
Cubic: deck recipe [Dec 30]

Duel Links Cubic deck, Cubic deck in the meta, how to build Cubic deck.
update 30/12/2022

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Example Deck

Standard Version

Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic LordBuster Gundil the Cubic BehemothBuster Gundil the Cubic BehemothBuster Gundil the Cubic BehemothDuza the Meteor Cubic VesselDuza the Meteor Cubic Vessel
Duza the Meteor Cubic VesselVijam the Cubic SeedGeira Guile the Cubic KingGeira Guile the Cubic KingGeira Guile the Cubic KingCubic Dharma
Cubic DharmaCubic DharmaCubic KarmaCubic KarmaCubic KarmaCubic Causality
Cubic CausalityCubic Causality----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Dimension Summon
Play 1 level 4 or lower Cubic monster from your hand.
The ATK of the monster you played with this Skill is equal to its original level x 500.
If the monster is destroyed, you lose Life Points equal to its original level x 500.
This Skill can only be used if you begin the duel with a Deck/Extra Deck that contain no monsters other than "Cubic" monsters.
This Skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.
Aigami (DSOD)
Aigami (DSOD)

How to Play

Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord

Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord
Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord
DARK Fiend ★10
ATK 3000 / DEF 0
Aigami (DSOD) at Lvl 40 [UR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by revealing 3 other "Cubic" cards in your hand with different names, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Unaffected by other monsters' activated effects, whose original ATK is 3000 or less. When this attacking card destroys a monster by battle: You can activate this effect; this card can make a second attack during this Battle Phase. During your End Phase: Each player takes 3000 damage. You can only use this effect of "Crimson Nova the Dark Cubic Lord" once per turn.

Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel

Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel
Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel
LIGHT Machine ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 1600
Unknown Duelist Roaming Event [UR]
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Cubic" card from your Deck to the Graveyard. Once per turn, during either player's turn, if a monster was sent to your Graveyard this turn while you controlled this face-up card: You can make this card gain 200 ATK for each monster with a different name in your Graveyard, until the end of this turn.

Because Vijam is locked to a Skill, Duza is necessary to any Cubic deck as the only Normal Summonable Cubic monster. In the Cubic Seed version of this deck, Duza serves a secondary purpose of setting up Vijam to the graveyard. Otherwise, you can mill Karma and banish it to search Buster Gundil. The mill effect can also be used as a trigger for Duza's ATK boost effect if you mill a Cubic monster.

Duza's inherent ATK boost is quite important to this deck's overall power before bringing out Buster Gundil; The rest of the monsters are simply too weak for their summoning cost. Cubic Dharma and Karma work well to boost his ATK. Dharma cycles through your deck and loads Cubics into the graveyard. Karma brings Duza's ATK to 4000 without even counting Duza's inherent ATK boost.

Cubic Monsters

Buster Gundil the Cubic Behemoth
Buster Gundil the Cubic Behemoth
LIGHT Beast ★4
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Raid Duel - Dimensional Disaster [UR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 3 "Cubic" monsters you control to the Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If Summoned this way, this card gains 3000 ATK. This card can make a second and third attack during each Battle Phase. If this card in your possession is sent to your Graveyard by your opponent's card (by battle or card effect): You can target up to 3 "Cubic" monsters in your Graveyard; Special Summon them, then you can add 1 "Cubic" card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

Since there aren't many good Cubic monsters, the current playstyle of Cubics can be summarized as Buster Gundil Turbo OTK. Buster Gundil has the same summoning condition as Indiora but with a higher ATK stat and a generally more useful effect. Attacking 3 times with a huge 3000 ATK could easily let you OTK the opponent.

For the floating effect, prioritize reviving Vijam because it is more likely to stay on the field until you summon your next turn. Reviving Duza is also a good choice since you get more mill effects off. Reviving multiple Duza with Buster Gundil's floating effect lets you mill multiple cards. Also, add another Buster Gundil to your hand, preferably from the deck. If your opponent is down to 800 or lower LP, you can opt to search Indiora or Geira instead to deal the last burn damage.

From its floating effect, you can see how Buster Gundil can be extremely difficult to get rid of with the right setup.

  1. Buster Gundil gets sent to the graveyard.
  2. Revive 3 Vijams and add a Buster Gundil to hand.
  3. Summon the Buster Gundil you added to hand using the 3 Vijams as cost.
  4. Repeat every time Buster Gundil is sent to the graveyard.
Geira Guile the Cubic King
Geira Guile the Cubic King
WIND Fairy ★2
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Aigami (DSOD) at Lvl 3, 10, and 14 [R]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 1 "Cubic" monster you control to the Graveyard. If Summoned this way, this card gains 800 ATK. If this card is Special Summoned from the hand: Inflict 800 damage to your opponent. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card battled: You can target up to 2 "Vijam the Cubic Seed" in your Graveyard; send this card to the Graveyard, and if you do, Special Summon them, then you can add 1 "Vulcan Dragni the Cubic King" from your Deck to your hand.

800 is a significant amount of burn damage especially in a format where the opponent only starts with 4000. Because of this Geira Guile can be brought out to poke your opponent or occasionally even steal some wins by burning their last 800 LP.

Vulcan Dragni the Cubic King
Vulcan Dragni the Cubic King
FIRE Beast ★3
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Card Trader [SR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 2 "Cubic" monsters you control to the Graveyard. If Summoned this way, this card gains 1600 ATK. If this card is Special Summoned from the hand: Inflict 800 damage to your opponent. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card battled: You can target up to 3 "Vijam the Cubic Seed" in your Graveyard; send this card to the Graveyard, and if you do, Special Summon them, then you can add 1 "Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor" from your Deck to your hand.

Vulcan Dragni is the next step after Geira Guile; Geira Guile fetches Vulcan Dragni and sets up its summoning requirements. It similarly does 800 damage upon summon, but has more ATK at 1600. Likewise, Vulcan Dragni will then fetch Indiora and setup its summoning requirements; these requirements however are better used for summoning Buster Gundil.

The ATK on Vulcan Dragni is pretty weak and from here we can see that these monsters are only really used for their burn damage.

Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor
Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor
LIGHT Fairy ★4
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Aigami (DSOD) at Lvl 23 and 35 [UR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 3 "Cubic" monsters you control to the Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If Summoned this way, this card gains 2400 ATK. If this card is Special Summoned from the hand: Inflict 800 damage to your opponent. If this card in your possession is sent to your Graveyard by your opponent's card (by battle or card effect): You can target up to 3 "Cubic" monsters in your Graveyard; Special Summon them, then you can add 1 "Cubic" card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

Indiora is actually not that good of a monster. It has the same summoning condition as Buster Gundil so most of the time you will just be summoning Buster Gundil. It's burn effect upon summon is also shared by Geira, a Cubic monster much easier to summon. The only, practical reason we run Indiora is to have another uniquely named Cubic monster for Duza's ATK boost.

Vijam the Cubic Seed

Vijam the Cubic Seed
Vijam the Cubic Seed
DARK Fiend ★1
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Aigami (DSOD) at Lvl 38 [UR]
Cannot be destroyed by battle. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card battled an opponent's monster: You can place this card face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell Card, and if you do, place 1 Cubic Counter on that opponent's monster. (Monsters with a Cubic Counter cannot attack, also negate their effects.) If this card is treated as a Continuous Spell Card by this effect, during your Main Phase: You can Special Summon this card from your Spell & Trap Zone.

Cubic Techs

Cubic Dharma
Cubic Dharma
Continuous Spell
Raid Duel - Dimensional Disaster: Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor [UR]
You take no battle damage from attacks involving your "Cubic" monsters. You can only use each of the following effects of "Cubic Dharma" once per turn, during your Main Phase:
● You can send 1 "Cubic" card from your hand to the GY, and if you do, draw 1 card.
● You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Cubic" monster in your GY; add it to your hand.

Dharma's first effect is used to cycle through your deck, which is useful when digging for Buster Gundil. The discard can be used to load Vijams into the graveyard for Buster Gundil to later float into and also load uniquely named Cubics for Duza's ATK boost.

The second effect is for simple graveyard recovery. Such as when recovering Duza or Vijam to use as summoning cost.

Cubic Karma
Cubic Karma
Continuous Spell
Aigami (DSOD) at 11, 21, and 25 [SR]
When this card is activated: You can target 1 "Cubic" monster you control, except "Vijam the Cubic Seed"; send any number of "Vijam the Cubic Seed" from your hand and/or Deck to the Graveyard, then that monster gains 800 ATK for each (even if this card leaves the field). During your opponent's turn, if "Vijam the Cubic Seed" is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Cubic" monster: Send this card to the Graveyard, and if you do, halve your opponent's LP. You can banish this card from your Graveyard; add 1 "Cubic" monster from your Deck to your hand.

Karma can only be used in a Cubic Seed version of the deck. Its first effect lets you turn any of your Cubic monster into a formidable beater. This is good for getting the effects of Dark Ganex and Blade Garooda off or turning Buster Gundil into an even bigger monster. To maximize the ATK boost, do not mill Vijam with Duza if you have Karma onhand.

The second effect can only be triggered by Buster Gundil or Indiora's floating effects. Cutting your opponent's LP in half is always better than letting Karma sit on the field, so use it the first chance you get.

Mill Karma with Duza's effect and banish it to search Buster Gundil.

Cubic Causality
Cubic Causality
Normal Trap
Duelist Road: Dark Side of Dimensions [SR]
Distribute a number of Cubic Counters on face-up monsters your opponent controls, up to the number of "Cubic" monsters you control. (Monsters with a Cubic Counter cannot attack, also negate their effects.) You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Cubic" monster you control; this turn, each time it destroys a monster by battle that has a Cubic Counter, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the original ATK of that destroyed monster. You can only use each effect of "Cubic Causality" once per turn.
Cubic Mandala
Cubic Mandala
Continuous Trap
Unknown Duelist Roaming Event [SR]
If you control a "Cubic" monster: Activate this card by targeting any number of monsters that are in your opponent's Graveyard because they were destroyed and sent there this turn; Special Summon them to your opponent's field, but each becomes ATK 0 and has 1 Cubic Counter placed on it. (Monsters with a Cubic Counter cannot attack, also negate their effects.) While your opponent controls any of the monsters Summoned by this effect, negate any monster effects your opponent activates. When the last of these monsters leaves the field, destroy this card.

Cubic Mandala puts 0 ATK monsters on your opponent's field. The only practical use for this is so that you can deal damage through those 0 ATK monsters, in case your opponent has something stronger than Buster Gundil.
Do not let the revived monsters live till your opponent's next turn because they can be used for synchro plays and tribute fodder.

Overall Mandala is another situational card that we run just to fill the deck with Cubic cards.

Cubic Ascension
Cubic Ascension
Normal Trap
Raid Duel - Dimensional Disaster: Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor [UR]
When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Special Summon 1 "Vijam the Cubic Seed" from your Deck, and if you do, change the attack target to it, and perform damage calculation. If your opponent's LP are at least 2000 higher than yours: You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 "Vijam the Cubic Seed" from your hand, Deck, or GY, then, if only your opponent controlled a monster when this effect was activated, you can Special Summon up to 2 more "Vijam the Cubic Seed". You can only use this effect of "Cubic Ascension" once per turn.

Cubic Ascension is a good defensive option, letting you Special Summon Vijam from your Deck and redirecting the enemy attack to it. You can Special Summon Vijam in attack position to intentionally take damage, but if your opponent has more following attacks its better to summon Vijam in defense position. The goal here is to lower your LP to 2000 under your opponent's while not dying.

Then on your turn you can activate Cubic Ascension from the graveyard, hopefully fulfilling the conditions to summon three Vijam. With the three Vijams on your field, you can pretty much summon anything you want.

Skills Suggestion

[Skill] descriptionUser
Cubic Seed
In the beginning of the Duel, add 3 "Vijam the Cubic Seed" to your Deck.
This Skill can only be used if you begin the duel with a Deck/Extra Deck that contain no cards other than "Cubic" cards.
Aigami (DSOD)
Aigami (DSOD)

Cubic Seed is a more well rounded version of the deck but requires more setup to bring out your boss monster. However if you do manage to bring out Buster Gundil and setup your graveyard with Vijams, you've pretty much set up a loop that maximizes what this archetype can do.


  • The build is locked to only running Cubic cards if you want to make use of Aigami's Skills which are highly useful to the archetype. This means you aren't able to add techs to boost your consistency and power, support your play style, or counter the meta.
  • Cubics themselves don't have any backrow removal. And the inability to use tech cards is detrimental to an OTK deck like this one because it prevents you from using backrow removal like Cosmic Cyclone and Hey, Trunade!.

Other Useful Cards

Other Cubic Monsters

Dark Garnex the Cubic Beast
Dark Garnex the Cubic Beast
EARTH Beast ★2
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Raid Duel - Dimensional Disaster: Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor [SR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 1 "Cubic" monster you control to the Graveyard. If Summoned this way, this card gains 1000 ATK. When this card destroys a monster by battle: You can target up to 2 "Vijam the Cubic Seed" in your Graveyard; send this card to the Graveyard, and if you do, Special Summon them, then you can add 1 "Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beast" from your Deck to your hand.

Summon by using Duza or Vijam as cost. Even though it can gain you a lot of resources, you are unlikely to use Dark Garnex' second effect without Karma because of its measly 1000 ATK. But if you do manage to pull it off this will get you closer to your boss monster.

The biggest reason we actually run Dark Garnex is to fill the deck with Cubic cards giving us access to Aigami's skills.

Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beast
Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beast
FIRE Beast ★3
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Aigami (DSOD) at Lvl 7, 18, and 33 [R]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 2 "Cubic" monsters you control to the Graveyard. If Summoned this way, this card gains 2000 ATK. This card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase. When this card destroys a monster by battle: You can target up to 3 "Vijam the Cubic Seed" in your Graveyard; send this card to the Graveyard, and if you do, Special Summon them, then you can add 1 "Buster Gundil the Cubic Behemoth" from your Deck to your hand.

Blade Garoodia is the next step to Dark Garnex, ultimately letting you search Buster Gundil. It has a better ATK stat letting you get its second effect off easier. Like Dark Garnex the actual reason why we run Blade Garoodia is to fill the deck with Cubic cards.


Hot New Top
Not KoG
The last time Konami gave a f2p deck like this was half a decade ago.
An actually good boss monster that's a free level up reward? What happened to you Komoney?
<< Anonymous
Fetih 1453 Reply
Konami is very generous as always.
Thank you, Konami.
F2P :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I mean the deck is free, Do you really like losing anything tho?
cubic fusion coming
This deck was toxic in the tcg
another 6 card i use :
- savage coliseum x2
- ultimate providence x2
- raigeki break x2

can climb into legend 1 with no problem
Any chance of this article getting updated now that the main skill has changed?
Gabbo deck
This deck is very fun to play but nowhere close to be competitive.
<< Anonymous(Vrus)
anonymous Reply
there is no fun without battle phase. all you do is summon cubic send cubic card to GY special summon vijam deal 800 damage retrieve vijam repeated.

the moment you realize you facing aromages. you always surrender coz vijam effect are useless against Lp Deck
<< Anonymous(anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Do you even play the deck? Coz vijam doesn't have burn effect LOL
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
i didnt play the deck but i usually dueling this deck in PvP. Mostly met when im play Dinosaur deck & Ghoststick deck. all duel lost by effect damage 800x5 special summon 4k my Lp. With aromage i always go 1st then suddenly opponent connection lost
Now that cubics have access to up to 6 non-cubic spells/traps, you can have a somewhat easier time playing the deck. Hallowed Life Barrier and Storm are my personal picks, as they're great for protecting you and clearing backrow while also being able to get rid of Karmas and Ascensions for their GY effects. Funnily enough, you can use Barrier's discard to easily pump up Duza on your opponent's turn, and you can wait to use Duza's effect until the damage step. Other good ones that come to mind would be Raigeki Break and Karma Cut... maybe Cosmic to get Ascension's 2nd effect easier? But Storm seems better since you can pop up to 2 at once.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I met one with Cosmic Cyclone and Ultimate Providence
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I saw one on meta that had 2 MST, a Vortex, and 3 Break on Duel Links Meta. I’ll be curious to see where the deck goes for the “best” 6 to use, but it’s a blast to play.
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
i met 1 just now but he keep put it face up defense position. drain my Lp 800 time to time. i had no choice but to attack to recover my Lp lost. then he surrender when my Lp 7100 and his deck left 5 card HAHAHAHA

#DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
The deck has potential but cubics have no first turn play other than setting Vijam and passing or setting cubic accession which can be easily banished with cosmic or dragon spirit of white. They also don’t have any distribution so you’re opponent can make all their plays and pop all your cards and there isn’t anything you can really do
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good news for cubic players, now you can have 6 broken backrows in your deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It would be better if they also unlock the extra deck :(
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
NO, stop that. I don't want any synchro cubic or neos cubic 🔥.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Milenium eyes and relinquished would fit the theme better

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