
Gate Key [Feb 2020 Updated]

This page notes what the Gate Key is in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links, the ways to get, and the required gate keys by character.
update 24/02/2020

Updated Information

  • Gate Keys for Legendary Duelists has been updated (Credits to YamiNoGame)

Gate Key

Needed to See Legendary Duelists

Players can have a duel against legend duelists, such as Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto, by visiting the Gate in Duel World and using required gate keys. Gate keys are required per duel.

Required Keys by Character

Players need both the neutral gate keys and the colored keys. Required color is different by character.

Required Quantity

The number of keys to meet duelists is based on their level. Players have to use the more number of keys as the duelist's level is higher.

Required Key QTY
Required Key QTY

How to Get

Duel reward

Players can obtain gate keys as rewards for winning duels. Having duels against standard duelists will be the main way to collect the items. Standard duelists take 30 minutes to reappear after defeated, and players can get them to show up immediately by using the Duel Orb.

Weekly/Stage Missions

Gate keys are also rewards for completing weekly and stage missions.


Players can gain the items by defeating other players, although they will be stronger than standard duelists.

Card Trader

You can also convert no-colored gate key into the colored one by meeting Card Trader. However this way is undesirable relative to other ways noted above, since so many neutral gate keys are required to have a duel against legend duelists.


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I grind legendary duelist so hard that I used up all my ~5000 neutral keys, and I still haven't got toon world and creator skill for Pegasus even with a 7000+ assessment point every game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
those skills are only available when the pegasus event is on
<< Anonymous
Ulle Reply
Nope, they can drop anytime.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What color key is pegeasus
<< Anonymous
fgggfgg Reply
Why are you toxic?
Need more keys? Then just try playing Casual Duel, and you can get them fairly quickly from all of the disconnect "losses" that occur even before the duels have started. Yes, you can even do this with a good internet connection. For some reason, it happens a lot more in casual than in ranked. (More people, I guess). And another key farming tip: Don't surrender in pvp unless you have to. If you lose, you can still get keys, but if you surrender, you get NOTHING.
How many color keys do SD drop at rank 60? i'm currently at "stage 45" and i get 8 COLOR keys (e.g. 8 blue keys,red keys, etc...) & 11 NORMAL keys.
I hope we can convert the neutral keys to colored keys as many as we want, instead of just 10 in at least 12 hours... Come on why the hell do we need 10??? it costs 56 to use for once
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cause your name is anoymous and you only need 5 keys, sillybilly
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What world are you living in to where you only need 5 keys? You are clearly not playing the same game
For GX the color coding is as follows:
Red: Jaden Yuki
Black: Chazz Princeton
White: Aster Phoenix
I hope they only have a single key, and we can use it in any character
They need to update how keys are earned. 10 key limit per 8 hours at the trader is BS. I don’t even get why they have neutral keys along with the color keys, there’s no micro transaction reason to it so it’s just a pointless thing.
At what stage does Yami Yugi become available in gate? Currently I'm stage 25 and have a mission to defeat him for times to advance to 26. I'm gold 1 in rank and PvP will literally take forever to complete the mission..
<< Anonymous(SwoleNation)
Anonymous Reply
Lol u surely using yugi as ur character, u need to change ur character other than yugi
<< Anonymous
LOL Reply

Has the number of keys won by chest changed recently? I was earning 11 per chest in the past, now I get 12 at stage 27. How many keys do you get at stage 60?
I swear, this game no longer gives me green keys anymore because the game knows I'm building a weevil deck. I'm a 🔥ing customer, I want my green keys to farm Weevil!
<< Anonymous
Waldo Reply
I thought it was only me!!! I need green keys to farm weevil and get perfectly ultimate great moth so I can get to the next stage.
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
It feels like that to me a lot, too. Thank god that I don't need to farm Mai as much now thanks to the ticket rewards. But it still feels like the green keys get dropped less than the other colors...
How many limit of colour key?
Or what highest do you have
<< Anonymous(SirMarx)
Anonymous Reply
I'm wondering this, too
<< Anonymous(SirMarx)
Anonymous Reply
For colored keys, the limit is 9999. For the gate keys (gray ones), it's 99999.
Im stuck at lv 49, always lose againts kaiba, now collect the white keys so long to get

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