i know how balance works and stuff with the classic 10 monster 5 spells and 5 traps but i was wondering if i play a deck with only 1 monster and 19 spell or traps would i be guaranteed that monster card in my hand or no and im not trying to make a cerb deck or anything i have 3 of them i was just wondering
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If I use 10m 9t 1s will I get 2m all the time???
You need at least 5 of one type of card to guarantee it in your starting hand. Think of it as simple division statistics.
20 cards minimum divided by 4 (starting hand cards) is 5. See the Balance Handless Gaia decklist for reference.
Only moster ans spell/trap is a difference
10M 5S 5 T can bring 2M 2T
1M 19S/T --> 1Mor S/T + 3ST
no.at least you must bring 5 monsters on your deck to get 1 monster on your hand