for Red-Eyes Spirit. Set Red-Eyes Spirit then activate the next turn, giving you a free Red-Eyes monster on the Field.

Red-Eyes monsters

Red-Eyes B. Dragon and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon are the main target of Red-Eyes Insight to be sent to your Graveyard. These cards have decent stats which gives you a solid offense and defense capabilities. You can revive them later by using Red-Eyes Spirit.

Other notable Red-Eyes cards

  • Red-Eyes Wyvern is a 1800 beater that has a great effect. If you didn't summon or set a monster in a turn, you can banish this card from your Graveyard during the End Phase to Special Summon a Red-Eyes monster from your Graveyard.
  • Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact is a Red-Eyes support that can protect your other Red-Eyes monster from getting destroyed by battle or card effects. The ability is quite useful, but since it's a Gemini monster, it needs to be summoned again after it's summoned to have the ability available, making it much harder and slower to achieve.



ActionsSends from hand to Graveyard for cost / Sends from Deck to Graveyard for cost / Adds from Deck to hand


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OP as 🔥. This card is like pot of greed. Let's you "draw" the 2 cards you need for the combo.
meh am i the only one here who didnt get this card as a pvp reward? i got 3 sky paladin instead. it turns out i didnt need three i only needed one. should have used the reward for this care instead. then again i find red eyes such a boring deck to play and see.
we need red eyes fusion and sangan
Why is this card not a banned card but pot of greed is. They're basically the same card but pot of greed is random cards and this is a guaranteed 2400 monster second turn that is able to use champions vigilance.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because it's only work on red eyes deck, but pot of greed is works on every deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why are they holding out on pre preparation of rights then. Its the same thing basically but only works on ritual monsters.
Do you have 2+ insights?

Yes-> Congrats on your super easy KOG.
No -> Suffer like the rest of us. KOG is still possible but you would spend so much time you get sick of PVP.
<< Anonymous
Def not Leukocyte Reply
kys. :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
this may be the smartest comment I've read since the game came out
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Oh really? congrats then, you have been living a poor, miserable, idiotic life before, now I'm glad you have taken a bit of inspiration in your life by playing a mobile game and fanboying another anon's comments. so happy for u mah boi
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
umm i got my 2nd and 3rd insights from getting the 2 sr tickets so im apparently KoG now
this is the next card to get nerfed. I'm getting some of these from SR rewards, OMG, this card is a beast
For the love of god, could Konami release Necrovalley already?

Considering everyone can now consistently bring out a 2400+ beater on turn 2 with stupidly easy revival options, I really think adding Necrovalley to the card pool is necessary.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
OK, you guys think It was a good idea they let red eyes insight a reward now? I personally only have one, something gives me the feeling KOG may be less grind this month....
<< Anonymous
Player J Reply
I'm real! Why do you guys keep saying I'm a fake. You can ask my boyfriend deamon blitzburg how real I am!! I am the grand central station of 🔥ation and I was dropped on my head as a kid who was dragged down many pairs of stairs! Can you Anonymous just stop calling me a fake I'm very real!!!!
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Anonymous Reply
wow posting the same thing over and over again how 🔥ed ok you're real. I see that, right now I am laughing at you so hard i can't breathe, don't get triggered and 🔥 yourself ok? your parents will cry, oh and btw I won't be revisiting cause I want to leave you hanging here with an angry mood, so don't bother replying... see ya sucker hahaha!!!! here take this L lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Who is this anon defending Player J? Maybe his new hubby? oh my, how sweeeet!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lets congratz player j then.
3 insights are slightly inconsistent without restart. Unfortunately cannot run restart as chain that binds or beatdown is soooo needed to run over other RE and Phoenix. Is 2 or 3 better still?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Also im glad this is a ticket reward, so much easier to get. Grinded out my 60 wins and got 2 RE insight. Now i have 3.
Instead of limiting this card, they give to everyone. Ok.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There's still only ONE CARD that Insight can currently hunt down & target, making it a completely obvious combo. Why limit it now?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the meta changes so they are not gonna limit anything. Especially when its obvoious they did it to hold players since the game was kinda dying before the yugi muto event and everyone was crying about insight.

But i do think they shouldnt guve it to everyone. Was straight up dumbness.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's dumb to give people another chance at getting one of the most important cards in the game because they werent lucky enough when the event came out? this game is already the least rewarding game ive ever seen, so i dont get how you can possibly think this is a bad idea when there is already no correlation between effort and reward in this game.
Finally 3rd insight, time to play my cheap balance red-eyes... Not bad but ice barrier win(lose) faster...
<< Anonymous(Realm)
Realm Reply
Guess I should stop at Plat 3 now and play Yugi Muto event first... but Im a bit worry I would meet red-eyes deck 10 out of 10 later of the month...
Yes, all of us can build now Red Eyes deck. I expect mirror matches after this month.

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