
King of Game decks [Feb 2020]

Duel Links King of Games decks, how to reach King of Games, tips for being a King of Games duelist.
update 03/03/2020
Season 49 DurationFebruary 1 - March 1

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  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach KOG (if necessary)
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  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof

Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck.

Required Info/screenshot

To share your deck on this page, you will send GameA:

  • your IGN (In-game name)
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof
  • a small note to show how you use it/how it works in the meta (optional)

Number of users per deck

Blackwing Synchro5
Blue-Eyes Cosmo Brain1
Cyber Dragon4
Dark Magician7
Dragunity Synchro1
Invoked Elementsaber4
Neos Fusion1
Red-Eyes Fusion2
Ritual Beast1
Shiranui Synchro11
Six Samurai Synchro4
Superheavy Samurai Synchro2
Thunder Dragon1
Yosenju Control1

Blackwing Synchro

GRD Kid Bengala

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
GRD Kid BengalaSealed TombsFeb 10


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
ZerefSealed TombsFeb 16

A comment from Zeref:

This month so tough winning with Blackwings
I was using a different set with 2 Blackbird close but wasn't able to reach KOG, so I switched to the forbidden chalice and forbidden lance, and changed cosmic cyclone with spiritualism, as for the Synchro part: Vermillion is a great choice for more destruction, Armades to ignore opponent effect and also summon Onimaru with 2 Synchro to activate its effect of double attack.

I'm running no trap card in this set if you want to add some traps Debunk and Network Trap hole is some good choices.

Thank you and I hope my deck can help you reach KOG too.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
AgrobianoSealed TombsFeb 24

Shiro Gun

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Shiro GunHarpies' Hunting GroundFeb 26


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
クリテイウス_10Harpies' Hunting GroundFeb 29

Blue-Eyes Cosmo Brain


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
《ꌗ》雷神Sealed TombsFeb 27

A comment from 《ꌗ》雷神:

Here is my 2nd KoG using old but (g)old deck, Blue-Eyes.

Actually Sealed Tomb is really OP for now meta. That's why it way more better than Alternative Evolution.

But sometimes, I really stuck to destroy my opponent's monster without AE's skill but thanks to Snipe Hunter and Vermillion. They helped me a lot in many situation.

I prefer to all-out ur resources if ur opponents had really bad resources. Because when u control the board with 3k attack, you may won the game.

I prefer to bring Stardust Spark Dragon than 2nd Vermillion but I don't have it.

Shout out to Zezen and thanks to this site that gave me a lot of references.

Cyber Dragon


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
PJC▪MadClownCyber StyleFeb 21

A comment from PJC▪MadClown:

Cyber dragon deck is a not meta deck now, but this deck still consistent and fun to play, i just replace 2 cyber dragon to 2 chaos hunter for counter deck meta now like Shiranui ,thanks and goodluck for this season :)


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
SloncoCyber StyleFeb 26

A comment from Sloncho:

F2P two months in a row with this deck. Easy build, pretty straightforward play. Not my favorite deck to play, but gets the job done.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Pduque13Cyber StyleFeb 27

A comment from Pduque13:

I ran out of gems trying to make a Dark Magician deck, but then I noticed this F2P deck with a lot of OTK potential, which is very feasible for older players. Chaos Hunter is a key card in this deck since it gives an advantage against Shiranui and Dark Magician, which are the most popular decks in the current meta. Remember to activate Cybernetic Overflow before activating Cyberload Fusion, and focus on banishing monsters with Overflow since you may deal with backrow with Cosmic Cyclone and Chimeratech Rampage Dragon.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Str8HardcoreCyber StyleFeb 29

A comment from Str8Hardcore:

It's my second time i reached Kog with this deck.
It's a pretty simple Deck, which nobody should have problems to handle it.

Biggest problems are High Attack Monsters when you dont have Cybernetic Overflow.

Kill tuner Monsters in Shiranui or blackwing decks and do the same with the Dark Magician Backrow before these Decks get it going.

Elementsaber plus Darklords should't be a Problem anymore after the new Banlist.

I've chosen to go with Dragonroids because it gives u time to get your setup going if your draw wasn't that good.



IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Mert1337CompensationFeb 5

A comment from Mert1337:

From legend 2 to KOG lost only 2 games with this. One against a 30 card Shiranui with kiteroids on his start hand, the other duel to an element invoked cuz I bricked too hard. It took me only 2 hours.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
IIINCDestiny DrawFeb 24

A comment from IIINC:

With Trunades locked behind other important semi-limited cards, the meta favors well-timed, swing removals. Magician Navigation with Dark Magic Circle and Cybernetic Overload are both powerful and uncontested enough to win most games if they are pulled off successfully.

Overload can be countered by having or leaving access to drawing Darklord Tezcatlipoca. Saving a cyclone in hand to remove Magic Circle in a chain is the most basic way of dealing with the Dark Magician side of things. However, another key thing to note is that Navigation can only remove one card if the timing is off - generally in the battle step.

Use these tricks to exhaust opponents and they’ll be minus two to three cards. Happy Duelin’.

Dark Magician


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
skyestroSealed TombsFeb 5

A comment from skyestro:

reached KOG on 04.02.2020

♦ Skill:

  • Sealed Tombs (Ishizu Ishtar)
    against: Shiranui, Dark Magician, Invoker
    Cosmic Cyclone against: Dark Magician, Heavy
    Backrow, Invoker and Ninja
    Enemy Controller: for combo plays and a way to
    Play around Fiendish Chain.

Thank you for your time and have a nice Day.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MinatoMaster of RitesFeb 5

A comment from Minato:

  • Dark Magician deck with a big help from Magician of Chaos.

  • Cosmic Cyclone with Master of Rite can guarantee to summon him.

  • While Dark Magical Circle is on the field. Summoning Magician of Chaos will result as destroy/remove 2 cards on opponent's field at once.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
HeartfiliaSealed TombsFeb 8

A comment from Heartfilia:

Before I run 2 drownings. it helps to the epic comeback win. and sometimes I got stall when met mirror match because they summon dark illusion in defense mode. and it made me lose because my opponents got the Timaeus card to the comeback victory. so I decide to put econ. yeah.. at the last rank up to KOG I met a mirror match than win because I got econ, take dark illusion and win.
the sealed tomb is the best skill for this deck so many comeback victories because of this.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MetalShadowSealed TombsFeb 18

A comment from MetalShadow:

Mostly used this deck with 2 Enemy Controllers and 1 Eye of Timaeus, but later in the run, I had games where I would have needed EoT more so I dropped 1 Econ for 2 EoT.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
ZEYAD YugiSealed TombsFeb 22


Hot New Top
Yosenju Abraham
love the current meta.
hey gameA, since now I will make a new acocunt all day until the end of KC.. and I will try reach KoG and Dlv20 with differenct cheap dekcs, if I send for you decks each 2 days, will you post it here?
This game does not require a skill or a brain, just summon Ojama king and some purple donkey on the first turn and you are champion. And most meta decks works almost the same
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just doing that alone won't win you many duels.

Spells and Traps that remove monsters are not uncommon.
I think this would be my the last comment here on this website. So many kids writing nonsense here. I would be admin, i will ban them on ip.

Yes, I reached KOG with Yubel deck on 02/02/2002. I created thread on readdit and on duel links steamcommunity forum about this. Every player was really nice and friendly.

I uploaded many DEMO too.

But this is the only website where players are rude kids. You should play just for fun, enjoy the game, that should be the most important thing!! Playing with Meta decks will not give you 100% win ratio. Dark magician deck is not so "good" against yubel.

I really like Yubel deck. I am having so muh fun with it.

My ID: 246-706-336 <- KOG rank with Yubel deck

And What about Neos Deck? That deck is really nice too.

Have a nice day guys. You should learn how to respect other players.
<< Anonymous(Pasq)
Anonymous Reply
Didn't try Yubel deck yet because its Nephtis supports are from old boxes.

But Yubel is indeed my favorite YuGiOh character of all times. Her character arc in Gx was the best ever.

Lets spread the Yubel pain(for her love = pain).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Best community ever, everyone is friendly and loves each other.
<< Anonymous(Taki)
Anonymous Reply
Amen! I'm running a Dark Necrofear deck for the KC Cup. I must have lost like 200 duels trying to get the balance right, but I had tons of fun. By the way, Red-Eyes, Six Samurai, Yubel and Dark Magician users: beware. I built that deck to crush you and crush you I will. See you on the 2nd Stage.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dark Magician, I understand. But why red-eyes. They don't bully anyone with cheating cards like Dark magic circle and Magician navigation.

The strongest red-eyes card is Slash dragon and it even gets hard countered by non-meta decks.
f2p never left
dude I keep KOGING with Kycoo the host Destroyer and that card is more than 1 year old, sooooooooooo.........It's safe to say f2p never left this game.
<< Anonymous(f2p never left)
Anonymous Reply
I saved up gems for like 4 months and used a UR Dream Ticket and now have 3 Simoon/3 Black Whirlwind Blackwings. F2P players can still get KoG easily, you just have to be more careful with your gems.
<< Anonymous(f2p never left)
Anonymous Reply
I've been climbing with my own deck lately.
<< Anonymous(f2p never left)
Anonymous Reply
cool deck bro.
that neos deck more like king of fakes
please gameA, stop post fake KoG decks, probably duellinksmeta do the same, I already has been seen some sh1t decks there has 0% chance to reach KoG, but duellinksmeta has a reason to post fake KoG decks, theis disocrd members are paying to DLM, but now you has no reason do post fake KoG decks because nobody is paying you
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How do you know that those are fake decks? Reaching KoG isn't that hard and you don't need a Top Tier deck for that.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There are a couple times where a screenshot shows a deck that just can't work.

For example, that one time with Cyber-Stein deck that has no way to recover LP and does not run Life Cost 0.
yosen-ju op
Yosenju KOG, that deck is good, damn.
<< Anonymous(yosen-ju op)
Anonymous Reply
I'm listing it while play KC Cup with shiranui, best videogames theme
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
@GameA when you go on the KoG Decks link at the top, it goes on last month's KoG decks instead of this page. I'm assuming this is an error, so just want to put it out there.
I think Konami is managing the game like a real expert. No decks are dying in the ladder.
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Anonymous Reply
True I’d deffintly agree
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Anonymous Reply
Yep, that's right buddy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How do you manage to play without banlist?
<< Anonymous(F2P)
Anonymous Reply
well, congrats to all.
What new cards and archtypes do you predict for the next box? Maybe Fortune Fairy cards that aren't event rewards? What else? Kozmo archtype could be cool.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm really hoping for upgraded 5Ds aces like the Majestic Dragons, Shooting Star Dragon, Red Nova Dragon and Life Stream Dragon. And since we're getting a lot of Arc-V archetypes now, I'm expecting Lunalight to come next.

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