Hi, i have Dawn of Destiny,Ultimate Rising and Servant of Kings. What do you recommend me now?
Answer List
Get a naturia pineapple. So you have at least One half way good deck.
So Land of Titans it is. Then, Galactic will get you a Gladiator deck. Everything Else is reseting like 3 Time.
no wait! it's wonders of the sky that's only good for cerb, my bad, they look very similar D'x
also those people who are saying land of the titans are trolling :) nobody should ever buy that
well you shouldn't buy dawn of destiny if you don't own a mythical cerburus, so if i was you i'd check to see if card trader has myth cerb everyday and hope you get lucky. ultimate rising and sok are alright all round, but you might wanna think about going for chaotic next if thats the question :)
Are you guys serious? First of all, you should decide what deck you want to build (for example: Gladiator Beast, Red-Eyes, Nephthys, etc.), then see in which box(es) are the essential cards for that specific deck. At this moment, Land of Titans is one of the least usefull boxes.
Land of Titans of course! How are we even discussing that?
Land of Titans, that box have great potential in the future.
Crimson Kingdom-Red Eyes Zombies
Electric Overload-ninjas
Galactic Origin-Glad-Beast