Destroy this card if your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a card(s) in the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by this effect and sent to the Graveyard, your opponent shuffles all cards in their Graveyard into the Deck.
Can return all the cards in your opponent’s Graveyard back to their Deck.
Situational card to activate its effects.
Continuous Spell card may clog your backrow.
This card potentially disrupts your opponent’s attempts to recover card(s) from their Graveyard, banishing card(s) from either player’s graveyard to gain certain advantage, or even trying to Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard.
Activates from your Graveyard / Returns from your opponent's Graveyard to your opponent's Deck
Monster/Spell/Trap categories
Destroys itself
Does this card have any use against the current metas?
Maybe Shiranui that is graveyard dependent? I don't remember if they have anything that targets graveyards.
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