
Cheating by Timeout

Hi there,

how can I contact a GM? I was to win a duel draw a card and lost the duel automatically. I'm 100% sure that there was enough time left. My internet connection was also up at this time.


Answer List

A Metaphys player basically did everything on my turn. I just sat there on MY standby phase while he kept doing everything & I suffered time limit loss. I hadn't much intension to win simply played for 5/5 PvP so I was barely taking enough time on my turn. This has been happening for sometime considering quiting Duel links. Quit FIFA back in 18 coz of companies not giving a @#*
Time loss
Still happening and you only get 3 reports a day konami don't care about it clearly. It's actually easy to hack the game and get away with it after every session close the game delete a certain file from said session and you never get caught. That's what I'm reading on a bunch of websites and forums. Basicly ladder as of 2020 is hack or lose most games
Game owners don't care and will make no effort to fix, reporting a max of 3 cheaters a day does nothing. My longest run of time out losses (4g, 4 bars of connection) is 9, but there were only one or two complete games between that and the last run of about 7 consecutive timeout losses, all of these without ever getting to round 3 of the duel...
lol whenever someone uses an unoriginal op meta deck i let them wait 200 secs before surrendering. boring b**tards need to come up with deck of their own
you cant really do anything when these chinese chingchong zipperheads cheat at you!
time limit loss is a cheat using gameguard apps i knew that because im using that cheat too to instantly become kog and increase my dp in kc cup to be in rank 100
it glitches not a cheater you people are mega dumb
i don't now , what i now is that i face it 2 in my winning turn enough time left and boom lose to a time loss or dc loss or just instant loss out off no were . i am sure it is a cheat and its never wen you are loosing .
100% cheat. Sometimes it's just a glitch. How can someone set a card then delayed for 2 minutes before something like this happened.

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Comments (updated every hour)

DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
Equip junk barrage to this card and it has a 90% chance of an otk.
Perfect counter against Gouki
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