I use it before using circle in dark magician to know either to play it now or after using the spellbook engine. Since it shuffles my deck with the spellbook engine which so far has helped in thinning my deck increasing the likelyhood of a circle/nav/fate combo.
Also added bonus if I can send a navigation to the grave and a malicious for rhinosebus/Beatrice shenanigans to make a turn one cavalry by sending a malicious and a dark magician from the deck with a magicalized fusion in the hand.
I tried it in my Red-Eyes deck too. I use it before I activate Archfiend Black Skull Dragon. If I will draw another Fusion spell or searcher for the Fusion spell, I won't active the effect. But if not, I activate it to shuffle a monster back in my deck to have a new chance of drawing a good card the next turn.
Place them back in the same order? Just let us rearrange them or at least let us put them to the bottom of the deck.
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