
KC Cup: 2nd Stage [April 2021]

Duel Links KC CUP April decks, the top meta of Duel Links in April 2021.
update 24/04/2021


Stage 2 of the KC Cup will start on February 12th. Shared decks are credited to the people who made/used them. If you like their decks, don't forget to check their Reddit/Twitter/Youtube accounts!

2nd Stage Duration16 March 2021 - 19 March 2021


ANorth America
BLatin America/Caribbean
FAsia/Middle East/Africa


  • Players placed in Top 500 in the 2nd Stage Ranking will receive a seat in the next Duel Links World Championship Regional Representive Qualifier!
  • The 1st place player in the 2nd Stage Global Ranking will receive an invitation to the Duel Links World Championship!

2nd Stage Ranking Rewards

2nd Stage Shared Decks

At the end of the KC Cup 2nd stage, please send us decks you use, your region, and Duel Points you earn. Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be Deck (KC Cup 2nd Stage Top 100).
Subject (Title)Deck (KC CUP 2nd Stage Top 100)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used in KC 2nd Stage
  • a screenshot of Rank proof

Number of users per deck

Evil Eye2
Shiranui Synchro1
Thunder Dragon3

Top 10

1st Place: Zeeta

Darklord1st Place: Zeeta
IGN: 1st Place: Zeeta, Skill: Destiny Draw, Date Submitted: Apr 21

2nd Place: 限界東雲かんざわ

Onomato2nd Place: 限界東雲かんざわOnomato 2nd Place: 限界東雲かんざわ2
IGN: 2nd Place: 限界東雲かんざわ, Skill: Onomatoplay, Date Submitted: Apr 20

3rd Place: Negative1

Evil Eye3rd Place: Negative1Evil Eye 3rd Place: Negative12Evil Eye 3rd Place: Negative12
IGN: 3rd Place: Negative1, Skill: Titan Showdown, Destiny Draw, Level Duplication, Date Submitted: Apr 21

6th Place: 翔太

Onomato6th Place: 翔太
IGN: 6th Place: 翔太, Skill: Onomatoplay, Date Submitted: Apr 21

7th Place: 〜爽〜

Darklord7th Place: 〜爽〜Darklord 7th Place: 〜爽〜2
IGN: 7th Place: 〜爽〜, Skill: Level Tuning, Onomatoplay, Date Submitted: Apr 21

8th: KEINZ

Thunder Dragon8th: KEINZ
IGN: 8th: KEINZ, Skill: Level Duplication, Date Submitted: Apr 22

9th Place: [ENP] 小飞哥

Onomato9th Place: [ENP] 小飞哥Onomato 9th Place: [ENP] 小飞哥2
IGN: 9th Place: [ENP] 小飞哥, Skill: Onomatoplay, Date Submitted: Apr 22

10th Place: ShiranuiNo1

T.G.10th Place: ShiranuiNo1
IGN: 10th Place: ShiranuiNo1, Skill: Set! Delta Accel!, Date Submitted: Apr 22

Top 20

13th Place: AdoboBoy

BE13th Place: AdoboBoyBE 13th Place: AdoboBoy2 SS DarklordSS Darklord 2
IGN: 13th Place: AdoboBoy, Skill: Ultimate Dragons and Level Tuning, Date Submitted: Apr 20

14 Place: hAru

Thunder Dragon14 Place: hAru
IGN: 14 Place: hAru, Skill: Level Duplication, Date Submitted: Apr 22


IGN: 黒すけ@爪団, Skill: Flight Control, Date Submitted: Apr 24

Top 100

84th Place: ひよこ

Harpie84th Place: ひよこHarpie 84th Place: ひよこ2
IGN: 84th Place: ひよこ, Skill: The Tie that Binds, Date Submitted: Apr 20

99th Place: なー

Evil Eye99th Place: なーEvil Eye 99th Place: なー2
IGN: 99th Place: なー, Skill: Titan Showdown, Date Submitted: Apr 20


Hey look its one of those guys from discord who said using hacks to rank high easily.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Do you the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They're all cheaters if you were at november 2020. They were all exposed and yet Konami has done nothing. I don't want to explain all of it. You can go to reddit for details.
<< Anonymous
[K]_ Reply
Can i get a link for that details?
Is the report button even working? Do this company ban their players for cheating? Do they even care?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it would be a basic obligation and duty to ban tell us that we should ask them separately?ur a joke man.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ok if you all don't care then we can assume they all cheated. Konami's has lost their integrity in managing this event. The only people we can trust not cheating are the people that were streaming their climb. Otherwise, those top ranking guys are not legit players.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Someone already said it. Krapnami will only care about them if someone somehow manages to hack into the amount of Gems and be able to add infinite Gems at will, aka directly affecting the economy.

Until then? Better enjoy the game, faults and negligence included, because the status quo is never gonna change.
<< Anonymous
[K]_ Reply
To think head judging would be the card carrying this kc cup, every single deck is running it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, if limited 1, Desperado can use it again.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Who plays head judging? All i see are book of moons. The new staple.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The card is so annoying
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is annoying, but as the above anon says, who even plays Head Judging? It's only ever used in Desperado deck, and no one plays that deck anymore.
I don't care about 2and stage. Only the gems.
<< Anonymous(Dave)
stage Reply
I don’t care about Dave. Only the 2and gems
<< Anonymous(Dave)
2and Reply
Gems don't care i. The about stage only
<< Anonymous(2and)
Anonymous Reply
I don't care about anything, just give me the gems and 50% gem discount on all packs.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And the banlist after KC Cup
if we take a look at these rewards, we can clearly see that the player base is drastically reduced,
20.000 -30.000 reward was 50.000-100.000

-so what do u think?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Where do you guys get all this information from? Can someone share a source about playerbase, gems per month or even hackers? I'm really curious about this.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For the cheat go to dlm discord, pay the most expensive subscription then ask them about the cheat or go to youtube search bullywiiplaza and ask in any video of him.

For the gems or count them yourself, dlm does it too but would you believe in Konami's marketing team for this?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ok, thanks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
gems per year is something even DLM can't lie about since you can also count it yourself, and the amount of gems per year is still roughly the same as in previous years.
it was fun
Finally this joke of an event is over. Next time make a PvP only event which lasts for an entire month with no new content whatsoever, thanks
<< Anonymous(it was fun)
Anonymous Reply
for me it was mostly the daily reward and beat duelists second stage and beat harpies with my auto duel deck haha.i already got my wc s qualifier seat
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then quit whining and raging about things on here so much if you can win tournament seats like you always brag about. And learn some humility while you're at it. You just sound like another spoiled a-hole with no life on here.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well,I love to complain because its an awful game with terrible design. If this is your taste then I feel very sorry for you. You're one of those a sslickers who would swallow any kind of shi t and say it taste so good like milk.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why are you wasting so much time on this game then if you think that? I feel more sorry for you for torturing yourself like this.
You Jap players think you're really relevant and special by cheating in this game. But let me tell you something, all of you look like hamada a down syndrome player with no accomplishment irl except this game. Once konami is done with you all, we'll see who has the last laugh. Until then fck you all cheating trash.
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
why bothering with cheaters tho. who asked you play ranking tho. just claim 100 cumulative wins then say goodbye to PvP simple
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't generalize the first cheater ever detected was the dlm guy and he's murican

Konami will never punish them they never did a thing to dlm just a warning and a public announcement that they "won't tolerate" sh it, 4 years later they never ever punished a single cheater
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm just trying to vent here because I was playing at their hour and everytime I play against them either they see my facedown bluffs and know where my trap card is, or when their lp are lower they decide to pull their hidden skill ''the almighty dc hack'',whenever they're about to lose. You guys have no idea how painful it is to get rob of that win when they misplayed hard.
Please give better rewards. Coins for rewards are almost useless. Give us more gems and skills chips
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If only they change that gold into prize money then that would be a reason to participate.
<< Anonymous(Ash)
Dr.Agon Reply
Or maybe something to buy with gold apart from the card trader... I'd love to use my 40000000 gold on something
<< Anonymous(Dr.Agon)
Dr.Boyke Reply
something like KONAMI stock? cool
<< Anonymous(Dr.Agon)
Anonymous Reply
If only we could use that gold in Konami's slot machines we won't win anything off but it would be far funnier than dl

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You must have added monster(s) other than "Performapal" monsters, "Magician" ...
There are 4 "galaxy" monsters in the deck, for example Galaxy dragon. When at least 1 o...
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
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