
KC Cup: 2nd Stage [Apr 2019]

Duel Links KC CUP Feb decks, the top meta of Duel Links in Feb 2019.
update 20/04/2019


Stage 2 of the KC Cup will start on April 12th. Shared decks are credited to the people who made/used them. If you like their decks, don't forget to check their reddit/twitter/youtube accounts!

2nd Stage Duration12 Apr 13:00 - 15 Apr 12:59


ANorth America
BLatin America/Caribbean
FAsia/Middle East/Africa


  • Players placed in Top 500 in the 2nd Stage Ranking will receive a seat in the next Duel Links World Championship Regional Representive Qualifier!
  • The 1st place player in the 2nd Stage Global Ranking will receive an invitation to the Duel Links World Championship!

2nd Stage Ranking Rewards

Card Rewards

Note: : The UR & SR rewards are almost same with previous KC Cup rewards, but there are some new cards updated. Here is the list:

New Featured Rewards

New SR/UR Rewards [Glossy/Prismatic]
Strong Wind Dragon
Strong Wind Dragon
Silent Paladin
Silent Paladin
Survivals End
Survivals End

2nd Stage Shared Decks

Email to GameA

At the end of the KC Cup 2nd stage, please send us decks you use, your region, and Duel Points you earn. Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck (KC Cup).
Subject (Title)KOG deck (KC CUP)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach KOG (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof

Required Info/screenshot

Send us screenshots of your deck which is used to get through the 2nd stage of the KC Cup and the proof.

Number of users per deck

Ancient Gear1
Koa'ki Meiru4
Six Samurai5

Here is the list of KC Cup 2nd Stage Decklist. The information below is credited to dgamelinks.blogspot


[B&P] Grucius

IGN[B&P] Grucius
Set SkillParasite Infestation (Anti-Meta)
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 2 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points102,100
Cumulative Wins--

CwC Suhn

Set SkillThe Tie that Binds (Six Samurai)
Rank2 (Regional Rank), 8 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points100,418
Cumulative Wins--



Set SkillKaibaCorp Bling (Koa'ki Meiru)
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 1 (Global Rank)
Win Rate63.11% (443 wins, 702 duels)
Duel Points150,379
Cumulative Wins3


Set SkillThe Tie that Binds (Six Samurai)
Rank2 (Regional Rank), 3 (Global Rank)
Win Rate60% (414 wins, 690 duels)
Duel Points101,788
Cumulative Wins10

1% 不死鳥ほる

Set SkillKaibaCorp Bling (Koa'ki Meiru)
Rank3 (Regional Rank), 4 (Global Rank)
Win Rate61% (356 wins, 577 duels)
Duel Points101,611
Cumulative Wins10


Set SkillKaibaCorp Bling (Koa'ki Meiru)
Rank4 (Regional Rank), 5 (Global Rank)
Win Rate60% (363 wins, 604 duels)
Duel Points101,198
Cumulative Wins13


Set SkillThe Tie that Binds (Six Samurai)
Rank5 (Regional Rank), 6 (Global Rank)
Win Rate63% (268 wins, 424 duels)
Duel Points101,033
Cumulative Wins8


Set SkillThe Tie that Binds (Six Samurai)
Rank7 (Global Rank)
Win Rate62% (325 wins, 520 duels)
Duel Points100,518
Cumulative Wins9

コビトカバ NEO

IGNコビトカバ NEO
Set SkillParasite Infestation (Anti Meta)
The Tie that Binds (Six Samurai)
Rank11 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points97,878
Cumulative Wins--

Asia/Middle East/Africa


Set SkillKaibaCorp Bling (Koa'ki Meiru)
RegionAsia/Middle East/Africa
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 9 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points100,023
Cumulative Wins--


Set SkillMiddle Age Mechs (Ancient Gear)
RegionAsia/Middle East/Africa
Rank2 (Regional Rank), 10 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points98,866
Cumulative Wins--


Hot New Top
i like if the hit six samurai and ag(aka reactor or cards that help reactor)
y'know what?
I encountered as much counters to Six Sams as the actual deck lol.

I find Samurais to be way more tolerable than Koa'ki meiru
<< Anonymous(y'know what?)
Anonymous Reply
I agree with u pal, it's a better deck than koa'kis
GRUCIUS TOP 2 GLOBAL ?????? NooOooOoOoOooo !! LOL Omg I don't know if congratulate the dude or give him my condolences. Dude fought like never before through the ladder like a real champion while playing Amazons.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Grucius is the best
People asking for a LIMIT for Lava Golem MADE ME CRINGE !
worst kc cup ever -_-
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Really? Then you should've never feel KC 2017 when everyone litterally run the same deck, the goddamn-cursed sylvans
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Your sylvan mills 5 bricks and does nothing

Your opponent’s sylvan wins the sylvan lottery and otks you

Gotta love that kc cup
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
When's the next KC CUP?
<< Anonymous(Ryuka)
Anonymous Reply
Around July I think.
<< Anonymous(Ryuka)
Anonymous Reply
End of August. World Championship at the beginning of June
Lava golem limited to 1 at the end of this kc cup...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They do have, I gave a couple 6sam players lava golem yesterday and they synchroed it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Few and far between in any case. Plus there's always the 444 floodgates burn players seem to have anyway. Oh and the good old swords woman crash afterwards too
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I run giganticastle in my 6 Sam's and so does my buddy. So that's 2 try again. And before you go with the noob 🔥 he has 3 MCS tops so think again on that 🔥 to.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So 4 then. Racking them up, and one of you borrowed the idea from the other.

Keep going, maybe we get up to 6 next.

Maybe people aren't the high IQ you and your pal are.....who knows. Genius isn't gifted to everybody.

Hint, it's waste of slot for something that might sometimes happen, there aren't that many burn players, even with 6 sams.
Limt the damn lava golem already -_-
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
they wont
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, they'll just semi-limit it alongside every single key card of the Parasite Burn deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What's beaten me in the, cypher, swordswoman, Queen, blue-eyes...see where this is going?

Yeah, 🔥 that shot we'll end up with 2 card decks if Konami listen to all the whing
Is there no KC cup survey this time? I haven't seen it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is. It doesn't give gems but it's in the notifications
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thank you.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Can't remember the last one that had gems now you mention it

Six Sam - Fine I can deal with them easily.
AG - Tough Match up because Reactor is stupidly powerful.
Yubel/Burn Stall in General: Go die if you play this you are pure scum. Yubel needs to be addressed being walled by Terror Incarnate while that little Nepyths card searches the Ritual and the Spell is just filthy. Seriously hope they do something about the real 🔥 of this game. And it's not Six Samurai I can beat them with extreme ease.

My Name is Yubel needs a cost and ideally I'd like to see that little Disciple hit to stop them from winning off 1 card effectively.

As for Burn Parasite needs a nerf again. And can we lose Swordswoman already? She is really not healthy for the game. Dont get me started on Lava Golem.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Every deck is fine, but i agree with you on banning swordswoman for good.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Uhm no. It wouldn't be BS if Disciple of Nephthys got hit. It's what Yubel players are using as a substitute for Fire King Island. That way no need to worry when the field gets destroyed about it destroying their monsters.
I can see maybe Discple getting hit and semi-limited just because of that.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why do I always see so many complaints about Yubel? It is really not that bad compared to six sams and Weevil burn.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol, so we hit disciple for making Yubel decks stronger instead of hitting yubel at all? Nice scapegoat hit, very fair to the nephthys archetype lol.
Cipher soldier, lava golem, yubel, dust flame and laval stenon, reactor dragon, Canadia and floodgate should all be limited to one. There to OP and 🔥 against sixsams its not fair. This game should be more balabced
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"There to OP and 🔥 against sixsams"

Buddy Floodgate and Canadia are one of the few things that prevent OTK. They're the main reason players do not play Synchros often in the game.

But you're telling me your Dual Wield which returns 2 cards from your opponents field to the hand is more fair than 2 traps which flip your monster to face down defense position with one being permanently.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Go cry when you get hit by Ready for interception against your 6 Sams.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Six Sam - Fine I can deal with them easily.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This should be the most ridiculous post I have ever seen.
He plays a tier 0 deck and complains about every single card in the game that offers other decks a chance against them.
Sure let's limit or even ban all of them so the tier list to be sams tier 0 and some KOG worthy decks only THEN the game will be very balanced. Salute to you sir amazing idea
How is it even possible to play 700 duels in 3 days is a mystery to me
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
With a lot of free time it is possible. 8 hours a day easy if you have no job or school
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There was a lot of stall and antimeta decks which usually takes a lot of time to beat/lose. Even if we give a small average time per duel let's say 4 minutes (which is smaller than i think it is in reality) then if you play 8 hours straight it is 120 duels.Which means half almost of what he got in 3 days. He had to play 16 hours every day to reach this number with this relative small time per duel

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You must have added monster(s) other than "Performapal" monsters, "Magician" ...
There are 4 "galaxy" monsters in the deck, for example Galaxy dragon. When at least 1 o...
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
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