
Darkness Approaches | Decks and Ruling

This page notes details of Darkness Approaches (Spell Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 04/11/2022

Darkness Approaches

Darkness Approaches
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCost / Card effect


Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up monster and flip it face-down, but do not change its battle position.

How to Get

PackBraver Victory [N]
Crusaders Battleground [N]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




ActionsDiscards for cost / Sends from hand to Graveyard / Sends from hand to Graveyard for cost / Sends from your hand to your Graveyard


only card that can facedown Attack position sound cool
I still have this card from 15-17 years ago.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think I still have mine too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol xD
I'm sorry, I know this is an old thread but I only just found this card. This is potentially good with Darklords and Krawlers and other flip monsters I would imagine, especially in this meta of blue eyes using the grave etc.

The slightly sillier application I had was for Elements Unite where you cancel the restriction on the monsters abilities by making them new entities when face down. 2 cards is still a lot, especially in Elements Unite where you start with 1 card but to have a level 7 effect monster where before you just had a wall that couldn't attack?
And, to all those who doubted it... Yes, this does change the target to face-down Defence Position regardless of what position it is currently in. And no, they didn't update the text to reflect this. So people are probably going to keep commenting on it anyway. >.>
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"Good" job, Konami
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It’s a shame. Having a face-down Attack mode monster would’ve been awesome.
<< Anonymous
Tackrad Reply
then why put it in the game anyways!?!
<< Anonymous(Tackrad)
Anonymous Reply
Because they wanted the card to be in the game? What kind of question is that. Nobody's using a card like White Dolphin or Spirit of the Winds, either. Not every card is meta, nor should that be the case. That being said, it's the only card that isn't UR that can flip your own monsters face-down in DL right now, so might have some utility anyway.
Can someone explain me, why one would use this card instead of way more helpful ones like TttD/Dark Core etc.? You lose 3 cards for a meh effect???
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
Killer Queen Reply
Because face-down Attack position is a good meme.
Konami needs to update rhis card because it changes the card into face sown defense position.
This card change to attack position to face down
Facedown attack position like joey passion
Lol what rulings are there for face-down attack position? Do we get to play like Forbidden Memories?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Forbidden Memories doesn't have this card. Nice try fake old timer.
Useful for my sylvans deck, so I can discard rose Lover and carrot soldier, then flip my Kumushroom face down and have its effect pop again next turn.
Oh dear, face-down attack position rulings here we come!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If we get this card in DL, it will be the errata-ed version.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Interestingly the picture of it in the official webpage for the set uses the pre-errata wording. But it probably still changes monsters to face-down Defence in Duel Links anyway.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
.....huh, that's weird. Then we might going to get the pre-errata version after all.

I decided to check the card's release, and I found out that despite the official errata, there is NO official physical reprint yet that has the errata, meaning, in a sense, the errata is not yet fully official. Perhaps they are still reconsidering the decision to errata this card's unique effect?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's untrue. Any official errata is in effect the moment the errata happens, you don't need a physical copy to exist. If you went to a tournament IRL today and played Darkness Approaches, it would flip a monster to face-down defence. (Assuming the judge knew what they were doing.)

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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