I get a disconnect about every 5-10 duels. This happens after I find an opponent, and before the duel starts. Then, I register a loss. Very frustrating when you are crawling your way up the levels, then lose one for absolutely no reason. &^#^$%
I got two rank ups when I was losing and my opponent got disconnected, that happened once to me, I was winning and then I got time limit loss, it was bullshit but I can´t say anything
It's because people like me using disconnect cheat.
During the KC I had a few times I time to join and got an instaloss. But ingame I never disconnected in a WINNING game. Sometimes people have already lost the game, but they don't realise; for example: someone got character voice/text/movie on and the other player doesn't. His actions to the server will be much earlier. If he wins and u are still watching that chat/voice/movie the game disconnects you. I think a lot of people experience that!
Yes, it does, I got auto-lose before the game even start. What an asshole, I hope those guys ass got bleed and then got a penis cramp.
Yes and its irritating. Ive lost KC cup matches and general PVP matches because of bs disconnects. I think some people have certain hacks to disconnect you.
I had several today.
A few in the match itself (supicious ones when i was about to win or turnedthe game around) and also one in the loading screen.
Had some disconnects for the first time this morning, yes.