Special Summons from your Extra Deck / Special Summons from your Graveyard
tH3 f0oL
I have a question about this card.
I’m running a d/d/d deck that is fusion/syncro focused with lite xyz spice.
Thus, the d/d pendulum cards are used primarily for their effects and not they’re pendulum scale.
So, when a pendulum card goes to my extra deck it’s hard to pull it back into play cause I don’t have a pendulum set to swing it back.
Pendulum Reborn (PRB) seems to indicate I can special summon a face up pendulum card from my extra deck.
However, the user interface only gives me the opportunity to activate PRB when a pendulum card is in my grave yard.
I can’t target any pendulum card face up in my extra deck with PRB to special summon - such as an on field Savant or King that was used as fusion or synchro material.
Any pendulum card sent to my extra deck just won’t be targeted by PRB.
What am I missing?
Thank you in advance and hope all are glorious gain more greatness
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