Standard CA is actually mid-high tier 2, like Vennu CA is high tier 2. Saffire CA will be tier 1, but really low tier 1. Actually, if you want a turbo deck, DW or Fenix is really better.
And bamboo CA is not tier 1, because bamboo nerf will come soon and this variant has no time for have impact on meta.
CA with bamboo swords will do.
CA is dead. Tier 2 at BEST. Saffira doesn't make up for the MAR loss
CA with 1 or 2 saffira is tier 1.
tier 2/tier 3, REZ is a tier 1 deck atm
yes CA still tier 1 imo, the nerf didn't "kill CA"
No you can't have both, and I believe you have to run Cyber Angels with either Vennu or Saffira now :/ so it's a bit tricky, but there's a good deck with Saffira and with Duel, Standby! skill
Wasn't it that you can only have 2 of both? 2 Dakini and 2 MAR? Semi Limited affect each other in this format?