
Spikeshield with Chain | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Spikeshield with Chain (Trap Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 12/05/2020

Spikeshield with Chain

Spikeshield with Chain
TypeTrap Card
Card Effect TypeCard effect / Continuous-like Effect
Archetypeswith Chain


Target 1 face-up monster on the field; equip this card to that target. It gains 500 ATK. If the equipped monster attacks or is attacked while in Defense Position, it gains DEF equal to its ATK during damage calculation only.



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PackRampage of the Forest [R]
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ActionsEquips self from field
Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesTreated as Equip Card
Stat changesEquipped gains ATK / Equipped gains DEF


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This + Suijin/Sanga/Kazejin + lamb tokens = OTK in one turn. Once your opponent attacks, activate the shield to boost your def to 5000± then use the monsters' effects to dump your opponent's Atk to 0. 5000+ damage in one turn.

The only real downside is effects like in Sylvan decks and Sea Stealth Attack, and the other destruction/nullification effects. Also hard to use against defense/effect damage decks IME. It has about a 50% success rate in the Platinum ranks. Maybe a little tweaking could improve that.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It'll steamroll over any Amazoness deck. They'll be dropped before any of their card effects have a chance to do anything. Same with the Gladiator decks, Hero decks, and Archangel decks (though these can be tricky due to Daniki's have to kind of anticipate when they'll pull her out and plan accordingly if you can't activate an Ultimate Providence or similar card).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Except if that Amazoness deck runs swordswoman
Slap 3 of this on slow defense monster (sphere ebola) and you can OTK anyone who attack into the ebola.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks for the tip Gunsblazing I think we've all seen the video.
Sorry to keep blowing this up but I have an update. Lava golem to their field equip spikeshield to lava golem. swing with swords woman gravity lash at damage step. And I also want to get my hands on a reverse trap. Because gravity lash subtracts their for if you want to boost your attack to ridiculous level on your opponents turn or yours. Don't know about 1 or 2 yet.
a good counter for this card is the amazoness women that make the oponent suffer all the battle damage
I dueled someone yesterday who used gravity lash on my monster and then this card on their own monster. I got blasted with 3700 damage on my first turn. I'm amazed that I still managed to win the duel after that beating.
maaaaaan!! i didnt looked at the rampage of the DansGame box when it came out cuz Sylvans ResidentSleeper and somebody used this on me and i thought, nahhhhh 🔥 that SR card, but WHAT THE HELL? this card is R only
How the hell is this 🔥 only R rank??? Load of my LP was wasted by this card belonging to an opponent for several times.
Rock monster + Canyon + Spikeshield with Chain
reinforcement is a sr and this card is a N. Fair enough komoney
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Did you even read the card? This card's boost is also permanent
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The "temporary" part is referring to Reinforcement, not this card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm pretty there's cards that bust holes through monsters while equip to spell cards,I know (LIA)lucky iron axe is perma however it clogs the field while this, activates,removes itself perma effect. Sorely overlooked power creep :O
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Spikeshield also clogs the becomes an Equip card.
Ojama King
works pretty good with Slate Warrior, because when they target slate warrior for attack, first his flip effect activates making him 2400/900 and you can equip this card to him then.
Ojama King
using two of these can be otk but everytime i'm trying to playing deck based on it (3sd paradox brothers) im getting burn amazon swordswoman losers ffs
<< Anonymous(Ojama King)
Anonymous Reply
Hahaha for playing 🔥, 🔥
This card can be so useful. Equip it to a high attack and defence level 4 monster such as exarion and you have over 4000 defence.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But then you're playing Exarion.

I get your point though, it's just that Exarion isn't the best monster to use.
<< Anonymous
Ojama King Reply
i wish i had this card...

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