Opp targeting my stardust using karma cut then i chain treach trap hole intending to save stardust by using its eff to tribute itself but... Its not working?
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Can some1 help me explain this?
Did your stardust got banish from graveyard or that its effect couldn't be activated?
If its effect couldn't be activated then check if your "self chain" in the setting is ON.
If your Stardust got banish from the graveyard then mail CS of Duel Link and complain.
The When & If factor effects is the tricky part in DL. You can mostly like miss the chain timing thus your stardust effect does not activate.
Stardust Dragon effect is "when" not "if".
you probably miss timing, since TTH is chain 2, not chain 1 and Stardust cannot chain 3 because miss timing.
If the chain was TTH > Stardust, it might work.
Idk, just my guess.
What exactly did not work? Did stardust not revive itself or couldn't you activate its effect at all? Please give more details. Maybe there were some other cards in the chain or other cards/skills were active.
Because Karma cut banishes your stardust for the GY after you chain stardust effect. Thus you cant summon Stardust after your end phase since its already banished from the GY.