I play a Restart venus deck with Atmosphere, OtS, 3x E-con and elephant gift. Not only I sht on them, I also BM them so hard they leave the game most of the time. Thanks to those mindscan CA noobs, i made it to KoG last season. Legend currently. CA is not a big deal. If everyone plays it, just play something beats it. It is not a moba or 1v1 fight game that you need better reflexes or skills to win. It is a damn card game so your first objective is having a superior strategy, second objective is outsmarting your opponent. It looks like you need a better strategy since nobody can be stupid enough to get outsmarted by a CA player...
if you cant beat CA you cant build now with that said later all you greys hating on a f2p deck that actually has a chance to beat decks like ninja lmao.
I believe the implementation of cards that counter cyber angels would be the best option at this point. There are decks that can already beat cyber angels (Horus LV8) but if another box came that completely shuts down Cyber angels, it would be fair again.
Who else got a prismatic ra
Horus is a direct counter to CA once Horus lv 8 is on the field they're done for
CA is not even that powerful. That are many decks counters it. as someone who plays with ca and play against it. there many decks you can use to counter and crush CA. If you actually made it to KOG, you will not always want to play with these angels, there are decks made check you.
I don't think so, econ is the answer for dakini. there're more OP card than dakini. if no dakini or even limited to 2, then the CA deck would be pointless. destroying the deck as a whole. new burning deck or direct 1000 direct damage deck can deal with CA pretty well.
Definately limit dakini to 1, and I would limit cyber petit angel as well. BAN machine angel ritual, also maybe limit absolute ritual to 2?
Ban Dakini. Then make Alexis's Cyber Angel skill pull Dakini from outside your deck each time.