Activate by sending 2 cards from your hand to the Graveyard while your opponent has more than 3000 Life Points. Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. If this card is in the Graveyard, you can add it to your hand instead of conducting your normal draw during your Draw Phase.
One of a few cards that decreases life points of your opponent in current card pool.
Requires you to discard two cards in your hand.
May be used with cards that gives you advantage by being sent to the graveyard.
The effect returning this card it self is subject to a chain link.
Sends from hand to Graveyard for cost / Sends from your hand to your Graveyard / Activates from your Graveyard / Returns itself from Graveyard to hand / Replaces normal draw
Damages your opponent
For a second, I thought this card was counter trap. The artwork is similar to laval counter trap, tho.
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