

does gold rank 1 will be decreased by 5 ranks when the next season start? i got a hard time just to achieve this because of poor internet connection :( thanks for your helping answer btw


Answer List

You know when you lose in PVP, you can click on their profiles and press "Report Player"?
Yep, those asshole losers with dc cheat deserve to get banned. Konami should make cheat report page so we can report every single one of them.
Regardless of where you're currently placed at the end you will be set back 5 full ranks. For example plat 3 will be gold 3, gold 5 will be silver 5 and so on.
I'm at gold 1 as well. I think it will reset us back into the Silver but I'm not sure. I feel you on the difficulty. Between the DC errors and hackers, it's a grind. Can't tell you how many times I had a time limit loss at the start of my turn.

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DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
Equip junk barrage to this card and it has a 90% chance of an otk.
Perfect counter against Gouki
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