
KC GT Preliminary Tournament 2nd Stage

Duel Links KC GT Preliminary Tournament 2nd Stage decks, the top meta of Duel Links in June 2020.
update 20/06/2020


2nd Stage Duration12 June 2020 - 15 June 2020


  • Participants who have complete 1st Stage will Duel to gain DP and the Top 100 with the most DP will be invited to Main Tournament.

2nd Stage Ranking Rewards

2nd Stage Ranking Rewards 2nd Stage Ranking Rewards2

Top 100 2nd Stage Shared Decklists

Email to GameA

At the end of the KC Cup 2nd stage, please send us decks you use, your region, and Duel Points you earn. Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching Top 100 Rank along with how it works! The title of your email must be Deck (KC Cup 2nd Stage).
Subject (Title)Deck (KC CUP 2nd Stage)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used in KC 2nd Stage
  • a screenshot of Rank proof

Number of users per deck

Blackwing Synchro1
Crystron SSA2
Cyber Dragon4
Dark Magician1
Invoked Elementsaber2
Masked HERO1
Neos Fusion1
Ritual Beast1
Shiranui Synchro2

1st Place: [B&P] Gift

[B&P] gift

Crystron[B&P] giftCrystron [B&P] gift2

[B&P] gift [B&P] gift2
IGN: [B&P] gift, Skill: See You Later!, Date Submitted: June 18

2nd Place: TsunTsun


ShiranuiTsunTsunShiranui TsunTsun2
IGN: TsunTsun, Skill: Level Duplication, Date Submitted: June 17

3rd Place: ふくすけ


LunalightふくすけLunalight ふくすけ2
IGN: ふくすけ, Skill: Master of Fusion, Date Submitted: June 18

4th Place: bob


Cyber Dragonbob

Cyber Dragon bob2
IGN: bob, Skill: Cyber Style, Date Submitted: June 19

6th Place: DD Hiyama

DD Hiyama

Invoked ElementsaberDD HiyamaInvoked Elementsaber DD Hiyama2
IGN: DD Hiyama, Skill: Destiny Draw, Date Submitted: June 20

8th Place: SEM/BZ RedY


CrystronSEM/BZ RedY
IGN: SEM/BZ RedY, Skill: See You Later!, Date Submitted: June 18

13th Place: Negative1


Invoked ElementsaberNegative1Invoked Elementsaber Negative12


IGN: Negative1, Skill: Destiny Draw/Level Augmentation/Mythic Depths, Date Submitted: June 17

17th Place: Maa@C/C


Crystron SSAMaa@C/CCrystron SSA Maa@C/C2
IGN: Maa@C/C, Skill: Mythic Depths, Date Submitted: June 20

19th Place: shota


IGN: shota, Skill: Master of Fusion, Date Submitted: June 17

43rd Place: DD 不死鳥 Bobby

DD 不死鳥 Bobby

Crystron SSADD 不死鳥 BobbyCrystron SSA DD 不死鳥 Bobby2
IGN: DD 不死鳥 Bobby, Skill: Mythic Depths, Date Submitted: June 19

48th Place: マツD 【SWH/十傑】

マツD 【SWH/十傑】

Cyber DragonマツD 【SWH/十傑】Cyber Dragon マツD 【SWH/十傑】2
IGN: マツD 【SWH/十傑】, Skill: Cyber Style!, Date Submitted: June 18

49th Place: 9mung


BW9mungBW 9mung2
IGN: 9mung, Skill: Sealed Tombs, Date Submitted: June 18

51th Place: saiGP


IGN: saiGP, Skill: Sealed Tombs, Date Submitted: June 18

67th Place: yutolinks


Cyber DragonyutolinksCyber Dragon yutolinks2
IGN: yutolinks, Skill: Cyber Style!, Date Submitted: June 17

70th: KiryuRyo


Cyber DragonKiryuRyoCyber Dragon KiryuRyo2
IGN: KiryuRyo, Skill: Cyber Style!, Date Submitted: June 17

73th Place: 謙虚なツモ


Neos Fusion謙虚なツモNeos Fusion 謙虚なツモ2
IGN: 謙虚なツモ, Skill: Switcheroo, Date Submitted: June 19

76th Place: Sen. GaOV

Sen. GaOV

MHeroSen. GaOVMHero Sen. GaOV2

DMSen. GaOVDM Sen. GaOV2
IGN: Sen. GaOV, Skill: Switcheroo/The Tie that Binds, Date Submitted: June 18


Mah boi
I just hope Kiteroid, Megaroid City and Molehu get hit by the next forbidden & limited card list after this
<< Anonymous(Mah boi)
Anonymous Reply
Who the hell uses Megaroid City in the current meta? You must be pretty bad if you can't handle that card.
<< Anonymous
Mah boi Reply
Its a card that searches roid monsters from the deck by destroying another card you own. It seems that you've never seen any Invoked deck using this engine to search kiteroids and fusion Invoked monsters using the destroyed monsters in the grave. You're dumb if you think that type of deck isn't meta.
<< Anonymous(Mah boi)
Anonymous Reply
It is not meta. It's a rogue deck and easy to counter.
Seeing how dominant Crystrons are, I think they will be hit hard. Shiranui and invoked also performed very well, but it's really hard to nerf those decks without killing them now. There's also stuff like heroes, DM, ritual beast and cyber dragons that could get hit.
They have changed rewards to Global rank instead of Region rank (like it has been for last 3 wcq)!!! Whyyyyy :( I cant get top 1000 of the world, its too hard with 700-800/1000 top players being japanese
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i didn't see the difference with rewards yet it hard for me to win matches anyway
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
this is a 1 time tournament that isnt planed to be repeated ever again. thats why they made this unique price giving - its basically the most important kc cup ever but not a wcs
I wish I had this skill others players have, called "Godly hand", where you never brick and draw all the cards you need, when you need them.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I feel you, I see people play a deck and dominate 50K dp and I copy the exact deck to use it, lose every time. f this game
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You lose because 1) You arent playing the deck the way they are
2) Different meta exists at 50k DP and that deck could fit well there with the matchups

You need a consistent winning deck to get high DP, but thats just the beginning. Once you pass the 10k barrier decks stop being random and youll fight the decks that beat the random decks. Then you duel the decks that beat them and so on
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
All in all, players that rank Top 500 of the world may be playing similar decks to you, but they too only have about 60% Win Rate. Played hundreds of games with up to and beyond 100 losses. They adapted their deck to the meta around them and climbed high enough so the only thing that matters in that meta is specific negation/removal and otk strategy. It doesnt work the same in any meta
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
true. i got top 100 eu players with 55% winrate 2 years ago
F2P Player
I've never spent any money on this game but my Superheavy Samurai Deck is awesome

(2nd stage)

20 wins in 21 duels
(7 wins in a row, 1 loss, 13 wins in a row)
🔥,I have superheavyvsamurai and blackwing,and i lose always against yubel deck
20 to 25 with only two loses, start the qualifiers lose 5 straight to brick hands and going first, why Konami
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
decklist pls
the kc about over with, it challenging just find matches i can win against just to rank up but if it get to dlv 10 to 15 that good

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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