
Jack Atlas Roaming Event

update 26/11/2018
Period26 Nov 2018 - 4 Dec 2018

Event Missions

Multiple Piece GolemDuel against Jack Atlas 15 times (Surrenders not counted).
Small Piece GolemWin 1 Duel(s) against Jack Atlas.
Medium Piece GolemWin 3 Duel(s) against Jack Atlas.
Big Piece GolemWin 7 Duel(s) against Jack Atlas.

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Notable Cards

Multiple Piece Golem [UR]

Multiple Piece Golem
Multiple Piece Golem
EARTH Rock ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 1300
Jack Atlas Roaming Event [UR]
"Big Piece Golem" + "Medium Piece Golem"At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked, you can return it to the Extra Deck. Then, if all of the Fusion Material Monsters that were used for the Fusion Summon of this card are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them.

Big Piece Golem [SR]

Big Piece Golem
Big Piece Golem
EARTH Rock ★5
ATK 2100 / DEF 0
Jack Atlas Roaming Event [SR]
If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributes.

Lancer Archfiend [SR]

Lancer Archfiend
Lancer Archfiend
DARK Fiend ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 1400
Jack Atlas Roaming Event [SR]
Once per turn, when a monster you control declares an attack targeting a Defense Position monster your opponent controls, you can activate this effect. If you do, during this battle, if the ATK of the attacking monster is greater than the DEF of the Defense Position monster it battles, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.

Flare Resonator [SR]

Flare Resonator
Flare Resonator
ATK 300 / DEF 1300
Jack Atlas Roaming Event [SR]
A Synchro Monster that used this card as a Synchro Material gains 300 ATK.

Descending Lost Star [SR]

Descending Lost Star
Descending Lost Star
Normal Trap
Jack Atlas Roaming Event [SR]
Target 1 Synchro Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target in Defense Position, but its effects are negated, its Level is reduced by 1, its DEF becomes 0, also its battle position cannot be changed.


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Is this a bad event?

()Sure is
()Of course
()No doubt

<< Anonymous(David)
Anonymous Reply
Are you nuts? How can we even interact to that 🔥ed poll of yours?
<< Anonymous
David Reply
Man... Can't you see i've been ironical? Looks like the 🔥ed one is not my poll but you.
Thank G. Just got my 3rd Resonator in last minute. Thank you Jack!
No Name
Terrible event!
If it's to have another event like this, it's better not to have it!
5D's series is a disappointment.
<< Anonymous(No Name)
Anonymous Reply
Actually, the event itself is's how roaming event always works.

The real issue is the drops. They are nice, but nothing particularly interesting or close to being meta level.
<< Anonymous
No Name Reply
The fact is that Jack is an important character.
Makrov krauz
<< Anonymous(Makrov krauz)
Kenshin0836 Reply
This guy gets 2400 atk points with beatdown and can be easily summoned. There might be some hidden combo here...
<< Anonymous(Kenshin0836)
Anonymous Reply
I dunno, it might work in blue eyes, but it can help when u dont have anything to summon... but who knows... it can brick even more. Anyway, it'd be really useful once more golem support is released.
Engin Genç
Here is..
<< Anonymous(Engin Genç)
Blackwolf Reply
I wonder if this card could be slightly competitive right now, because the golem archetype seems really cool and fun to play.
<< Anonymous(Blackwolf)
Anonymous Reply
it's a very decent card! gratz m8 !
But honestly, I wish they'd have given this guy at least 2800 atk points !
But when is Red Nova Dragon coming?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Never bruh
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Never bruh
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
When the game is ready for it, which is most likely never.
My luck no descending lost star but 2 prismatic lancers
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Descending Lost Star's been the problem for me, too...

I'm close to having sets of everything, though. Just need a Descending Lost Star on my main game, and a Big Piece Golem on my second.
I wanna tell you my horrible farm experience with Jack Atlas. I lost 5 consecutive matches only due to my starting hands. First I tried to farm him with yubel deck: I lost 3 consecutive matches because in my starting hand I had only yubel and no Yaksha or island, or only Yaksha and islands without yubel. After that, I tried with the cloudiab stall deck, but it happened the same: starting hand with only cloudians and neither sanctuary or spirit's barrier, and in the last match both sanctuary and barrier and I didn't draw a cloudian in time. Is Konami's fault? Have they rigged those matches?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's your fault for building inconsistent decks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just go with defense draw
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hi, are you using the exact deck as shown here?
When jack atlas character unlocked
<< Anonymous(Yugo)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Yugo)
Anonymous Reply
I think this is a run-on sentence. The dude was supposed to say something more but was cut off all of a sudden.
please go away jack :x
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you want anything of his, then just Autoduel him. If not... ignore him! :)
Big Piece Golem’s drop rate has to be so trash that I only have one
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I feel like the drop rates of the non-UR cards in these events is randomized. I've come across zero Flare Resonator on one account, and zero Descending Lost Star on the other.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have 7 Flare Resonators
Easy farm montage dragon +draw seance earth and +low hp and deck witch monster +level 9+ 12

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