
Quattro Roaming Event

Duel Links Quattro Roaming Event, rewards, how to defeat Quattro, and Quattro Roaming Event guide.
update 21/04/2021


Period21 Apr 2021 - 29 March 2021

Event Missions

Gimmick Puppet Egg HeadDuel against Quattro 15 times (Surrenders not counted).
Dark MambeleWin 1 Duel(s) against Quattro.
Dark CrusaderWin 3 Duel(s) against Quattro.
Gimmick Puppet Magnet DollWin 7 Duel(s) against Quattro.

Exclusive Featured Cards

Gimmick Puppet Egg Head
Gimmick Puppet Egg Head
DARK Machine ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 1200
Quattro Roaming Event [UR]
You can only use the effect of "Gimmick Puppet Egg Head" once per turn. You can discard 1 "Gimmick Puppet" monster, then activate 1 of these effects.
● Inflict 800 damage to your opponent.
● This card's Level becomes 8 until the End Phase.
Gimmick Puppet Magnet Doll
Gimmick Puppet Magnet Doll
DARK Machine ★8
ATK 1000 / DEF 1000
Quattro Roaming Event [SR]
If your opponent controls a monster, and all monsters you control are "Gimmick Puppet" monsters (min. 1), you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

Exclusive Drop Rewards


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Can we all at least admit that Sychros will be forever better than XYZ's
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Huh? How about Very Friendly Dragon...
<< Anonymous
Lynx Reply
Not really, some xyz monsters can be better than synchro monsters
To summon them, you don't need tuner monster, you only have to get same level monster, and some xyz monsters have OP effect, that's why you can find them on TCG banlist
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yes it's esthetically better, usage wise it's not, generic rank 4 will always be better to summon, They just don't create generic monster that would be too strong.
Dr faker,3 next zexal event
Also, leo better ace, cos its best by far, despite it guaranteed insta nerf
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Destiny Leo and Disaster Leo are duel winner cards with heavily difficult requirement, akin to Vennominaga.

I don't think they would be nerfed.
Pls sort out this website, cos this events ended, we doing road to zexal event
Man, wtf is this event STILL going? Those things are meant to be 7 days long, more is just so abusive. The main event that was going on while this happened is over, there’s a new event, the fortune telling started, there was a maintenance, a forced update, new data inserted, yet this guy here still showing up every two seconds. They need to make a cooldown to stop these roamers from spawning again for at least 5 minutes after beaten. He’ll be back later so anyone who didn’t get 3 of everything yet even with his appearing obscenely often will have more chances later. This bs needs to stop.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It will, if he never opens the app again quattro will never annoy him anymore
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cope. He’s trying to play the game, do other things in it other than this event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Uhh... there is no interaction?

This event standard are low compare to Primo Roaming event, i hope they add it on future update.
<< Anonymous(YEET)
YEET Reply
Oh sorry for that, what i meant is when you first time encounter him with certain Char. Ex Antinomy and Primo, Primo give reaction that he was/know about Antinomy.
<< Anonymous(YEET)
Anonymous Reply
I suspect it will be like the Primo roaming event. As more days go by we will get another cutscene of him at the beginning of the day. Next one will likely pick up after he savaged those 2 fans he started to duel today.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Knowing how this world is set after the series just like all the other previous worlds, this IV shouldn't be the same IV he was at his anime debut.

I'm betting on his savage expression being a red herring, and then it turns out he legitimately dueled his fans for legitimate fun.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That makes narrative sense but remember how Yubel was back to square one at her appearance. They are inconsistent on some of these factors.
They couldn't think of a better name rather than naming him after a car or wherever the word quattro derived from.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Quattro comes from "quattuor", which is Latin for the number 4. It's also a direct reference to his Japanese name, IV.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^It's actually the Italian word for "four". But Italian is closely related to Latin, so you're right too
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is a reference to the number 4. All of his siblings go by names relating to numbers: Trey (3) and Quinton (5).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't forget his other sibling Primo (1)
Is he possessed? Why he has different personality offcam and oncam with his fans?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nah, he’s just bipolar like that. It’s part of his fanservice.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Watch the show. Quattro during the first half is a very sick individual though he mellows out for the last half of the show. He acts like a gentleman to his fans at first but during the duel he reveals his twisted side by inflicting brutal and traumatizing damage to them through the use of his Gimmick Number cards. He believes that the brutalizing attacks he delivers are a form of fan service.
I will be hard pressed to ever believe that any XYZ has even a remote chance of beating synchros
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I’m guessing you’re making those comments saying “XYZ”s are worse than synchro to bait those silly jokes about XYZ the union monsters.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This time it's right though, XYZ as in those Machine Unions stuff really indeed has no chance of beating Synchro stuff.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It does, as its boss has huge attack and can once per turn target a card the opponent controls: remove that card from play.
I hate 5ds so boring. Gx zexal Dm arc v better than 5ds
Another garbage event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And look at you contributing to the garbage by interacting with the game. Don't like it? Don't play it. Even if you do f2p you're contributing statistics to konami you complete and utter trout
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How are you gonna call someone else triggered, then respond like this? lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just like watching people like you eat trash. If you like trash so much why don't you go cut your wrist and d ie and be reborn as a pig because thats what you are.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe he is talking to himself?
That is one long event if it's going on til the 29th of MARCH
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Roaming events often occur while other events are going on so that is not too surprising.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dude, march is 11 months away. I don't think Quattro's gonna be around THAT long

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There are 4 "galaxy" monsters in the deck, for example Galaxy dragon. When at least 1 o...
Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
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