
Floodgate Trap Hole | Decks and Ruling

This page notes details of Floodgate Trap Hole (Trap Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 14/03/2020

Floodgate Trap Hole

Floodgate Trap Hole
TypeTrap Card
Card Effect TypeActivation requirement / Card effect
ArchetypesTrap Hole


When your opponent Summons a monster(s): Change that monster(s) to face-down Defense Position. Monsters changed to face-down Defense Position by this effect cannot change their battle positions.

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  • It switches the Summoned Monster by your opponent to face-down defense position
  • The affected monster can't change its battle position.


  • None.


Monster Zone Lock

You can possibly lock your opponent's monster zone if he/she has no tribute monsters. Use Floodgate Trap Hole when your opponent Summons a Monster. Then disable the 2 remaining zones by using Ojama Knight's effect. You can then wait to get the cards that you needed or burn your opponent.


The text "monster(s)" on Floodgate Trap Hole means that it can affect multiple cards. See these screenshots below for example.

The opponent used The Flute of Summoning Dragon to Special Summon 2 Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field. Then the Floodgate Trap Hole prompt pops up.

Floodgate Trap Hole is Activated.

Both of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon has been switched to face-down defense position.



ActionsChanges Battle Positions / Flips monsters face-down / Prevents Battle Position changes


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Cons: Trap
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thats not cons fools!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is. I hate purple!
10000000000 times better than Void trap hole ... Planning to get third Floodgate than searching for this void 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I currently have 2 floodgate trap holes. Why do you think void is so much worse? I like voids negation of monster effect ability
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because void doesnt hit monsters with less than 2000attack and monsters special sumoned by traps/spells. Also it is preferable to let their monster blocked f/d in their field than in their grave. Keep in mind most mosters today have in grave effects and can still be useable
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But most importantly, because it doesnt hit normal summons.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Floodgate has a biggest range in what to hit
Although I have 3 of this but this I wish that it will be hit with a limit 3 for a better gameplay experience.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
who gets those cards with gems lol, that's what dream tickets are for.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Gems must be spent on old boxes during 50% off deals.

Besides, Old boxes contain MUCH MORE generic not archetype dependent cards than new boxes. In new boxes, except for a few UR/SR per box most other cards don't work outside their own archetype.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Totaly agree with above posts. Tickets should be wisely used on old box staples that usually contain 90% trash cards. Also, NEVER EVER let gem discount period to get away when you despirately need an old staple card. They come rarely and for about 5000 you can open complete a 200 pack main box, and if you are lucky much much less.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not 90% trash cards because those old boxes contain more generic cards that are usable in any deck + a few staples.

On the contrary, new boxes contain a few staples. Everything else can't be used if you don't play the same deck. Like the recent ones mainly contained supports for Bunjin, Fishes, etc.

How do you expect a BE or SHS deck to make use of that?
Old boxes have more splashable cards
Just wait when link monster arrive, this card along with paleozoic canadia will be useless againts them
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol that would be at least 3 more years, and at that point there are far better traps to use
glad to have 3 copies of this since its release LOL
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Today I beat some whale who has 3 of this 🔥, with him having successfully having used all 3 on me during the duel. That felt great. An UR in a large box that's like the second worst of the game, and there are people who have 3... what the hell is wrong with the world. Whoever I see using more than 1 of this, be ready to have one hell of a tilt duel as I will pull the most 🔥 tactics possible.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You were doing good there.....until the last sentence. Now it sounds more like you're just salty some players have 3 copies for free, just by using gems.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Salty that they used their hard earned gems for 🔥, yes. But not jealous. I just refuse to use this card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nah, not you. There was a post after yours, which I replied to. But now it's gone, deleted by either this site's system or admin, making my reply sounds weird and looks like it's referring to you XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The con is you draw it lots of time when the monsters are already there
<< Anonymous(cons)
Anonymous Reply
Decks that run floodgate usually run 3 in order to increase their chances drawing them in 1st turn.
<< Anonymous
... Reply
not worth it
Can monster with "when summon" effect miss timing when flip down, if i dont chain it to anything?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Monster like stratos still be able to active its eff even tho it got flipped. Unless the card say something like negate the summon, the activation, or effect, he still be able to active its effect. You probably notice that the effect can be activated as soon as he summoned, even before other card could react in general
After this trap resolves, can black rose dragon's effect turn them face up? Or is it straight up impossible to change their battle position.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can still change their battle position through other effects. This card only affects the regular "you can change the battle position of a monster once per turn" rule.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ok thx :)
I have a question: if I use this card with Magician Navigation what will happen?

I mean the two monster aren't summon at the same time: the first monster to be summoned is Dark Magician, from the hand, and the second monster is another spellcaster, from deck.

So, if we use floodgate, the only monster to be turned face down is Dark Magician while the other spellcaster monster is save. Am I right?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, the last monster summoned will be flipped face down as you can’t active cards after a chain started resolving. If it was summoned on CL1 the one summoned from the deck is flipped face down, if it was summoned in CL2 then Floodgate Misses timing
Okay, this card has been a meta staple almost since the game’s launch. Time to limit so the op decks don’t have access to it.
<< Anonymous(Yugiknowz)
Anonymous Reply
yes.. i found its funny, i saw 3 floodgate, 3 fiendish, 3 lance in KOG deck, they can play ANY monster and still win,, LOL
It seems like they will never limit this. Just get 3 copies.

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