
For the Sake of Family: Trey Arrives! Unlock Event

Duel Links Trey Unlock Event, rewards, how to defeat Trey, and Trey Unlock Event guide.
update 04/12/2021

Previous Event


Period29 November 2021 - 7 December 2021

How to Unlock

Event Mission

Inflict 4000 or more points of battle damage with a single attack using Trey.Orichalcum Chain
Summon "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis" 1 time(s) using Trey.Gems x10
Summon "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis" 2 time(s) using Trey.Gems x10
Summon "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis 3 time(s) using Trey.Gems x10
Reduce your opponent's LP to 0 by inflicting battle damage with "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis" while playing as Trey.Gems x10

Exclusive Rewards

Exclusive Skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Orichalcum Chain
Select 1 "Chronomaly" monster on your field and place 1 "Chronomaly" Xyz Monster with same Level on top of it from your Extra Deck. (This will be treated as an Xyz Summon.) You cannot Summon any other monsters during the turn you activate this Skill. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Chronomaly Moai Carrier [UR]

Chronomaly Moai Carrier
Chronomaly Moai Carrier
EARTH Rock ★5
ATK 900 / DEF 1800
For the Sake of Family: Trey Arrives! Unlock Event [UR]
If your opponent controls a card and you control no cards, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem [SR]

Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem
Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem
EARTH Rock ★4
ATK 1500 / DEF 1000
For the Sake of Family: Trey Arrives! Unlock Event [SR]
During your turn, if you have activated a "Chronomaly" Spell Card previously this turn, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only control 1 "Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem".

Chronomaly Moai [UR]

Chronomaly Moai
Chronomaly Moai
EARTH Rock ★5
ATK 1800 / DEF 1600
For the Sake of Family: Trey Arrives! Unlock Event [UR]
If you control a face-up "Chronomaly" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in face-up Defense Position.

Chronomaly Golden Jet [SR]

Chronomaly Golden Jet
Chronomaly Golden Jet
LIGHT Machine ★4
ATK 1300 / DEF 1400
For the Sake of Family: Trey Arrives! Unlock Event [SR]
Once per turn: You can increase the Levels of all "Chronomaly" monsters you currently control by 1.

Cumulative Exclusive Rewards

220,000Chronomaly Golden Jet Chronomaly Golden Jet [Prismatic]
Exclusive Card Sleeves New Players
1,100,000Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem
1,900,000Exclusive Game Mat New Players
3,100,000Chronomaly Moai Chronomaly Moai [Prismatic]
4,700,000Chronomaly Moai Carrier Chronomaly Moai Carrier
Exclusive Icon New Players
6,700,000Trey Unlock Event Completed Achievement

Trey Lvl 30 Decklist

EX Jewel Missions and Rewards

EX Jewels can only be obtained from event mission rewards (event + weekly), and farming Trey. You can not save the EX Jewels for the next event because they will expire when the EX Jewels shop closes. It is recommended that you carefully choose what to spend them on because you can not obtain anymore after the Trey event ends.

Available From 29 Nov 2021 - 7 Dec 2021

Win 1 Duel(s) against Trey at Level 10 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x10
Win 1 Duel(s) against Trey at Level 20 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x20
Win 1 Duel(s) against Trey at Level 30 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x30
Win 1 Duel(s) against Trey at Level 40 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x40
Win 1 Duel(s) against Trey at Level 50 in Duel World.Skill Chips x10
Win 20 Duel(s) against Trey in Duel World.
EX Jewel x20
Play 40 Duel(s) against Trey in Duel World.
EX Jewel x40
Play 30 Duel(s) against Trey in Duel World.
EX Jewel x60
Play 60 Duel(s) against Trey in Duel World.
EX Jewel x60


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Vin diesel coming to duel links
<< Anonymous(Ho Lee Fuk)
Dude Harlino Reply
where? where?
<< Anonymous(Dave)
LeodredAQW Reply

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, this is Sake of Family:
<< Anonymous(Ho Lee Fuk)
Anonymous Reply
🔥 Fuk Yu
*hoping this isn't a Gate event*
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
Because to farm him I would require a farm deck, which sometimes I don't have the cards to complete, or I brick and/or have to win by depleting his LP since the key combo would not work since I'm low on LP and I have no monsters on the field and he's likely to win on his next turn...
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
i only duel against level 10 all time and still get all the event cards. no need to use farm decks
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
Lvl 40 though gives the better odds of guaranteeing that you get the SRs and URs.
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Ho Lee Fuk Reply
>Defeat all 10 of standard duelist

>Duel lv10 with x3 multiplier


Free moai and golden jet ya ha
<< Anonymous(Ivankov)
LeodredAQW Reply
Yeah, that's neat.

Curious to see his Level Up rewards.
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Dave Reply
Probably 1x-2x copies of the Rank 5 (not the new one) and then 3x copies of 3 different cards. Related to his archtype or from his actual archetype.
I can only hope No. 33 is simply pushed for the second unlock event, because this is really dumb, we're unlocking him without him having access to his first ace card

This is literally like Kaito being unlocked with No. 62 or No. 90 but no original GEPD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agreed. All those lvl 5 Chronomalys are rendered useless now
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Relatively. Digvorzhak the King of Heavy Industry is solid. Probably not going to change the meta but it has high attack and a useful mill destroy effect.
Ahh the Tranny boy is here

Trey is a Transboy
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Oh, that's why he looks so androgynous
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
When he blushes he's so cute. When he talks he sounds so adorable.

Is it wrong for a man to want to dominate Trey on a bed?
You unlocked Trey & Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis... But only if you pay 50 Dollar and pull him in the packs :tf:
<< Anonymous(Komoney)
Anonymous Reply get Atlandis for free in the extra deck if you use his starting Skill.
<< Anonymous(Komoney)
Anonymous Reply
You sir, are an idiot xD
If this DOES wind up being a Gate event, somebody PLEASE also include the strategy of the deck while building up to the Last Turn, then detail what to do in said last turn, please and thank you. Both for Lvl 30 and Lvl 40...

Again, thank you, and have a lovely day.
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
We dont need to farm gate anymore. Just play the deck you like and you'll get everything in no time (if they put anything relevant on gate again, last ones are from DM world)
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
Anonymous Reply
Ideally any deck would work. You just need a way to deal with Number 36 (which can easily destroyed your best monster) and Number 33 (which if you are trying to build up to 10,000 attack can possibly wipe you out). Ideally take them out when summoned or negate their abilities (Karama Cut or Ultimate Providence). Be prepared to stop them in their tracks and any farm deck should work.
Its easy for Witchcrafter deck because we only need to counter monster's effect
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But if you can OTK Trey then you needn't to think
best futanari character is back!
With no number 33 this deck still sucks
Fast and Furious in nutshell, Trey is actually Dominic Toretto

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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